The following tables list the members exposed by RasterImageViewer.
Public Constructors
Name | Description | |
RasterImageViewer | Initializes a new instance of the RasterImageViewer class. |
Public Methods
Name | Description | |
BeginUpdate | Prevents the control from drawing until the EndUpdate method is called. | |
CenterAtPoint | Centers the image display at the specified point. | |
CombineFloater | Combines the FloaterImage with the Image currently inside this RasterImageViewer. | |
EndUpdate | Resumes drawing which was disabled by a call to BeginUpdate. | |
GetTransformWithDpi | Return the transform of the viewer taking into account the DPI of the image. | |
ImageToViewerPoint | Converts a point in image coordinates to viewer coordinates. | |
ImageToViewerRectangle | Converts a rectangle in image coordinates to viewer coordinates. | |
RedirectPaint | Displays the contents of the RasterImageViewer in the given Graphics object. | |
RegionToFloater | Converts the image region to a floater. | |
SetInteractiveModeCursor | Sets the mouse cursors associated with an interactive mode | |
ViewerToImagePoint | Converts a point in viewer coordinates to image coordinates. | |
ViewerToImageRectangle | Converts a rectangle in viewer coordinates to image coordinates. | |
ZoomAtPoint | Zooms the image display at the specified point with the specified scale factor. | |
ZoomToRectangle | Zooms the image to the specified rectangle. |
Protected Methods
Public Properties
Name | Description | |
AnimateFloater | Gets or sets a value indicating whether to animate the FloaterImage. | |
AnimateRegion | Enables or disables animation of the image's region frame. | |
AutoDisposeImages | Gets or sets a value indicating whether to auto dispose the old image when a new image is set into this RasterImageViewer. | |
AutoInteractiveMagnifyGlass | Gets or sets a value that indicate whether to always show the magnify glass when the interactive mode is set to magnify glass. | |
AutoResetScaleFactor | Enables or disables the automatic reset of the ScaleFactor property. | |
AutoResetScrollPosition | Enables or disables the automatic reset of the ScrollPosition property. | |
AutoScroll | Enables or disables scroll bars automatically appearing when the control contents are larger than its visible area | |
AutoScrollLargeChange | Gets or sets the amount that the scroll bar is incremented or decremented for a large scroll. | |
AutoScrollMinSize | Gets or sets the minimum size for the auto-scroll region. | |
AutoScrollSmallChange | Gets or sets the amount that the scroll bar is incremented or decremented for a small scroll. | |
BindingData | Gets or sets the extra data used when saving image to a data binding object. | |
BindingLoadBitsPerPixel | Gets or sets the image bits per pixel used when loading images from a data binding object. | |
BindingRasterCodecs | Gets or sets the Leadtools.Codecs.RasterCodecs object used with data binding. | |
BindingSaveBitsPerPixel | Gets or sets the image bits per pixel used when saving images to a data binding object. | |
BindingSaveImageFormat | Gets or sets the Leadtools.RasterImageFormat used when saving images to a data binding object. | |
BorderPadding | Gets the viewer border padding. | |
BorderStyle | Sets the border style of the control. | |
CenterZoomAtPointScaleFactor | Gets or sets the scale factor used to zoom the image in the viewer around the center when CenterAtPoint is called. | |
CurrentXScaleFactor | Gets or sets the current horizontal scale factor for the image display. | |
CurrentYScaleFactor | Gets or sets the current vertical scale factor for the image display. | |
Cursor | Gets or sets the cursor that is displayed when the mouse pointer is over the control. | |
DoubleBuffer | Enables or disables double buffer painting, which eliminates flicker. | |
EnableScrollingInterface | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control automatically processes the keyboard and mousewheel. | |
EnableTimer | Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enable the timer used when animating regions and floaters. | |
FloaterImage | Gets or sets the floater image. | |
FloaterPosition | Gets or sets the position of the floater. | |
FloaterVisible | Gets or sets a value indicating whether to paint the FloaterImage | |
