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MediaInfo Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by MediaInfo.

Public Constructors

Name Description
MediaInfo The constructor for the MediaInfo object.

Public Methods

Name Description
Dispose Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
ResetSource Resets the media source to none.

Public Properties

Name Description
AudioAvgBytesPerSec Gets the average transfer rate, in bytes per second, for the audio format in the current audio stream of the source media file.
AudioBitsPerSample Gets the current bits per sample (8, 16, etc.) for the audio format in the current audio stream of the source media file.
AudioChannels Gets the number of audio channels for the current stream in the current source media file.
AudioFormatTag Gets the audio format type for the current stream in the current source media file.
AudioSamplesPerSec Gets the sample rate, in samples per second, for the audio channels of the current stream in the current source media file.
Author Gets the name of the author of the media in the current source media file.
Copyright Gets the copyright information for the current source media file.
CurrentProgram Gets or sets the number of the current program for the media file.
CurrentStream Gets or sets the number of the current stream for the media file.
Description Gets the description of the media in the current source media file.
OutputStreams Gets the number of output streams available in the current program.
ProgramCount Gets the number of programs in the source file.
Rating Gets the rating of the media in the current source media file.
SourceBitRate Gets the calculated bit rate of the current source media file, in bits per second.
SourceDuration Gets the duration of the longest stream in the current source media file, in seconds.
SourceFile Gets or sets the name of the current source media file.
SourceFileSize Gets the actual size of the current source media file in bytes.
SourceFilter Gets the filter of the current source media file.
SourceFilterClassID Gets the Class ID string of the source filter used to read and expose the contents of the current source media file.
SourceFilterName Gets the name of the source filter used to read the current source media file.
SourceFormat Gets the format of the current source media file.
SourceFormatName Gets the name of the format of the current source media file.
SourceMediaType Gets the media type of the current source media file.
StreamDuration Gets the duration of the current stream in the source media file in seconds.
StreamMediaType Gets the media type of the current stream in the source media file.
StreamSubtype Gets the subtype (GUID string) of the current stream in the source media file.
StreamSubtypeName Gets the name of the subtype of the current stream in the source media file.
StreamType Gets a string representing the GUID of the type of the current stream.
StreamTypeName Gets the name of the stream type, of the current stream in the source media file.
Title Gets the title of the media in the current source media file.
VideoBitCount Gets the bits per pixel value for the current stream in the current source media file.
VideoBitRate Gets the video bit rate, in bits per second, for the current stream in the current source media file.
VideoCompression Gets the type of compression used for the current stream in the current source media file.
VideoFrameRate Gets the video frame rate, in frames per second, for the current stream in the current source media file.
VideoFrames Gets the total number of video frames in the current stream in the current source media file.
VideoHeight Gets the video height, in pixels, for the current stream in the current source media file.
VideoWidth Gets the video width, in pixels, for the current stream in the current source media file.
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Leadtools.Multimedia Assembly
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