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RasterImageList Class


For a list of all members of this type, see RasterImageList members

Public Methods

Name Description
BeginUpdate Prevents the control from drawing until the EndUpdate method is called.
EndUpdate Resumes drawing of the control after drawing is suspended by the BeginUpdate method.
EnsureVisible Ensures that the specified item is visible within the control, scrolling the contents of the control if necessary.
GetFixedAspectRatioImageRectangle Calculates how an image is to be sized and positioned in a rectangle while keeping the aspect ratio fixed.
GetItemRectangle Retrieves the bounding rectangle for a specific item within the RasterImageList control.
HitTest Queries the specified location to determine if the point is over a RasterImageListItem.
ScrollItems Scrolls the content of the control.
SelectAll Selects or un-selects all the items in this RasterImageList control.
Sort Sorts the items of the RasterImageList control.

Protected Methods

Name Description
IsInputKey This member overrides Control.IsInputKey.
OnAutoDeselectItemsChanged Raises the AutoDeselectItemsChanged event.
OnAutoDisposeImagesChanged Raises the AutoDisposeImagesChanged event.
OnBorderStyleChanged Raises the BorderStyleChanged event.
OnDoubleBufferChanged Raises the DoubleBufferChanged event.
OnDrawItem Raises the DrawItem event.
OnEnableKeyboardChanged Raises the EnableKeyboardChanged event.
OnEnableRubberBandSelectionChanged Raises the EnableRubberBandSelectionChanged event.
OnItemBackColorChanged Raises the ItemBackColorChanged event.
OnItemBorderStyleChanged Raises the ItemBorderStyleChanged event.
OnItemForeColorChanged Raises the ItemForeColorChanged event.
OnItemImageBorderStyleChanged Raises the ItemImageBorderStyleChanged event.
OnItemImageSizeChanged Raises the ItemImageSizeChanged event.
OnItemSelectedBackColorChanged Raises the ItemSelectedBackColorChanged event.
OnItemSelectedForeColorChanged Raises the ItemSelectedForeColorChanged event.
OnItemSizeChanged Raises the ItemSizeChanged event.
OnItemSpacingSizeChanged Raises the ItemSpacingSizeChanged event.
OnKeyDown This member overrides Control.OnKeyDown.
OnLostFocus This member overrides Control.OnLostFocus.
OnMouseDown This member overrides Control.OnMouseDown.
OnMouseMove This member overrides Control.OnMouseMove.
OnMouseUp This member overrides Control.OnMouseUp.
OnPaint This member overrides Control.OnPaint.
OnPaintPropertiesChanged Raises the PaintPropertiesChanged event.
OnScroll Raises the Scroll event.
OnScrollStyleChanged Raises the ScrollStyleChanged event.
OnSelectedIndexChanged Raises the SelectedIndexChanged event.
OnSelectionModeChanged Raises the SelectionModeChanged event.
OnSelectUserImageChanged Raises the SelectUserImageChanged event.
OnShowItemTextChanged Raises the ShowItemTextChanged event.
OnSizeChanged This member overrides Control.OnSizeChanged.
OnSorterChanged Raises the SorterChanged event.
OnSortingChanged Raises the SortingChanged event.
OnUseDpiChanged Raises the UseDpiChanged event.
OnViewStyleChanged Raises the ViewStyleChanged event.
WndProc This member overrides Control.WndProc.
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