Starts playback of the current title at the specified time.
public void PlayAtTime(
int Timecode
Public Sub PlayAtTime( _
ByVal Timecode As Integer _
void PlayAtTime(
int Timecode
The time at which to start playback.
The Timecode value is a DVD_HMSF_TIMECODE structure. This method does not support command synchronization. For more information on the options available when playing DVDs in LEADTOOLS Multimedia, refer to DVD Playback .
For more detailed information, refer to the Microsoft documentation for IDvdControl2.PlayAtTime.
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Multimedia;
using LeadtoolsMultimediaExamples.Fixtures;
public bool _result = false;
public PlayCtrlForm _form = new PlayCtrlForm();
public PlayCtrl _playctrl;
public void IsAudioStreamEnabledExample()
// reference the play control
_playctrl = _form.PlayCtrl;
string inFile = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.MediaDir, @"VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.IFO");
// set auto start off
_playctrl.AutoStart = false;
// use DVDSource
_playctrl.UseDVDSource = true;
// set the input file
_playctrl.SourceFile = inFile;
// check the DVD options
// play it
catch (Exception)
_result = false;
// we'll loop on the state and pump messages for this example.
// but you should not need to if running from a Windows Forms application.
while (_playctrl.State == PlayState.Running)
// check DVD properties and info
private void DvdInfoCheck()
string bstrVal;
int val;
int button = _playctrl.DvdController.CurrentButton;
val = _playctrl.DvdController.GetButtonWidth(button);
val = _playctrl.DvdController.GetButtonHeight(button);
val = _playctrl.DvdController.GetButtonLeft(button);
val = _playctrl.DvdController.GetButtonTop(button);
val = _playctrl.DvdController.DefaultMenuLanguage;
_playctrl.DvdController.DefaultMenuLanguage = 1033;
val = _playctrl.DvdController.GetNumberOfChapters(0);
val = _playctrl.DvdController.TotalTitleTime;
DVDTimecodeFlags tcFlags = _playctrl.DvdController.TitleTimecodeFlags;
val = _playctrl.DvdController.CurrentAngle;
if (_playctrl.DvdController.AnglesAvailable > 1)
_playctrl.DvdController.CurrentAngle = 2;
DVDValidUserOp userOp = _playctrl.DvdController.CurrentUOPS;
long audioLang = _playctrl.DvdController.GetAudioLanguage(0);
val = _playctrl.DvdController.CurrentAudioStream;
if (_playctrl.DvdController.AudioStreamsAvailable > 1)
_playctrl.DvdController.CurrentAudioStream = 2;
val = _playctrl.DvdController.CurrentTime;
val = _playctrl.DvdController.CurrentVolume;
val = _playctrl.DvdController.VolumesAvailable;
val = _playctrl.DvdController.TitlesAvailable;
bool enabled = _playctrl.DvdController.IsAudioStreamEnabled(0);
val = _playctrl.DvdController.DefaultAudioLanguage;
_playctrl.DvdController.SelectDefaultAudioLanguage(1033, DVDAudioLangExt.Captions);
string directory = _playctrl.DvdController.DVDDirectory;
val = _playctrl.DvdController.CurrentSubpictureStream;
val = _playctrl.DvdController.SubpictureStreamsAvailable;
if ((val > 1))
_playctrl.DvdController.CurrentSubpictureStream = 1;
val = _playctrl.DvdController.DefaultSubpictureLanguage;
_playctrl.DvdController.SelectDefaultSubpictureLanguage(1033, DVDSubpictureLangExt.Caption_Normal);
val = _playctrl.DvdController.CurrentTitle;
DVDSubpictureLangExt subPicLangExt = _playctrl.DvdController.DefaultSubpictureLanguageExt;
DVDAudioLangExt audioLangExt = _playctrl.DvdController.DefaultAudioLanguageExt;
long subpicLang = _playctrl.DvdController.GetSubpictureLanguage(0);
bool subPicStream = _playctrl.DvdController.IsSubpictureStreamEnabled(0);
val = _playctrl.DvdController.GetDVDTextLanguageLCID(0);
val = _playctrl.DvdController.DVDTextNumberOfLanguages;
val = _playctrl.DvdController.GetGPRM(0);
_playctrl.DvdController.SetGPRM(0, 1);
val = _playctrl.DvdController.GetDVDTextNumberOfStrings(0);
val = _playctrl.DvdController.ButtonsAvailable;
val = _playctrl.DvdController.PlayerParentalLevel;
val = _playctrl.DvdController.PlayerParentalCountry;
string ppCountry = string.Format("{0}{1}", (char)(val & 0xFF), (char)(val >> 8));
if (ppCountry != "US")
val = (int)'U';
val += ((int)'S' << 8);
_playctrl.DvdController.SelectParentalCountry(val, "user", "pwd");
val = _playctrl.DvdController.GetTitleParentalLevels(-1);
_playctrl.DvdController.SelectParentalLevel(9, "user", "pwd");
DVDDomain domain = _playctrl.DvdController.CurrentDomain;
DVDDiscSide diskSide = _playctrl.DvdController.CurrentDiscSide;
