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DVDControl Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by DVDControl.

Public Methods

Name Description
AcceptParentalLevelChange Accepts or rejects a request from the DVD Navigator to play content at a higher parental management level.
ActivateAtPosition Selects the menu button at the specified position and activates it.
ActivateButton Activates the selected menu button.
ChangeDVDRegion Used in changing the DVD drive region.
GetAudioLanguage Gets the language ID of the specified audio stream within the current title.
GetButtonAtPosition Gets the number of the button located at the specified coordinates within the display window.
GetButtonHeight Gets the height of the specified button.
GetButtonLeft Gets the left coordinate of the specified button.
GetButtonTop Gets the top coordinate of the specified button.
GetButtonWidth Gets the width of the specified button.
GetDVDTextLanguageLCID Gets the language ID from the specified language block.
GetDVDTextNumberOfStrings Gets the number of strings for the specified language block.
GetDVDTextString Gets the text string for the specified language and string indexes in Unicode.
GetDVDTextStringType Gets the DVD text string type for the specified language and string indexes.
GetGPRM Gets the GPRM (general parameter registers) value at the specified index.
GetNumberOfChapters Gets the number of chapters in the specified title.
GetSPRM Gets the current contents of the system parameter register (SPRM) at the specified index.
GetSubpictureLanguage Gets the language of the specified Subpicture stream within the current title.
GetTitleParentalLevels Gets the parental levels defined for the specified title.
IsAudioStreamEnabled Gets the current title's specified audio stream's enabled state.
IsSubpictureStreamEnabled Gets the current title's specified Subpicture stream enabled state.
NotifyParentalLevelChange Specifies if the DVD Navigator notifies the application when the parental level changes.
Pause Pauses or resumes playback at the current location.
PlayAtTime Starts playback of the current title at the specified time.
PlayAtTimeInTitle Starts playback from the specified time in the specified title.
PlayBackwards Plays the current title in reverse from the current location and at the specified speed.
PlayChapter Plays the specified chapter in the current title.
PlayChapterInTitle Plays the specified chapter in the specified title.
PlayChaptersAutoStop Plays the number of chapters specified, starting at the specified chapter in the specified title.
PlayForwards Plays the DVD forward at the specified speed from the current location.
PlayNextChapter Starts playback from the beginning of the next chapter in the current title.
PlayPeriodInTitleAutoStop Starts playback from the specified start time and runs until the specified end time in the specified title.
PlayPrevChapter Starts playback from the beginning of the previous chapter in the current title.
PlayTitle Starts playback from the beginning of the specified title.
ReplayChapter Starts playback from the beginning of the current chapter.
Resume Leaves a menu and resumes playback.
ReturnFromSubmenu Returns the display from a submenu to its parent menu.
SelectAndActivateButton Selects and activates the specified menu button.
SelectAtPosition Selects and highlights the menu button under the specified position.
SelectButton Selects the specified menu button.
SelectDefaultAudioLanguage Sets the default audio language.
SelectDefaultSubpictureLanguage Sets the default language and default extension for the Subpicture text.
SelectParentalCountry Sets the ISO 3166 country and region settings for the DirectX DVD Navigator filter.
SelectParentalLevel Enables automatic parental management and sets the maximum allowed parental level for the DVD Navigator.
SelectRelativeButton Selects the specified relative button (upper, lower, right, or left).
SetGPRM Sets the value of the general parameter register at the specified index.
ShowMenu Displays the specified menu, if available.
StillOff Resumes playback, canceling still mode.
Stop Stops playback of a title or menu by moving the DVD Navigator into the DVD Stop domain.

Protected Methods

Name Description
Dispose Releases internal control object and related object references.

Public Properties

Name Description
AnglesAvailable Gets the number of available angles in the current angle block.
AudioStreamsAvailable Gets the number of available audio streams.
ButtonsAvailable Gets the number of available buttons.
CurrentAngle Gets or sets the number of the currently selected angle.
CurrentAudioStream Gets or sets the number of the currently selected audio stream in the current title.
CurrentButton Gets the currently selected button.
CurrentChapter Gets the current chapter number.
CurrentDiscSide Gets the current disk side.
CurrentDomain Gets the domain in which the DVD Navigator is currently located.
CurrentSubpictureStream Gets or sets the currently selected Subpicture stream number.
CurrentTime Gets the current playback time.
CurrentTitle Gets the current title.
CurrentUOPS Gets flags indicating the disabled navigation commands for the current disc location.
CurrentVolume Gets the current DVD volume number for the root directory.
DefaultAudioLanguage Gets the default language previously set using the SelectDefaultAudioLanguage method.
DefaultAudioLanguageExt Gets the default audio language extension previously set using the DVDControl.
DefaultMenuLanguage Gets or sets the default menu language.
DefaultSubpictureLanguage Gets the default Subpicture language set using the DVDControl.
DefaultSubpictureLanguageExt Gets the default Subpicture language extension previously set using the SelectDefaultSubpictureLanguage.
DVDDirectory Gets or sets the root directory path that used by the "DVD Navigator" filter.
DVDTextNumberOfLanguages Gets the number of text languages for the current DVD or disc side.
DVDUniqueID Gets a string representing the 64-bit identification number generated for the DVD in the current DVD volume.
PlayerParentalCountry Gets the ISO 3166 country and region code settings for the DVD Navigator.
PlayerParentalLevel Gets the current parental management level for the DVD navigator.
SubpictureOn Gets or sets the Subpicture display.
SubpictureStreamsAvailable Gets the number of available Subpicture streams in the current title.
TitlesAvailable Gets the number of available titles in the volume.
TitleTimecodeFlags Gets time code flags which indicate frame rate and other frame information for the current title.
TotalTitleTime Gets the total playback time for the current title.
VolumesAvailable Gets the number of volumes in the volume set.
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