verifyService Method (DocumentFactory)


Makes a parameter-less call to the Documents Service to verify a proper connection.


JavaScript Syntax
verifyService = function()
TypeScript Syntax
static verifyService(): JQueryPromise<ServiceStatus>;

Return Value

A Promise object that may resolve successfully to an object of type ServiceStatus.


It is useful to call VerifyService at the startup of an application to verify that the web application has a connection to the running service.

The result ServiceStatus contains the following members:

Member Description
Message "Ready" if the service was reached successfully.
Time The current date and time if the service was reached successfully.
IsLicenseChecked true if a LEADTOOLS license was checked by the service successfully, otherwise false and a LEADTOOLS license could not be checked, usually, if an exception occurs while setting the license.
IsLicenseExpired true if the LEADTOOLS license in the services has been expired; otherwise, false if the license is ready to be used.
KernelType A string that contains the type of LEADTOOLS kernel currently used by the service, this could be "Release" or "Evaluation".
IsCacheAccessible true if the cache on the service is accessible; otherwise, false.

The members of ServiceStatus allows the developer to quickly debug issues that may occur in the service. If the value of ServiceStatus.Message is "ready", then a connection between the client JavaScript code and the server was established successfully. Otherwise, check the value of the error in ServiceError as usual.

The other members can be used to detect the type of the LEADTOOLS license set in the service code. If the IsLicenseExpired is true then other calls to the service will fail and the developer is responsible for obtaining a new license from LEADTOOLS.

If an error is returned from the method, check that IIS has an application set up for Leadtools.Documents.Service. See Document Viewer Application for more information.


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