FrameColor | Specifies the border color of the frame that you add to the control. | |
FrameShadowColor | Specifies the shadow color of the frame that you add to the control. | |
FrameShadowSize | Specifies the thickness of the shadow for the frame that you add to the control. | |
FramesIsPartOfImage | Determines whether or not the frame is treated as part of the images's view. | |
FrameSize | Specifies the thickness of the frame that you add to the Raster View Control. | |
HorizontalAlignMode | Gets or sets a value to determine how to center the image in the control's client area horizontally, when the width of the destination rectangle is smaller than the width of the client area. | |
HScroll | Gets a value indicating whether the horizontal scroll bar is visible. | |
Image | Gets or sets the image currently assigned for display by the control. | |
ImageDpiX | Gets the horizontal resolution of the of the current image in the viewer. | |
ImageDpiY | Gets the vertical resolution of the of the current image in the viewer. | |
ImageSize | Gets the size of the current image in the viewer. | |
InteractiveMode | Gets or sets the value that controls user interaction with the control's display. | |
InteractiveModeMouseButton | Gets or sets the current mouse button associated with the viewer interactive. | |
InteractiveRegionCombineMode | Gets or sets the region Leadtools.RasterRegionCombineMode to be used when the user creates regions interactively. | |
InteractiveRegionType | Gets or sets the value that determines the type of region to create when InteractiveMode is set to RasterViewerInteractiveMode.Region | |
IsImageAvailable | Determines if the control currently has an Leadtools.RasterImage object available for display. | |
IsInteractiveModeBusy | Determines if the control is currently performing an interactive operation. | |
LogicalViewRectangle | Gets the logical view rectangle. | |
MagnifyGlass | Gets or sets the RasterMagnifyGlass object used to perform Magnifying Glass operations for this RasterImageViewer. | |
PaintProperties | Gets or sets the Leadtools.Drawing.RasterPaintProperties which control the display. | |
PhysicalViewRectangle | Gets the physical view rectangle. | |
ScaleFactor | The zoom factor used to display the image. | |
ScrollPosition | Gets or sets the location of the auto-scroll position. | |
SizeMode | Determines how the control displays the image and the automatic adjustments of the display rectangles. | |
SmallScrollChangeRatio | Gets or sets the ratio of the AutoScrollSmallChange to the AutoScrollLargeChange. | |
SourceRectangle | Represents the part of the image to use as the display source. | |
Transform | Gets the display matrix for the viewer. | |
UseDpi | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether LEAD's automated scaling properties are used to account for the physical resolution of the bitmap. | |
VerticalAlignMode | Gets or sets a value to determine how to center the image in the control's client area vertically, when the height of the destination rectangle is smaller than the height of the client area. | |
VScroll | Gets a value indicating whether the vertical scroll bar is visible. |
Protected Properties
Name | Description | |
CreateParams | Overrides Control.CreateParams. |
Public Events
Name | Description | |
AnimateFloaterChanged | Occurs when the value of the AnimateFloater property changes. | |
AnimateRegionChanged | Occurs when the value of the AnimateRegion property changes. | |
AutoDisposeImagesChanged | Occurs when the value of the AutoDisposeImages property changes. | |
AutoInteractiveMagnifyGlassChanged | Occurs when the value of the AutoInteractiveMagnifyGlass property changes. | |
AutoResetScaleFactorChanged | Occurs when the value of the AutoResetScaleFactor property changes. | |
AutoResetScrollPositionChanged | Occurs when the value of the AutoResetScrollPosition property changes. | |
AutoScrollChanged | Occurs when the value of the AutoScroll property changes. | |
BorderStyleChanged | Occurs when the value of the BorderStyle property changes. | |
CenterZoomAtPointScaleFactorChanged | Occurs when the value of the CenterZoomAtPointScaleFactor property changes. | |
DoubleBufferChanged | Occurs when the value of the DoubleBuffer property changes. | |
