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TargetFormats Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by TargetFormats.

Public Methods

Name Description
Add Adds a TargetFormat item to the collection.
Clear Removes all TargetFormat items from the collection.
Contains Determines whether a collection contains a specified TargetFormat item.
CopyTo Copies the items of the collection to a TargetFormat array, starting at a specified array index.
GetEnumerator Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
IndexOf Determines the index of a specific TargetFormat item in the IList.
Insert Inserts an TargetFormat item to the list at the specified index.
Remove Removes a TargetFormat item from the collection.
RemoveAt Removes a TargetFormat item at the specified index from the collection.
ToString Returns a string that represents the current object.

Protected Methods

Name Description
Dispose Releases internal control object and related object references.

Public Properties

Name Description
ASF ASF target format.
ASFMux ASFMux target format.
AVI AVI target format.
Count Gets the number of items contained in the collection.
DICOM DICOM target format.
DVD DVD target format.
DVR DVR target format.
DVRProgram DVR Program target format.
DVRTransport DVR Transport target format.
DVSD DVSD target format.
DVSDAVI DVSDAVI target format.
DVSDMXF DVSD-MXF target format.
DVSDOGG DVSD OGG target format.
FLV FLV target format.
FLVH263 FLV H263 target format.
FLVH264 F4V/MP4 H264 target format.
FLVH264_2 FLV H264 target format.
ISO ISO target format.
ISODICOM ISO/MP4 DICOM target format.
IsReadOnly Gets a value indicating whether the collection is read-only.
Item Gets or sets the TargetFormat item at the specified index.
LTES LEADTOOLS Elementary Stream (LTES) target format.
MKV MKV target format.
MP3 MP3 target format.
MP3Default MP3 Default target format.
MP3LAME MP3 LAME target format.
MP3LEAD MP3 LEAD target format.
MPEG1Audio MPEG1Audio target format.
MPEG1System MPEG1 System target format.
MPEG2DICOM MPEG2 Program DICOM target format.
MPEG2Program MPEG2 Program target format.
MPEG2Transport MPEG2 Transport target format.
MPEG2TransportDICOM MPEG2 Transport DICOM target format.
MXF MXF target format.
NET NET target format.
NULL NULL target format.
OGG OGG target format.
Selection Gets or sets the zero-based index of the currently selected TargetFormat item.
SSF Smooth Streaming (SSF) target format.
StillImage StillImage target format.
Stream Stream target format.
WMV WMV target format.
WMVMux WMVMux target format.
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