Used as a value for the RasterException.Code property.
Value | Member | Description |
-1781 | TagValueTooBig | LONG/SLONG tag value exceeded the 32-bit range (can occur in CompactTIFF when you convert a BigTIFF file to regular TIFF) |
-1780 | FileInfoUpdated | (Internal error code) The FILEINFO structure has been updated. The file can be reloaded |
-1779 | FormatMismatch | File format mismatch (eg: trying to save a TIFF page into a BigTIFF file) |
-1778 | FileSizeTooBig | The file size is too big for selected format (eg: trying to create a TIFF file > 4GB) |
-1777 | X9fCodecMissing | The X9f codec is needed to use this function |
-1776 | XmpCodecMissing | The Xmp codec is needed to use this function |
-1774 | OcrMultipleAsianLanguagesNotAllowed | Enabling multiple Asian languages not allowed |
-1773 | PstCodecMissing | The Pst codec is needed to use this function |
-1772 | OcrSpellcheckerNotFound | Error loading spell checker or one of its dependences |
-1771 | OcrError | OCR generic error |
-1770 | OcrInitialization | OCR engine initialization error, or there is no appropriate license |
-1769 | OcrInvalidZoneType | Invalid OCR zone type |
-1768 | OcrInvalidSettingValue | Invalid OCR setting value |
-1767 | OcrInvalidSettingType | Invalid OCR setting type |
-1766 | OcrInvalidSettingName | Invalid OCR setting name |
-1765 | OcrComponentMissing | OCR component missing |
-1764 | OcrLanguageNotSupported | OCR language not supported |
-1763 | OcrEngineNotStarted | OCR engine not started |
-1762 | OcrOmrNotEnabled | OCR OMR not enabled |
-1761 | OcrPdfNotEnabled | OCR PDF not enabled |
-1760 | OcrNotEnabled | OCR not enabled |
-1759 | ServerLicenseNotActivated | Server runtime license has not been activated or machine has changed |
-1758 | ConnectionToLicenseServerFailed | Connection to license server failed |
-1757 | AppNotRegisteredForServerLicense | Specified application for server license was not registered |
-1756 | UserNotRegisteredForServerLicense | Specified user for server license was not registered |
-1755 | InvalidServerLicense | Invalid runtime server license |
-1754 | InvalidLicense | Invalid runtime license |
-1753 | IncorrectWidthAdjusted | The width seems to be incorrect and has been automatically adjusted |
-1752 | NoServerLicense | Requires a server license |
-1751 | BasicNotEnabled | LEADTOOLS Basic license is required to use this functionality |
-1750 | AppStoreNotEnabled | LEADTOOLS App Store license is required to use this functionality |
-1628 | LeadPrinterNetworkNotEnabled | LEADTOOLS Printer Driver Network is required to use this functionality |
-1599 | PdfBadInterpageLinks | PDF Warning - PDF has "internal links" which refer to other pages that do not exist |
-1598 | IngCodecMissing | The ING codec is needed to use this function |
-1597 | PubCodecMissing | The PUB codec is needed to use this function |
-1596 | MobCodecMissing | The MOB codec is needed to use this function |
-1595 | HtmCodecMissing | The HTM codec is needed to use this function |
-1591 | KernelExpired | The LEADTOOLS Kernel has expired |
-1589 | DcfCodecMissing | DCF codec is needed to use this method |
-1588 | JlsCodecMissing | JLS codec is needed to use this method |
-1587 | JxrCodecMissing | JXR codec is needed to use this method |
-1586 | VffCodecMissing | VFF codec is needed to use this method |
-1585 | ItgCodecMissing | ITG codec is needed to use this method |
-1584 | XwdCodecMissing | XWD codec is needed to use this method |
-1583 | XpsCodecMissing | XPS codec is needed to use this method |
-1582 | WpgCodecMissing | WPG codec is needed to use this method |
-1581 | WmzCodecMissing | WMZ codec is needed to use this method |
