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WMProfileManager Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by WMProfileManager.

Public Constructors

Name Description
WMProfileManager Initializes a new instance of the WMProfileManager class.

Public Methods

Name Description
CreateEmptyProfile Creates an empty profile object.
Dispose Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
GetCodecFormat Gets the format at the specified format index, which is supported by the codec at the specified codec index.
GetCodecFormatCount Gets the number of formats available for the specified codec and media type.
GetCodecFormatDesc Gets the description of the specified codec format.
GetCodecInfoCount Gets the number of available codecs for the specified media type.
GetCodecName Gets the name of the codec at the specified index.
LoadProfileByData Creates a profile object and fills it with the data from the passed string.
LoadProfileByID Loads a system profile identified by its GUID.
LoadSystemProfile Loads the system profile at the specified index.
SaveProfile Saves a profile to a string buffer, in the form of an XML-formatted string.
SaveProfileEx Saves a WMProfile to a string and returns that string to the user.

Public Properties

Name Description
SystemProfileCount Gets the number of available system profiles.
SystemProfileVersion Gets or sets the version number of each system profile enumerated by the profile manager.
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