ScrollType Enumeration


Describes the scroll type and how the to handle scrolling though a grid layout of frames when using the mouse wheel.


JavaScript Syntax
lt.Controls.Medical.ScrollType = { 
	None: 0, 
	Normal: 1, 
	Row: 2, 
	Column: 3, 
	Page: 4 
TypeScript Syntax
lt.Controls.Medical.ScrollType = { 
	None: 0, 
	Normal: 1, 
	Row: 2, 
	Column: 3, 
	Page: 4 


0 None


1 Normal

Normal, when you scroll the grid, it will scroll one item to the left or right depending the wheel scroll direction.

2 Row

By Row, when you scroll the grid an entire row will scroll up or down depending the wheel scroll direction.

3 Column

By Column, when you scroll the grid an entire column will scroll left or right depending the wheel scroll direction.

4 Page

By Page, when you scroll the grid the entire grid will scroll up or down depending the wheel scroll direction.


This is used for ScrollType.

To change the layout ,refer to GridLayout.


Target Platforms

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