-1580 | WfxCodecMissing | WFX codec is needed to use this method |
-1579 | VpgCodecMissing | VPG codec is needed to use this method |
-1578 | VecCodecMissing | VEC codec is needed to use this method |
-1577 | TgaCodecMissing | TGA codec is needed to use this method |
-1576 | TdbCodecMissing | TDB codec is needed to use this method |
-1575 | SvgCodecMissing | SVG codec is needed to use this method |
-1574 | SnpCodecMissing | SNP codec is needed to use this method |
-1572 | ShpCodecMissing | SHP codec is needed to use this method |
-1571 | SgmCodecMissing | SGM codec is needed to use this method |
-1570 | SgiCodecMissing | SGI codec is needed to use this method |
-1569 | SffCodecMissing | SFF codec is needed to use this method |
-1568 | RasCodecMissing | RAS codec is needed to use this method |
-1567 | PspCodecMissing | PSP codec is needed to use this method |
-1566 | PsdCodecMissing | PSD codec is needed to use this method |
-1565 | PcxCodecMissing | PCX codec is needed to use this method |
-1564 | PcdCodecMissing | PCD codec is needed to use this method |
-1563 | NtfCodecMissing | NTF codec is needed to use this method |
-1562 | MspCodecMissing | MSP codec is needed to use this method |
-1561 | MngCodecMissing | MNG codec is needed to use this method |
-1560 | MifCodecMissing | MIF codec is needed to use this method |
-1559 | LmbCodecMissing | LMB codec is needed to use this method |
-1558 | CinCodecMissing | CIN codec is needed to use this method |
-1557 | JpmCodecMissing | JPM codec is needed to use this method |
-1556 | Jp2CodecMissing | JP2 codec is needed to use this method |
-1555 | IffCodecMissing | IFF codec is needed to use this method |
-1554 | HdpCodecMissing | HDP codec is needed to use this method |
-1553 | GifCodecMissing | GIF codec is needed to use this method |
-1552 | FlcCodecMissing | FLC codec is needed to use this method |
-1551 | FitCodecMissing | FIT codec is needed to use this method |
-1550 | EpsCodecMissing | EPS codec is needed to use this method |
-1549 | DwgCodecMissing | DWG codec is needed to use this method |
-1548 | DwfCodecMissing | DWF codec is needed to use this method |
-1547 | DrwCodecMissing | DRW codec is needed to use this method |
-1545 | CrwCodecMissing | CRW codec is needed to use this method |
-1544 | ClpCodecMissing | CLP codec is needed to use this method |
-1543 | CgmCodecMissing | CGM codec is needed to use this method |
-1541 | BitmapFormatUnsupported | The bitmap format is not supported |
-1540 | PdfEngineMissing | Leadtools.PdfEngine.dll assembly is not found |
-1539 | MedicalViewerActionAlreadyAdded | The sepcified action is already added to the Image Viewer Cell |
-1538 | MedicalViewerActionNotAdded | The sepcified action is not added to the Image Viewer Cell |
-1537 | RtfCodecMissing | RTF codec is missing |
-1536 | LeadPrinterServerNotEnabled | LEADTOOLS Printer Driver Server is required to use this function |
-1535 | LeadPrinterNotEnabled | LEADTOOLS Printer Driver capability is required to use this function |
-1534 | PreProcessCantOpenChoiceFile | Preprocessing engine could not open choice file. Call LEAD |
-1533 | PreProcessReadingEdgesFile | Preprocessing engine error while reading edges from file. Call LEAD |
-1532 | PreProcessReadingTemplateFile | Preprocessing engine error reading template file. Call LEAD |
-1531 | PreProcessBadRejectMode | Preprocessing engine bad reject mode. Call LEAD |
-1530 | PreProcessBadOkMode | Preprocessing engine bad OK mode. Call LEAD |
-1529 | PreProcessInvalidUnicodeCharset | Preprocessing engine invalid Unicode character set. Call LEAD |
-1528 | PreProcessIllegalAmbiguitySpecification | Preprocessing engine illegal ambiguity specification. Call LEAD |