val = _playctrl.DvdController.CurrentChapter;
DVDTextStringType textStrType = _playctrl.DvdController.GetDVDTextStringType(0, 0);
if (!_playctrl.DvdController.SubpictureOn)
_playctrl.DvdController.SubpictureOn = true;
val = _playctrl.DvdController.GetSPRM(0);
bstrVal = _playctrl.DvdController.GetDVDTextString(0, 0);
bstrVal = _playctrl.DvdController.DVDUniqueID;
// menu event helpers for DVD navigation and control
private void mnAcceptParentalLevelChange_Click()
private void mnActivateAtPosition_Click()
_playctrl.DvdController.ActivateAtPosition(10, 10);
private void mnActivateButton_Click()
private void mnChangeDVDRegion_Click()
private void mnNotifyParentalLevelChange_Click()
private void mnPause_Click()
private void mnPlayAtInTitle_Click()
_playctrl.DvdController.PlayAtTimeInTitle(1, 10000000);
private void mnPlayAtTime_Click()
private void mnPlaybackword_Click()
private void mnPlayChapter_Click()
private void mnPlaychapterautostop_Click()
_playctrl.DvdController.PlayChaptersAutoStop(1, 2, 5);
private void mnPlaychapterintitle_Click()
_playctrl.DvdController.PlayChapterInTitle(1, 3);
private void mnPlayfowrward_Click()
private void mnPlayNextChapter_Click()
private void mnPlayperiod_Click()
_playctrl.DvdController.PlayPeriodInTitleAutoStop(1, 30, 120);
private void mnPlayPrevChapter_Click()
private void mnPlaytitle_Click()
private void mnReplayChapter_Click()
private void mnResume_Click()
private void mnReturnfromsubmenu_Click()
private void mnSelectAndActivateButton_Click()
private void mnSelectAtPosition_Click()
_playctrl.DvdController.SelectAtPosition(10, 10);
private void mnSelectButton_Click()
private void mnSelectRelativeButton_Click()
private void mnSetDVDDirectory_Click()
_playctrl.DvdController.DVDDirectory = @"e:\video_ts";
private void mnShowMenu_Click()
private void mnStillOff_Click()
private void mnStop_Click()
static class LEAD_VARS
public const string MediaDir = @"C:\Program Files (x86)\LEAD Technologies\LEADTOOLS 19\Media";
Imports Leadtools
Imports Leadtools.Multimedia
Imports LeadtoolsMultimediaExamples.Fixtures
Public _result As Boolean = False
Public _form As PlayCtrlForm = New PlayCtrlForm()
Public _playctrl As PlayCtrl
Public Sub IsAudioStreamEnabledExample()
' reference the play control
_playctrl = _form.PlayCtrl
Dim inFile As String = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.MediaDir, "VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.IFO")
' set auto start off
_playctrl.AutoStart = False
' use DVDSource
_playctrl.UseDVDSource = True
' set the input file
_playctrl.SourceFile = inFile
' check the DVD options
' play it
Catch e1 As Exception
_result = False
End Try
' we'll loop on the state and pump messages for this example.
' but you should not need to if running from a Windows Forms application.
Do While _playctrl.State = PlayState.Running
End Sub
' check DVD properties and info
Private Sub DvdInfoCheck()
Dim bstrVal As String
Dim val As Integer
Dim button As Integer = _playctrl.DvdController.CurrentButton
val = _playctrl.DvdController.GetButtonWidth(button)
val = _playctrl.DvdController.GetButtonHeight(button)
val = _playctrl.DvdController.GetButtonLeft(button)
val = _playctrl.DvdController.GetButtonTop(button)
val = _playctrl.DvdController.DefaultMenuLanguage
_playctrl.DvdController.DefaultMenuLanguage = 1033
val = _playctrl.DvdController.GetNumberOfChapters(0)
val = _playctrl.DvdController.TotalTitleTime
Dim tcFlags As DVDTimecodeFlags = _playctrl.DvdController.TitleTimecodeFlags
val = _playctrl.DvdController.CurrentAngle
If _playctrl.DvdController.AnglesAvailable > 1 Then
_playctrl.DvdController.CurrentAngle = 2
End If
Dim userOp As DVDValidUserOp = _playctrl.DvdController.CurrentUOPS
Dim audioLang As Long = _playctrl.DvdController.GetAudioLanguage(0)
val = _playctrl.DvdController.CurrentAudioStream
If _playctrl.DvdController.AudioStreamsAvailable > 1 Then
_playctrl.DvdController.CurrentAudioStream = 2
End If
val = _playctrl.DvdController.CurrentTime
val = _playctrl.DvdController.CurrentVolume
val = _playctrl.DvdController.VolumesAvailable
val = _playctrl.DvdController.TitlesAvailable
Dim enabled As Boolean = _playctrl.DvdController.IsAudioStreamEnabled(0)
val = _playctrl.DvdController.DefaultAudioLanguage
_playctrl.DvdController.SelectDefaultAudioLanguage(1033, DVDAudioLangExt.Captions)
Dim directory As String = _playctrl.DvdController.DVDDirectory
val = _playctrl.DvdController.CurrentSubpictureStream
