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Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.UI Enumerations


Overview and description of Leadtools Medical Workstation UI enumerations.

Enumeration Description
AutoHidePanelState Provide values for the AutoHidePanel.State property.
ImageBoxMode Values used to determing the display of an ImageListBox
ImageListViewItemLayout Provides values for the ImageListView.ItemsLayout property.
Interploation Specifies the interpolation algorithm will be used to scale the image.
ListMode Values which determines the display of ImageListBox in ImageListView
MenuDisplayBehavior Provides values for the WorkstationMenuProperties.NonExecutableFeatureBehavior
Orientation Specifies Constants the define the orientation of items in the ImageListView
PlayFramesOrder Determine which frames get played.
PlayMode Specifies the play mode.
PlayOptions Flags that indicate the play options of the images.
PlayState Specifies constants that control the state of the animation is playback.
StickPinLocation Provide values for the AutoHidePanel.StickPinLocation property.
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