-1527 | PreProcessHeapFull | Preprocessing engine heap size exceeded. Call LEAD |
-1526 | PreProcessIllegalNumFeatures | Preprocessing engine illegal number of features in set. Call LEAD |
-1525 | PreProcessIllegalFeatureParam | Preprocessing engine illegal feature parameter spec. Call LEAD |
-1524 | PreProcessIllegalShortName | Preprocessing engine illegal short name for a feature. Call LEAD |
-1523 | PreProcessIllegalNumSets | Preprocessing engine illegal number of feature sets. Call LEAD |
-1522 | PreProcessIllegalFloat | Preprocessing engine illegal float specification. Call LEAD |
-1521 | PreProcessIllegalStyleSpec | Preprocessing engine illegal prototype style specification. Call LEAD |
-1520 | PreProcessIllegalSignificanceSpec | Preprocessing engine illegal significance specification. Call LEAD |
-1519 | PreProcessIllegalDistribution | Preprocessing engine illegal prototype distribution. Call LEAD |
-1518 | PreProcessIllegalVarianceSpec | Preprocessing engine illegal prototype variance. Call LEAD |
-1517 | PreProcessIllegalMeadnSpec | Preprocessing engine illegal prototype mean. Call LEAD |
-1516 | PreProcessIllegalSampleCount | Preprocessing engine illegal sample count. Call LEAD |
-1515 | PreProcessIllegalMinMaxSpec | Preprocessing engine illegal min or max specification. Call LEAD |
-1514 | PreProcessIllegalEssentialSpec | Preprocessing engine illegal essential/non-essential specification. Call LEAD |
-1513 | PreProcessIllegalCircularSpec | Preprocessing engine illegal circular/linear specification. Call LEAD |
-1512 | PreProcessIllegalSampleSize | Preprocessing engine illegal sample size. Call LEAD |
-1511 | PreProcessCodesIllegalsum | Preprocessing engine illegal sum of chain codes. Call LEAD |
-1510 | PreProcessUnmatchedBlockRightRemaining | Preprocessing engine unmatched block right remaining. Call LEAD |
-1509 | PreProcessUnmatchedBlockLeft | Preprocessing engine unmatched block left. Call LEAD |
-1508 | PreProcessUnmatchedBlockRight | Preprocessing engine unmatched block right. Call LEAD |
-1507 | PreProcessCantFindPointBand | Preprocessing engine cannot find point band. Call LEAD |
-1506 | PreProcessWrongWord | Preprocessing engine word does not have blobs of that type. Call LEAD |
-1505 | PreProcessCantScaleEdgeSteps | Preprocessing engine attempted to scale an edge steps format word. Call LEAD |
-1504 | PreProcessInit | Preprocessing engine initialization error or no appropriate license. Call LEAD |
-1503 | PreProcessBadState | Preprocessing engine is in bad state. Call LEAD |
-1501 | J2kBoxNotAvailable | The required J2K box is not available |
-1497 | RawCodecMissing | RAW codec is missing |
-1496 | BmpCodecMissing | BMP codec is missing |
-1495 | DocumentWritersPdfNotEnabled | Document Writer PDF support is locked |
-1494 | MediaWriterNotEnabled | Media writer capability is required to use this method |
-1493 | DocumentWritersNotEnabled | Document Writers capability is required to use this method |
-1492 | ChannelMissing | The PSD Channel is missing |
-1491 | InvalidDib | The DIB is invalid |
-1490 | FileCreate | Error creating file |
-1486 | InvalidLutLength | The LUT length is invalid. LUT Length should be 1 << (HighBit - LowBit + 1) |
-1480 | ImageProcessingDllMissing | Image Processing DLL is missing |
-1479 | AnnotationDllMissing | Annotation DLL is missing |
-1478 | FormsLocked | Forms support is locked |
-1477 | JpipLocked | JPEP support is locked |
-1364 | Gray32Unsupported | 32-bit Grayscale images not supported |
-1363 | NitfLocked | NITF support is locked |
-1362 | Jbig2Locked | JBIG2 file format is locked |
-1361 | AbcLocked | ABC file format is locked |
-1360 | SignedDataNotSupported | Signed image data not supported |
