ServiceError Class


For a list of all members of this type, see ServiceError members

Public Properties

Name Description
code A code designating the error problem.
detail A more detailed statement about the error, suitable for developer error logging.
errorThrown The original errorThrown string provided in ParseError from the fail Promise callback.
exceptionType The exception type, as a string, from the server's exception.
isAbortError indicates if the ServiceError error object is representing an abort from UploadFile.
isBrowserError Indicates if the ServiceError error objects represents a failure due to the browser.
isCancelError Indicates if the ServiceError object is representing a request that has been aborted.
isParseError indicates if the ServiceError error object is representing a failure in parsing the response from the service.
jqXHR The original jQuery jqXHR object provided in ParseError.
link An HTTP link to LEADTOOLS support for exceptions that occur on the server.
message A user-safe string that encompasses the Documents Service Exception object.
methodName The name of the service call that caused the Documents Library error.
statusText The original statusText string provided in ParseError from the fail Promise callback.
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