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ImageViewerSingleViewLayout Class


Defines the single view layout.

public class ImageViewerSingleViewLayout : ImageViewerViewLayout 
public ref class ImageViewerSingleViewLayout : ImageViewerViewLayout 

ImageViewerSingleViewLayout defines a view layout where the items are layered on top of each other. Only a single item is visible at any time and this is controlled by the ActiveItem. An image viewer with 10 items and ActiveItem set to the first in the list (index of 0) will look like this:


When the ActiveItem is set to the third item in the list (index of 4), the same viewer will look like this:


ImageViewerSingleViewLayout is also used by the viewer when it is being used in a single item mode. And when a new instance of ImageViewer is created using the default constructor, a new instance of ImageViewerSingleViewLayout is created and set in ViewLayout.

Here is the LEADTOOLS Document View in a single page mode:



Notice how only a single page is being viewed. The scrollbars for the main view are not visible in this case since all the page boundary is inside the view. For more information, refer to Image Viewer Layouts, Image Viewer Items, Image Viewer Transformation and Image Viewer Bounds and Transform.

using Leadtools; 
using Leadtools.Controls; 
using Leadtools.Codecs; 
using Leadtools.Drawing; 
using Leadtools.ImageProcessing; 
using Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Color; 
public ImageViewerForm _form = new ImageViewerForm(); 
public ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox(); 
public ImageViewer _imageViewer; 
public void ImageViewerViewLayoutExample() 
   // Get the ImageViewer control from the form 
   _imageViewer = _form.ImageViewer; 
   // Clear all the images already the viewer 
   // Use vertical view layout 
   _imageViewer.ViewLayout = new ImageViewerVerticalViewLayout(); 
   // Item Border 
   _imageViewer.ItemBorderThickness = 1; 
   // Make sure the item size is larger than the image size (thumbnails mode) 
   _imageViewer.ItemSize = LeadSize.Create(200, 200); 
   // Add 4 items to the viewer 
   using (var codecs = new RasterCodecs()) 
      for (var page = 1; page <= 4; page++) 
         ImageViewerItem item = new ImageViewerItem(); 
         var fileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, string.Format("ocr{0}.tif", page)); 
         // Create a thumbnail from the image 
         using (var image = codecs.Load(fileName, page)) 
            item.Image = image.CreateThumbnail(180, 180, 24, RasterViewPerspective.TopLeft, RasterSizeFlags.Resample); 
   // Add a combo box control to show the view layout modes 
   comboBox.Top = _form.ClientRectangle.Top; 
   // Add an entry for each view mode to the combo box 
   comboBox.Items.Add("Single view layout"); 
   comboBox.Items.Add("Vertical view layout"); 
   comboBox.Items.Add("Horizontal view layout"); 
   comboBox.Items.Add("Vertical view layout - 2 Columns"); 
   comboBox.Items.Add("Horizontal view layout - 2 Rows"); 
   // When the user selects a view layout mode from the combo box 
   comboBox.SelectedIndexChanged += ComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged; 
private void ComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) 
   ComboBox comboBox = sender as ComboBox; 
   ImageViewerViewLayout layout; 
   switch (comboBox.SelectedItem.ToString()) 
      case "Single view layout": 
         layout = new ImageViewerSingleViewLayout(); 
      case "Vertical view layout": 
         layout = new ImageViewerVerticalViewLayout(); 
      case "Horizontal view layout": 
         layout = new ImageViewerHorizontalViewLayout(); 
      case "Vertical view layout - 2 Columns": 
         layout = new ImageViewerVerticalViewLayout() { Columns = 2 }; 
      case "Horizontal view layout - 2 Rows": 
         layout = new ImageViewerHorizontalViewLayout() { Rows = 2 }; 
   _imageViewer.ViewLayout = layout; 
   // Call Zoom with current values to update ImageViewer.ViewLayout values 
   _imageViewer.Zoom(_imageViewer.SizeMode, _imageViewer.ScaleFactor, _imageViewer.DefaultZoomOrigin);  
   string msg = string.Format("Layout.Name = {0}\nLayout.SizeModeHeight = {1}\nLayout.SizeModeHeightItemCount = {2}\nLayout.SizeModeWidth = {3}\nLayout.SizeModeWidthItemCount = {4}\n", 
   Debug.WriteLine(msg, "ImageViewerLayout Information"); 
static class LEAD_VARS 
   public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\LEADTOOLS23\Resources\Images"; 

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