-1353 | InvalidCodecName | Invalid codec name |
-1154 | ICCImageNotSupported | Color Conversion - Invalid ICC profile |
-1153 | InvalidICCProfile | Color Conversion - Invalid ICC profile |
-1152 | ICCUnknownTagAndType | Color Conversion - Unknown ICC profile Tag and Type |
-1151 | ICCUnknownType | Color Conversion - Unknown ICC profile Type |
-1150 | ICCUnknownTag | Color Conversion - Unknown ICC profile Tag |
-930 | ProNotEnabled | LEADTOOLS Pro Features are not enabled |
-918 | InvalidColorspace | Color Conversion Error - Invalid colorspace |
-917 | CompactAborted | The compact method was finished without copying all the pages |
-912 | InvalidPassword | Invalid password |
-911 | NoMessage | There is no message |
-910 | ImageSize | Image size not sufficient |
-900 | ClrCodecMissing | Leadtools.ColorConversion.dll assembly is not loaded |
-825 | PngCodecMissing | PNG codec is needed to use this method |
-824 | Jb2CodecMissing | codec is needed to use this method |
-823 | AbiCodecMissing | codec is needed to use this method |
-822 | AbcCodecMissing | ABC codec is needed to use this method |
-821 | DcsCodecMissing | DCS codec is needed to use this method |
-820 | KdcCodecMissing | KDC codec is needed to use this method |
-819 | DcrCodecMissing | DCR codec is needed to use this method |
-818 | SegmentationDllMissing | Segmentation DLL is missing |
-817 | CorruptProfile | Color Conversion - The ICC profile was invalid |
-816 | OverlayIndex | Something is wrong with the overlay index |
-815 | NoOverlay | The overlay does not exist |
-814 | NullPointer | A NULL pointer was passed |
-813 | DecodingProfile | Color Conversion - An error has occurred while decoding the profile |
-812 | NoProfile | Color Conversion - The ICC profile was not found |
-811 | MarkerIndex | The marker index is invalid (too big) |
-810 | ExtensionsMissing | This file does not contain Exif extensions |
-809 | MarkerMissing | The required JPEG marker is missing |
-808 | MarkerSizeTooBig | The size of the JPEG marker cannot exceed 64K |
-807 | ColorConversionDllMissing | Color conversion DLL is missing |
-806 | BadResyncMarker | Bad JPEG Resync marker |
-805 | FileReadOnly | File is read-only. Cannot open file with write access |
-803 | DicomNotEnabled | DICOM support is required to use this method |
-802 | AudioMissing | The audio data is not present |
-801 | BadMarker | Bad JPEG marker |
-800 | LayerMissing | The PSD Layer is missing |
-797 | TruncateWidthAndHeight | Color Conversion - Truncate width and height |
-796 | TruncateWidth | Color Conversion - Truncate width |
-795 | TruncateHeight | Color Conversion - Truncate height |
-794 | UnsupportedConversion | Color Conversion - Unsupported conversion |
-793 | PlanarAlignmentNotSupported | Color Conversion - Planar alignment not supported |
-792 | NoNonplanarVerticalSubsamplingSupported | No non planar vertical sub sampling supported |
-791 | UVNotMultiples | Color Conversion - U and V not multiples |
-789 | InvalidStructSize | The structure size is invalid |
-788 | InvalidColorProfile | Color Conversion - Invalid color profile |
-787 | OpeningProfile | Color Conversion - Error opening profile |
-786 | UnsupportedMethod | Color Conversion - Method not supported |
-785 | InvalidFormat | Color Conversion - Invalid format |
-783 | SvgFileNotFlat | This functionality requires a flat SVG document |
-782 | SvgAttributeNotFound | SVG Attribute not found in the XML data |
-781 | SvgInvalidStringComma | Invalid SVG string comma |
-780 | SvgInvalidCoordinatesNumber | Invalid SVG coordinates number in the XML data |
-779 | SvgDuplicatedID | Duplicated SVG element ID in the XML data |
-778 | SvgMissingRequiredAttribute | Missing required SVG attribute in the XML data |