val = _playctrl.DvdController.SubpictureStreamsAvailable
If (val > 1) Then
_playctrl.DvdController.CurrentSubpictureStream = 1
End If
val = _playctrl.DvdController.DefaultSubpictureLanguage
_playctrl.DvdController.SelectDefaultSubpictureLanguage(1033, DVDSubpictureLangExt.Caption_Normal)
val = _playctrl.DvdController.CurrentTitle
Dim subPicLangExt As DVDSubpictureLangExt = _playctrl.DvdController.DefaultSubpictureLanguageExt
Dim audioLangExt As DVDAudioLangExt = _playctrl.DvdController.DefaultAudioLanguageExt
Dim subpicLang As Long = _playctrl.DvdController.GetSubpictureLanguage(0)
Dim subPicStream As Boolean = _playctrl.DvdController.IsSubpictureStreamEnabled(0)
val = _playctrl.DvdController.GetDVDTextLanguageLCID(0)
val = _playctrl.DvdController.DVDTextNumberOfLanguages
val = _playctrl.DvdController.GetGPRM(0)
_playctrl.DvdController.SetGPRM(0, 1)
val = _playctrl.DvdController.GetDVDTextNumberOfStrings(0)
val = _playctrl.DvdController.ButtonsAvailable
val = _playctrl.DvdController.PlayerParentalLevel
val = _playctrl.DvdController.PlayerParentalCountry
Dim ppCountry As String = String.Format("{0}{1}", CChar(ChrW(val And &HFF)), CChar(ChrW(val >> 8)))
If ppCountry <> "US" Then
val = CInt(AscW("U"c))
val += (CInt(AscW("S"c)) << 8)
_playctrl.DvdController.SelectParentalCountry(val, "user", "pwd")
End If
val = _playctrl.DvdController.GetTitleParentalLevels(-1)
_playctrl.DvdController.SelectParentalLevel(9, "user", "pwd")
Dim domain As DVDDomain = _playctrl.DvdController.CurrentDomain
Dim diskSide As DVDDiscSide = _playctrl.DvdController.CurrentDiscSide
val = _playctrl.DvdController.CurrentChapter
Dim textStrType As DVDTextStringType = _playctrl.DvdController.GetDVDTextStringType(0, 0)
If (Not _playctrl.DvdController.SubpictureOn) Then
_playctrl.DvdController.SubpictureOn = True
End If
val = _playctrl.DvdController.GetSPRM(0)
bstrVal = _playctrl.DvdController.GetDVDTextString(0, 0)
bstrVal = _playctrl.DvdController.DVDUniqueID
End Sub
' menu event helpers for DVD navigation and control
Private Sub mnAcceptParentalLevelChange_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub mnActivateAtPosition_Click()
_playctrl.DvdController.ActivateAtPosition(10, 10)
End Sub
Private Sub mnActivateButton_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub mnChangeDVDRegion_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub mnNotifyParentalLevelChange_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub mnPause_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub mnPlayAtInTitle_Click()
_playctrl.DvdController.PlayAtTimeInTitle(1, 10000000)
End Sub
Private Sub mnPlayAtTime_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub mnPlaybackword_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub mnPlayChapter_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub mnPlaychapterautostop_Click()
_playctrl.DvdController.PlayChaptersAutoStop(1, 2, 5)
End Sub
Private Sub mnPlaychapterintitle_Click()
_playctrl.DvdController.PlayChapterInTitle(1, 3)
End Sub
Private Sub mnPlayfowrward_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub mnPlayNextChapter_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub mnPlayperiod_Click()
_playctrl.DvdController.PlayPeriodInTitleAutoStop(1, 30, 120)
End Sub
Private Sub mnPlayPrevChapter_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub mnPlaytitle_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub mnReplayChapter_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub mnResume_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub mnReturnfromsubmenu_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub mnSelectAndActivateButton_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub mnSelectAtPosition_Click()
_playctrl.DvdController.SelectAtPosition(10, 10)
End Sub
Private Sub mnSelectButton_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub mnSelectRelativeButton_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub mnSetDVDDirectory_Click()
_playctrl.DvdController.DVDDirectory = "e:\video_ts"
End Sub
Private Sub mnShowMenu_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub mnStillOff_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub mnStop_Click()
End Sub
Public NotInheritable Class LEAD_VARS
Public Const MediaDir As String = "C:\Program Files (x86)\LEAD Technologies\LEADTOOLS 19\Media"
End Class
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