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RasterThumbnailBrowser Class


For a list of all members of this type, see RasterThumbnailBrowser members

Public Events

Name Description
AddFile Occurs once for each image file loaded into the RasterThumbnailBrowser.
AutoDeselectItemsChanged Occurs when the value of the AutoDeselectItems property changes.
AutoDisposeImagesChanged Occurs when the value of the AutoDisposeImages property changes.
BorderStyleChanged Occurs when the value of the BorderStyle property changes.
CodecsChanged Occurs when the value of the Codecs property changes.
DoubleBufferChanged Occurs when the value of the DoubleBuffer property changes.
DrawItem Occurs when a request is made to draw an item in an owner-drawn RasterImageList.
EnableKeyboardChanged Occurs when the value of the EnableKeyboard property changes.
EnableRubberBandSelectionChanged Occurs when the value of the EnableRubberBandSelection property changes.
ErrorThumbnailChanged Occurs when the value of the ErrorThumbnail property changes.
FinishedLoadingThumbnails Occurs when the loading operation finishes.
ItemBackColorChanged Occurs when the value of the ItemBackColor property changes.
ItemBorderStyleChanged Occurs when the value of the ItemBorderStyle property changes.
ItemForeColorChanged Occurs when the value of the ItemForeColor property changes.
ItemImageBorderStyleChanged Occurs when the value of the ItemImageBorderStyle property changes.
ItemImageSizeChanged Occurs when the value of the ItemImageSize property changes.
ItemSelectedBackColorChanged Occurs when the value of the ItemSelectedBackColor property changes.
ItemSelectedForeColorChanged Occurs when the value of the ItemSelectedForeColor property changes.
ItemSizeChanged Occurs when the value of the ItemSize property changes.
ItemSpacingSizeChanged Occurs when the value of the ItemSpacingSize property changes.
LoadingThumbnailChanged Occurs when the value of the LoadingThumbnail property changes.
LoadThumbnail Occurs when the control loads the thumbnail of an item.
PaintBackground Occurs when the background of the control is redrawn.
PaintPropertiesChanged Occurs when the value of the PaintProperties property changes.
RefreshStatus Occurs when a file in the specified Path is changed or added
Scroll Occurs when the content of control is scrolled.
ScrollStyleChanged Occurs when the value of the ScrollStyle property changes.
SelectedIndexChanged Occurs when the index of the selected item in the RasterImageList control changes.
SelectionModeChanged Occurs when the value of the SelectionMode property changes.
SelectUserImageChanged Occurs when the value of the SelectUserImage property changes.
ShowItemTextChanged Occurs when the value of the ShowItemText property changes.
SorterChanged Occurs when the value of the Sorter property changes.
SortingChanged Occurs when the value of the Sorting property changes.
ThumbnailSizeFlagsChanged Occurs when the value of the ThumbnailSizeFlags property changes.
UseDpiChanged Occurs when the value of the UseDpi property changes.
ViewStyleChanged Occurs when the value of the ViewStyle property changes.
WatcherChanged Occurs when a file in the specified Path is changed or added
WatcherRenamed Occurs when a file or directory in the specified Path is renamed.
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