EnableScrollingInterfaceChanged | Occurs when the value of the EnableScrollingInterface property changes. | |
EnableTimerChanged | Occurs when the value of the EnableTimer property changes. | |
FloaterImageChanged | Occurs when the value of the FloaterImage property changes. | |
FloaterPositionChanged | Occurs when the value of the FloaterPosition property changes. | |
FloaterVisibleChanged | Occurs when the value of the FloaterVisible property changes. | |
FrameColorChanged | Occurs when the value of the FrameColor property changes. | |
FrameShadowColorChanged | Occurs when the value of the FrameShadowColor property changes. | |
FrameShadowSizeChanged | Occurs when the value of the FrameShadowSize property changes. | |
FramesIsPartOfImageChanged | Occurs when the value of the FramesIsPartOfImage property changes. | |
FrameSizeChanged | Occurs when the value of the FrameSize property changes. | |
HorizontalAlignModeChanged | Occurs when the value of the HorizontalAlignMode property changes. | |
ImageChanged | Occurs when the value of the Image property changes. | |
InteractiveCenterAt | Occurs when the user performs interactive center of the image display. | |
InteractiveFloater | Occurs when the user is using the InteractiveMode to move the FloaterImage. | |
InteractiveMagnifyGlass | Occurs when the user is using the MagnifyGlass. | |
InteractiveModeChanged | Occurs when the value of the InteractiveMode property changes. | |
InteractiveModeEnded | Occurs when the operation of the current InteractiveMode ended successfully. | |
InteractiveModeMouseButtonChanged | Occurs when the value of the InteractiveModeMouseButton property changes. | |
InteractivePage | Occurs when the user performs interactive change of the current page using the mouse. | |
InteractivePan | Occurs when the user performs interactive panning of the image display. | |
InteractiveRegionCombineModeChanged | Occurs when the value of the InteractiveRegionCombineMode property changes. | |
InteractiveRegionEllipse | Occurs when the user performs interactive creation of an elliptical region for the image. | |
InteractiveRegionFreehand | Occurs when the user performs interactive creation of a freehand region for the image. | |
InteractiveRegionRectangle | Occurs when the user performs interactive creation of a rectangular region for the image. | |
InteractiveRegionTypeChanged | Occurs when the value of the InteractiveRegionType property changes. | |
InteractiveScale | Occurs when the user performs interactive change of the current scale factor using the mouse. | |
InteractiveUserRectangle | Occurs when the user performs user-defined interactive drawing of a rectangle. | |
InteractiveZoomAt | Occurs when the user performs interactive center of the image display. | |
InteractiveZoomTo | Occurs when the user performs interactive center of the image display. | |
MagnifyGlassChanged | Occurs when the value of the MagnifyGlass property changes. | |
PaintPropertiesChanged | Occurs when the value of the PaintProperties property changes. | |
PostImagePaint | Occurs after painting the Image and the FloaterImage. Any additional painting should be done in this event. | |
PreImagePaint | Occurs before immediately before the RasterImageViewer does any painting. | |
ReadBindingData | Occurs before reading BindingData from a data binding object. | |
RedirectImagePaint | Occurs after this RasterImageViewer calls RedirectPaint internally as of a paint event. | |
ScaleFactorChanged | Occurs when the value of the ScaleFactor property changes. | |
ScrollPositionChanged | Occurs when the value of the ScrollPosition property changes. | |
ScrollViewer | Occurs when either the horizontal or vertical scroll bar of the RasterImageViewer changes. | |
SizeModeChanged | Occurs when the value of the SizeMode property changes. | |
SourceRectangleChanged | Occurs when the value of the SourceRectangle property changes. | |
TransformChanged | Occurs when the value of the Transform property changes. | |
UseDpiChanged | Occurs when the value of the UseDpi property changes. | |
VerticalAlignModeChanged | Occurs when the value of the VerticalAlignMode property changes. | |
WriteBindingData | Occurs before writing BindingData to a data binding object. |
Products |
Support |
Feedback: RasterImageViewer Class Members - Leadtools.WinForms |
Introduction |
Help Version 19.0.2017.3.22