-777 | SvgBadCssProperty | Bad SVG CSS property in the XML data |
-776 | SvgInvalidAttributeValue | Invalid SVG attribute value in the XML data |
-775 | SvgInvalidAttribute | Invalid SVG attribute in the XML data |
-774 | SvgDuplicatedAttribute | Duplicated SVG attribute in the XML data |
-773 | SvgInvalidElement | Invalid SVG element in the XML data |
-771 | SvgRootNotFound | Root element of XML data is not found or not SVG |
-770 | SvgFileSizeRead | SVG file size read error |
-729 | PdfBadInitializationFiles | PDF Error - Either the files required for initializing the PDF engine were not found or they were found but incorrect |
-728 | PdfBadContent | PDF Error - File is corrupted |
-727 | PdfCannotEditFile | PDF Error - Cannot insert, delete, append or replace pages |
-726 | PdfFontsDirectoryNotFound | PDF Error - Could not find Fonts directory |
-725 | PdfInvDocStructuringComments | PDF Error - Invalid Document Structuring comments (Ps and EPS) |
-724 | PdfJpegNotEnabled | PDF Error - JPEG support is required for this operation |
-723 | PdfFaxNotEnabled | PDF Error - FAX support is required for this operation |
-722 | PdfInvalidPassword | PDF Error - Invalid password specified |
-721 | PdfFileEncrypted | PDF Error - The file is encrypted and password is not supplied |
-542 | J2kLocked | J2K support is locked |
-541 | J2kCodecMissing | J2K codec is needed to use this method |
-540 | J2kUnsupported | J2K file has image with more than 30 bits per component |
-539 | J2kMarkerValue | Decoder could not translate J2K marker - file is corrupt or invalid |
-538 | J2kDecompositionLevel | Specified Wavelet decomposition level was too high |
-537 | J2kLowTargetSize | Compression ratio, target file size, or tile size was too small for encoder |
-536 | J2kInformationSet | Invalid save options were specified or file includes invalid encoded values |
-535 | J2kNoSot | File contains complete header but no compressed image data |
-534 | J2kNoSoc | File header does not contain SOC marker |
-533 | J2kFailure | Invalid save options were specified to the encoder |
-532 | Jp2Unsupported | JP2 file has a feature that is unsupported |
-531 | Jp2Signature | The header does not match the JP2 signature - not a JP2 file |
-530 | Jp2Failure | Error in JP2 Box values |
-408 | PdfNotEnabled | PDF capability is required to use this method |
-404 | TagMissing | Tag not found |
-359 | TifCodecMissing | TIF codec is needed to use this method |
-358 | PdfCodecMissing | PDF codec is needed to use this method |
-357 | FaxCodecMissing | FAX codec is needed to use this method |
-356 | CmpCodecMissing | CMP codec is needed to use this method |
-355 | CmwCodecMissing | CMW codec is needed to use this method |
-354 | CmwLocked | The CMW support is locked |
-353 | VectorKernelMissing | Vector kernel DLL is needed to use this method |
-351 | NothingToDo | There is nothing to do. No items was found |
-349 | WmfCodecMissing | WMF codec is needed to use this method |
-319 | JbigCodecMissing | The JBIG codec is needed to use this method |
-318 | MedicalNetNotEnabled | Medical Network Express capability is required to use this method |
-315 | JbigNotEnabled | JBIG capability is required to use this method |
-314 | MedicalNotEnabled | Medical Express capability is required to use this method |
-311 | DeleteLastPage | You cannot delete a page from a file containing only one page |
-310 | PageNotFound | Page not found |
-309 | DxfCodecMissing | The DXF codec is needed to use this method |
-295 | DiskIsFull | not enough disk space |
-290 | BufferTooSmall | The buffer size is too small |
-261 | InvalidHandle | Invalid handle |
