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RasterImageViewer Class


For a list of all members of this type, see RasterImageViewer members

Public Methods

Name Description
BeginUpdate Prevents the control from drawing until the EndUpdate method is called.
CenterAtPoint Centers the image display at the specified point.
CombineFloater Combines the FloaterImage with the Image currently inside this RasterImageViewer.
EndUpdate Resumes drawing which was disabled by a call to BeginUpdate.
GetTransformWithDpi Return the transform of the viewer taking into account the DPI of the image.
ImageToViewerPoint Converts a point in image coordinates to viewer coordinates.
ImageToViewerRectangle Converts a rectangle in image coordinates to viewer coordinates.
RedirectPaint Displays the contents of the RasterImageViewer in the given Graphics object.
RegionToFloater Converts the image region to a floater.
SetInteractiveModeCursor Sets the mouse cursors associated with an interactive mode
ViewerToImagePoint Converts a point in viewer coordinates to image coordinates.
ViewerToImageRectangle Converts a rectangle in viewer coordinates to image coordinates.
ZoomAtPoint Zooms the image display at the specified point with the specified scale factor.
ZoomToRectangle Zooms the image to the specified rectangle.

Protected Methods

Name Description
Dispose(Boolean) Clean up any resources being used.
IsInputKey This member overrides Control.IsInputKey.
OnAnimateFloaterChanged Raises the AnimateFloaterChanged event.
OnAnimateRegionChanged Raises the AnimateRegionChanged event.
OnAutoDisposeImagesChanged Raises the AutoDisposeImagesChanged event.
OnAutoInteractiveMagnifyGlassChanged Raises the AutoInteractiveMagnifyGlassChanged event.
OnAutoResetScaleFactorChanged Raises the AutoResetScaleFactorChanged event.
OnAutoResetScrollPositionChanged Raises the AutoResetScrollPositionChanged event.
OnAutoScrollChanged Raises the AutoScrollChanged event.
OnBorderStyleChanged Raises the BorderStyleChanged event.
OnCenterZoomAtPointScaleFactorChanged Raises the CenterZoomAtPointScaleFactorChanged event.
OnDoubleBufferChanged Raises the DoubleBufferChanged event.
OnEnableScrollingInterfaceChanged Raises the EnableScrollingInterfaceChanged event.
OnEnableTimerChanged Raises the EnableTimerChanged event.
OnFloaterImageChanged Raises the FloaterImageChanged event.
OnFloaterPositionChanged Raises the FloaterPositionChanged event.
OnFloaterVisibleChanged Raises the FloaterVisibleChanged event.
OnFrameColorChanged Raises the FrameColorChanged event.
OnFrameShadowColorChanged Raises the FrameShadowColorChanged event.
OnFrameShadowSizeChanged Raises the FrameShadowSizeChanged event.
OnFramesIsPartOfImageChanged Raises the FramesIsPartOfImageChanged event.
OnFrameSizeChanged Raises the FrameSizeChanged event.
OnHorizontalAlignModeChanged Raises the HorizontalAlignModeChanged event.
OnImageChanged Raises the ImageChanged event.
OnInteractiveCenterAt Raises the InteractiveCenterAt event.
OnInteractiveFloater Raises the InteractiveMode event.
OnInteractiveMagnifyGlass Raises the InteractiveMagnifyGlass event.
OnInteractiveModeChanged Raises the InteractiveModeChanged event.
OnInteractiveModeEnded Raises the InteractiveModeEnded event.
OnInteractiveModeMouseButtonChanged Raises the InteractiveModeMouseButtonChanged event.
OnInteractivePage Raises the InteractivePage event.
OnInteractivePan Raises the InteractivePan event.
OnInteractiveRegionCombineModeChanged Raises the InteractiveRegionCombineModeChanged event.
OnInteractiveRegionEllipse Raises the InteractiveRegionEllipse event.
OnInteractiveRegionFreehand Raises the InteractiveRegionFreehand event.
OnInteractiveRegionRectangle Raises the InteractiveRegionRectangle event.
OnInteractiveRegionTypeChanged Raises the InteractiveRegionTypeChanged event.
OnInteractiveScale Raises the InteractiveScale event.
OnInteractiveUserRectangle Raises the InteractiveUserRectangle event.
OnInteractiveZoomAt Raises the InteractiveZoomAt event.
OnInteractiveZoomTo Raises the InteractiveZoomTo event.
OnKeyDown This member overrides Control.OnKeyDown.
OnLostFocus Occurs when the control loses focus.
OnMagnifyGlassChanged Raises the MagnifyGlassChanged event.
OnMouseDown Occurs when the user presses a mouse button.
OnMouseMove Occurs when the user moves the mouse over the control.
OnMouseUp Occurs when the user releases a mouse button.
OnPaint Overrides Control.OnPaint.
OnPaintPropertiesChanged Raises the PaintPropertiesChanged event.
OnPostImagePaint Raises the PostImagePaint event.
OnPreImagePaint Raises the PreImagePaint event.
OnReadBindingData Raises the ReadBindingData event.
OnRedirectImagePaint Raises the RedirectImagePaint event.
OnScaleFactorChanged Raises the ScaleFactorChanged event.
OnScrollPositionChanged Raises the ScrollPositionChanged event.
OnScrollViewer Raises the ScrollViewer event.
OnSizeChanged Occurs when the size of the control has changed.
OnSizeModeChanged Raises the SizeModeChanged event.
OnSourceRectangleChanged Raises the SourceRectangleChanged event.
OnTransformChanged Raises the TransformChanged event.
OnUseDpiChanged Raises the UseDpiChanged event.
OnVerticalAlignModeChanged Raises the VerticalAlignModeChanged event.
OnWriteBindingData Raises the WriteBindingData event.
WndProc Overrides Control.WndProc.
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