Frame Class


For a list of all members of this type, see Frame members

Public Properties

Name Description
backgroundSize Gets or sets the size of the background image, which will be used until the tiles which represents the full resolution are downloaded.
bitPerpixel Gets or sets the BitPerPixel for the image.
bitStored Gets or sets the bit stored for the image.
columnSpacing Gets or sets the column spacing for the image.
container Gets the frame annotation container.
dataSize Gets or sets the width and height of the scaled down version of the image.
defaultWindowLevelCenter Gets the default window level center value.
defaultWindowLevelWidth Gets the default window level width value.
drawingCanvas Gets the drawing canvas.
enableDraw Gets whether to draw the image overlay text.
flipped Gets or sets whether the frame image is flipped.
frameOfReferenceID Gets or sets the frame of reference ID.
height Gets or sets the image height.
highBit Gets or sets the image high bit.
horizontalAlignment Gets or sets the value that determine how the image is going to be align horizontally.
imageData Gets or sets the array that represents the full 16-bit image data.
imageOrientation Gets or sets the image orientation patient of the image.
imagePosition Gets or sets the image position patient of the image.
imageProcessingList Gets or sets the image processing list that will be applied to this frame.
imageQuality Gets the Image quality string.
imageType Gets or sets the image type.
imageURL Gets or sets the full image URL.
information Gets or sets the DICOM image information needed by the window level.
instanceNumber Gets or sets the instance number.
inverted Gets or sets whether the frame image is inverted.
isDataReady Gets whether the image data is ready.
isFullImageReceived Determines whether the full image has been downloaded successfully.
isPNGDataReady Indicates whether the PNG image that contains 16-bit medical image data has been downloaded successfully.
isWaveForm Gets or sets whether the frame image is in a wave form.
JSON Gets or sets the JSON file that contains all the dataset info for the image loaded in the frame.
laterality Gets or sets the frame laterality value.
lossyCompression Gets whether the image is lossy compressed.
lowBit Gets or sets the image low bit.
maxValue Gets or sets the image max value
minValue Gets or sets the image min value
mrtiInfo Gets or sets the MRTIInfo associated with this frame.
offsetX Gets or sets the image offset in X-axis.
offsetY Gets or sets the image offset in Y-axis.
parentCell Gets the frame parent Cell.
patientProjection Gets or sets the patient projection array.
photometricInterpretation Gets or sets the photometric interpretation.
pngDataSrc The address of the lossless compressed data.
preview16BitPNG The 16-bit preview data URL.
previewImage Gets or sets the preview image element.
previewURI Gets or sets the image preview URL.
projectionOrientation Gets or sets a value that determines whether the patient's image orientation is face-to-face or face-to-back by updating the overlay orientation letters accordingly.
requestInterval Gets or sets the time to wait before requesting the image URL.
rescaleintercept Gets or sets the rescale intercept of the image.
rescaleSlope Gets or sets the rescale slope of the image.
retakeIndex Gets or sets the retake index of the frame.
retakes Gets the list of retakes of the frame.
reversed Gets or sets whether the frame image is reversed.
rotateAngle Gets or sets the rotation angle of the frame image.
rowSpacing Gets or sets the row spacing for the image.
scale Gets or sets the image scale value.
scaleMode Gets the current frame scale mode
shutter Gets the shutter object.
subCell Gets the frame sub-Cell.
targetOrientation Gets or sets the target orientation value which represents the user's intended value for the image orientation.
useDPI Gets or sets whether the frame image is reversed.
userData Gets or sets the user data.
verticalAlignment Gets or sets the value that determine how the image is going to be align vertically.
viewPosition Gets or sets the view position of the image.
voiLUTSequence Gets or sets the VOI LUT Sequence.
width Gets or sets the image width.
windowCenter Gets the current window level center value.
windowWidth Gets the current window level width value.
wlData Gets the window level data for the image frame.
wlRenderer Gets the window level renderer
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Leadtools.Controls.Medical Assembly
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