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RasterImageViewer Class


For a list of all members of this type, see RasterImageViewer members

Public Events

Name Description
AnimateFloaterChanged Occurs when the value of the AnimateFloater property changes.
AnimateRegionChanged Occurs when the value of the AnimateRegion property changes.
AutoDisposeImagesChanged Occurs when the value of the AutoDisposeImages property changes.
AutoInteractiveMagnifyGlassChanged Occurs when the value of the AutoInteractiveMagnifyGlass property changes.
AutoResetScaleFactorChanged Occurs when the value of the AutoResetScaleFactor property changes.
AutoResetScrollPositionChanged Occurs when the value of the AutoResetScrollPosition property changes.
AutoScrollChanged Occurs when the value of the AutoScroll property changes.
BorderStyleChanged Occurs when the value of the BorderStyle property changes.
CenterZoomAtPointScaleFactorChanged Occurs when the value of the CenterZoomAtPointScaleFactor property changes.
DoubleBufferChanged Occurs when the value of the DoubleBuffer property changes.
EnableScrollingInterfaceChanged Occurs when the value of the EnableScrollingInterface property changes.
EnableTimerChanged Occurs when the value of the EnableTimer property changes.
FloaterImageChanged Occurs when the value of the FloaterImage property changes.
FloaterPositionChanged Occurs when the value of the FloaterPosition property changes.
FloaterVisibleChanged Occurs when the value of the FloaterVisible property changes.
FrameColorChanged Occurs when the value of the FrameColor property changes.
FrameShadowColorChanged Occurs when the value of the FrameShadowColor property changes.
FrameShadowSizeChanged Occurs when the value of the FrameShadowSize property changes.
FramesIsPartOfImageChanged Occurs when the value of the FramesIsPartOfImage property changes.
FrameSizeChanged Occurs when the value of the FrameSize property changes.
HorizontalAlignModeChanged Occurs when the value of the HorizontalAlignMode property changes.
ImageChanged Occurs when the value of the Image property changes.
InteractiveCenterAt Occurs when the user performs interactive center of the image display.
InteractiveFloater Occurs when the user is using the InteractiveMode to move the FloaterImage.
InteractiveMagnifyGlass Occurs when the user is using the MagnifyGlass.
InteractiveModeChanged Occurs when the value of the InteractiveMode property changes.
InteractiveModeEnded Occurs when the operation of the current InteractiveMode ended successfully.
InteractiveModeMouseButtonChanged Occurs when the value of the InteractiveModeMouseButton property changes.
InteractivePage Occurs when the user performs interactive change of the current page using the mouse.
InteractivePan Occurs when the user performs interactive panning of the image display.
InteractiveRegionCombineModeChanged Occurs when the value of the InteractiveRegionCombineMode property changes.
InteractiveRegionEllipse Occurs when the user performs interactive creation of an elliptical region for the image.
InteractiveRegionFreehand Occurs when the user performs interactive creation of a freehand region for the image.
InteractiveRegionRectangle Occurs when the user performs interactive creation of a rectangular region for the image.
InteractiveRegionTypeChanged Occurs when the value of the InteractiveRegionType property changes.
InteractiveScale Occurs when the user performs interactive change of the current scale factor using the mouse.
InteractiveUserRectangle Occurs when the user performs user-defined interactive drawing of a rectangle.
InteractiveZoomAt Occurs when the user performs interactive center of the image display.
InteractiveZoomTo Occurs when the user performs interactive center of the image display.
MagnifyGlassChanged Occurs when the value of the MagnifyGlass property changes.
PaintPropertiesChanged Occurs when the value of the PaintProperties property changes.
PostImagePaint Occurs after painting the Image and the FloaterImage. Any additional painting should be done in this event.
PreImagePaint Occurs before immediately before the RasterImageViewer does any painting.
ReadBindingData Occurs before reading BindingData from a data binding object.
RedirectImagePaint Occurs after this RasterImageViewer calls RedirectPaint internally as of a paint event.
ScaleFactorChanged Occurs when the value of the ScaleFactor property changes.
ScrollPositionChanged Occurs when the value of the ScrollPosition property changes.
ScrollViewer Occurs when either the horizontal or vertical scroll bar of the RasterImageViewer changes.
SizeModeChanged Occurs when the value of the SizeMode property changes.
SourceRectangleChanged Occurs when the value of the SourceRectangle property changes.
TransformChanged Occurs when the value of the Transform property changes.
UseDpiChanged Occurs when the value of the UseDpi property changes.
VerticalAlignModeChanged Occurs when the value of the VerticalAlignMode property changes.
WriteBindingData Occurs before writing BindingData to a data binding object.
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