AltoXmlDocumentOptions Class


For a list of all members of this type, see AltoXmlDocumentOptions members

Public Properties

Name Description
applicationDescription Application description setting for the ALTO document.
fileName File name for the ALTO document.
firstPhysicalPageNumber First physical page number setting for the ALTO document.
formatted Indicates whether to produce a formatted XML document.
indentation The indentation string to use when producing a formatted XML document.
measurementUnit The measurement unit for the ALTO document.
processingAgency Processing agency for the ALTO document.
processingDateTime Processing date/time for the ALTO document.
processingStepDescription Processing step description for the ALTO document.
processingStepSettings Processing step settings for the ALTO document.
softwareCreator Software creator setting for the ALTO document.
softwareName Software name setting for the ALTO document.
softwareVersion Software version setting for the ALTO document.
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