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WorkstationContainer Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by WorkstationContainer.

Public Methods

Name Description
RegisterArgumentsService Register a specific object to be returned by ArgumentsService with a new WorkstationContainer.
RegisterArgumentsService<_T> Register a specific type to be created for a ArgumentsService object with a new WorkstationContainer.
RegisterEventBroker Register a specific object to be returned by EventBroker with a new WorkstationContainer.
RegisterEventBroker<_T> Register a specific type to be created for a EventBroker object with a new WorkstationContainer.
RegisterFeaturesCommandFactory Register a specific object to be returned by FeaturesFactory with a new WorkstationContainer.
RegisterFeaturesCommandFactory<_T> Register a specific type to be created for a FeaturesFactory object with a new WorkstationContainer.
RegisterServicesCollection Register a specific object to be returned by Services with a new WorkstationContainer.
RegisterState Register a specific object to be returned by State with a new WorkstationContainer.
RegisterState<_T> Register a specific type to be created for a State object with a new WorkstationContainer.
RegisterStripItemFeatureExecuter Register a specific object to be returned by StripItemFeatureExecuter with a new WorkstationContainer.
RegisterStripItemFeatureExecuter<_T> Register a specific type to be created for a StripItemFeatureExecuter object with a new WorkstationContainer.

Public Properties

Name Description
ArgumentsService Gets the Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.Interfaces.IWorkstationArgumentsService object associated with the Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.UI.WorkstationViewer control.
ContainerLifetime Gets or sets a value indicating the life time of created WorkstationContainer objects.
EventBroker Gets the Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.Interfaces.IWorkstationEventBroker object associated with the Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.UI.WorkstationViewer control.
FeaturesFactory Gets the Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.Interfaces.IWorkstationFeaturesCommandFactory object associated with the Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.UI.WorkstationViewer control.
Services Gets the Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.DataTypes.ServiceCollection object associated with the Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.UI.WorkstationViewer control.
State Gets the WorkstationState object associated with the Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.UI.WorkstationViewer control.
StripItemFeatureExecuter Gets the Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.Interfaces.IWorkstationStripItemFeatureExecuter object associated with the Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.UI.WorkstationViewer control.
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Leadtools.Medical.Workstation Assembly
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