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StudiesChronologicalSequenceBuilder Class


For a list of all members of this type, see StudiesChronologicalSequenceBuilder members

Public Methods

Name Description
BuildChronologicalSequence Creates all the controls that is needed to build a timeline view.

Protected Methods

Name Description
BuildCaptionControl Creates the System.Windows.Forms.Control that contains the caption text and used to listen to mouse events for dragging and docking.
BuildContainerPanelControl Creates the Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.UI.AutoHidePanel which is used to host the timeline information.
BuildImageListViewControl Creates the Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.UI.ImageListView which is used to load the timeline information and images into.
BuildUIControls Builds all the UI control required for creating a timeline view and add the _container_ into the HostControl
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