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ModalitySettingsDialog Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by ModalitySettingsDialog.

Public Constructors

Name Description
ModalitySettingsDialog Initializes a new instance of the ModalitySettingsDialog class.

Public Methods

Name Description
AskUserToUpdatePreset Call this to display a dialog which allow the user to update the given preset.
FillModalityWindowLevelList Populates a DataGridView with the window level information.
Initialize Initializes this object with the Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.WorkstationContainer for the current WorkstationViewer.
LoadModalities Loads the modality types.
RefreshWindowLevelList Refreshes the list of window levels.
SetApplyAutoWindowLevelState Set whether the Apply Auto Window Level feature is selected.
SetAutoWindowLevelShortcuts Sets Auto Window/Level shortcut keys.
SetDefaultPreset Sets the default Window Level Preset.
SetSelectedModality Sets the selected Modality type.
VeriftyUserDeleteCurrentPreset Verifies the deletion of the current preset.

Protected Methods

Name Description
Dispose(Boolean) Releases all resources used by the ModalitySettingsDialog object.
OnAddModalityWindowLevelClicked Raises the AddModalityWindowLevelClicked event.
OnAutoWindowLevelShortcutChanged Raises the AutoWindowLevelShortcutChanged event.
OnAutoWindowLevelStateChanged Raises the AutoWindowLevelStateChanged event.
OnCloseViewAndDiscardChanges Raises the CloseViewAndDiscardChanges event.
OnCloseViewAndSaveChanges Raises the CloseViewAndSaveChanges event.
OnDefaultModalityPresetChanged Raises the DefaultModalityPresetChanged event.
OnDeleteModalityWindowLevelClicked Raises the DeleteModalityWindowLevelClicked event.
OnLoaded Raises the Loaded event.
OnSelectedModalityChanged Raises the SelectedModalityChanged event.
OnSelectedModalityWindowLevelChanged Raises the SelectedModalityWindowLevelChanged event.
OnUpdateModalityWindowLevelClicked Raises the UpdateModalityWindowLevelClicked event.

Public Properties

Name Description
CanAdd Sets a value that indicates whether a modality preset can be added.
CanDelete Sets a value that indicates whether a modality preset can be deleted.
CanUpdate Sets a value that indicates whether a modality preset can be updated.
IsInitialized Gets a value that checks whether this object has been initialized.
SelectedAutoWindowLevelShortcut Gets or sets the selected AutoWindow Level shortcut key.
ViewerContainer Gets the Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.WorkstationContainer for the current WorkstationViewer.

Public Events

Name Description
AddModalityWindowLevelClicked Occurs when the AddPresetButton button is clicked.
AutoWindowLevelShortcutChanged Occurs when the AutoWindowLevel shortcut key is changed.
AutoWindowLevelStateChanged Occurs when the AutoWindowLevel state is changed.
CloseViewAndDiscardChanges Occurs when the user request to close the dialog and discard the changes.
CloseViewAndSaveChanges Occurs when the user request to close the dialog and save changes.
DefaultModalityPresetChanged Occurs when the default modality preset is changed.
DeleteModalityWindowLevelClicked Occurs when DeletePresetButton is clicked.
Loaded Occurs when the modality settings have been loaded.
SelectedModalityChanged Occurs when the selected Modality is changed.
SelectedModalityWindowLevelChanged Occurs when the selected Modality's window level is changed.
UpdateModalityWindowLevelClicked Occurs when the Update Modality Window Level is clicked.
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