-149 | Exception | An unspecified exception occurred - could be memory access violations |
-146 | LzwLocked | The LZW capabilities are locked |
-145 | NoChange | The image has not changed |
-144 | ImageEmpty | Image is empty |
-143 | DocumentNotEnabled | Document capability is required to use this method |
-142 | BadStamp | Stamp is present but data is corrupted |
-141 | InvalidStampSize | Stamp size is too big or invalid bits/pixel, etc |
-140 | BadTag | Bad TIFF tag |
-100 | UserAbort | User has aborted operation |
-92 | NotEnoughImages | Not enough images |
-78 | VersionNumber | bad version number |
-77 | BadDecodeState | premature end-of-line code |
-74 | Internal | Internal error |
-65 | NoStamp | Stamp not found |
-62 | CompressedDataFailure | Internal error - call LEAD |
-60 | BadPointer | Internal error - call LEAD |
-59 | CUFailure | Internal error - call LEAD |
-58 | CUNoSupport | Internal error - call LEAD |
-57 | InvalidAbortion | Internal error - call LEAD |
-56 | InvalidSubImage | Internal error - call LEAD |
-55 | TooManyACCodeTables | Internal error - call LEAD |
-54 | TooManyDCCodeTables | Internal error - call LEAD |
-53 | MissingFunctionPointer | Internal error - call LEAD |
-52 | InsufficientData | Internal error - call LEAD |
-51 | InvalidACCodeTable | Internal error - call LEAD |
-50 | InvalidDCCodeTable | Internal error - call LEAD |
-49 | InvalidQVisTable | Internal error - call LEAD |
-48 | InvalidSubsampling | Internal error - call LEAD |
-47 | SegmentOverflow | Internal error - call LEAD |
-46 | InvalidPixBufferDimensions | Internal error - call LEAD |
-45 | InvalidTileDimension | Internal error - call LEAD |
-44 | InvalidImageDimensions | Internal error - call LEAD |
-41 | InvalidPixelSampling | Internal error - call LEAD |
-40 | InvalidPixelType | Internal error - call LEAD |
-39 | InvalidComponentNumber | Internal error - call LEAD |
-38 | InvalidCompressedType | Internal error - call LEAD |
-37 | InvalidData | Internal error - call LEAD |
-36 | InvalidQValue | Internal error - call LEAD |
-35 | MissingTileData | Internal error - call LEAD |
-34 | InvalidBuffer | Internal error - call LEAD |
-32 | InvalidTableType | Internal error - call LEAD |
-31 | CUBusy | Internal error - call LEAD |
-30 | NotInitialized | Internal error - call LEAD |
-29 | NormalAbort | Escape key pressed - or user aborted operation |
-28 | WindowSize | Invalid window size |
-27 | BitsPerPixel | Invalid bits/pixel |
-23 | OutputType | Invalid compression format |
-21 | QFactor | Invalid QFactor specified |
-16 | FeatureNotSupported | Feature not supported |
-15 | UnknownCompression | Unknown compression format |
-14 | FileOpen | Not able to open file |
-13 | InvalidParameter | Invalid parameter passed |
-12 | ImageType | Image format recognized, but sub-type not supported |
-11 | InvalidRange | Invalid width/height |
-10 | FileNotFound | File not found |
-9 | FileFormat | Invalid file format |
-8 | InvalidFileName | Invalid filename specified |
-7 | FileRead | Error reading file |
-6 | FileGone | File not present - abort |
-5 | FileWrite | Error writing file |
-4 | FileSeek | Error seeking to position |
-3 | MemoryTooLow | Not enough memory available |
-2 | NoImage | Invalid bitmap handle |
-1 | NoMemory | Not enough memory available |
0 | Failure | Not successful |
1 | Success | Successful. No errors. |
2 | SuccessAbort | Method successful. You can quit now |
3 | SuccessDelete | Successful. Delete file before quitting |
4 | SuccessRetry | Successful. Retry doing the failed operation |
8 | SuccessPartialFailure | Method called recursively. A least one call was successful, but some failed |
![]() |
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Help Version 19.0.2017.6.19