Leadtools.Documents.Writers Classes


Overview and description of Leadtools Documents Writers classes.

Class Description
AltoXmlDocumentOptions Provides extra options to use when saving a document using the ALTO (Analyzed Layout and Text Object) format.
DocDocumentOptions Provides extra options to use when saving a document using the Microsoft Word 2003 document format (DOC) format.
DocumentOptions Abstract base class that provides functionality common to all the format option classes in the LEADTOOLS Document Writers.
DocxDocumentOptions Provides extra options to use when saving a document using the Microsoft Word format (DOCX).
EmfDocumentOptions Provides extra options to use when saving a document using the Windows Enhanced Meta File (EMF) format.
HtmlDocumentOptions Provides extra options to use when saving a document using the HyperText Markup Language (HTML) format.
LtdDocumentOptions Provides extra options to use when saving a document using the LEADTOOLS Temporary Document (LTD) format.
MobDocumentOptions Provides extra options to use when saving a document using the Mobipocket e-book format (MOB) format.
PdfDocumentOptions Provides extra options to use when saving a document using the Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF).
PubDocumentOptions Provides extra options to use when saving a document using the eBooks Format (ePUB).
RtfDocumentOptions Provides extra options to use when saving a document using the Rich Text Format (RTF).
SvgDocumentOptions Provides extra options to use when saving a document using the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format.
TextDocumentOptions Provides extra options to use when saving a document to a text file using the LEADTOOLS Document Writers.
XlsDocumentOptions Provides extra options to use when saving a document using the Microsoft Excel 2003 format (XLS).
XpsDocumentOptions Provides extra options to use when saving a document using the Microsoft Open XML Paper Specification format (XPS).
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Leadtools.Documents Assembly
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