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EnsureVisible Property


Indicates whether to automatically position the spy glass over the image and not beyond the image area.

public virtual bool EnsureVisible { get; set; } 
   virtual property bool EnsureVisible 
      bool get() 
      void set(bool value) 

Property Value

true to automatically position the spy glass over the image and not beyond the image area; otherwise, it is false. The default value is true.


By default, the spy glass will show centered around the current position. Use Offset to move the spy glass up, down, left or right by any given offset.

When Offset is set to a value other than 0,0, then Use EnsureVisible to stop the spy glass from moving outside the image area in the viewer.

using Leadtools; 
using Leadtools.Controls; 
using Leadtools.Codecs; 
using Leadtools.Drawing; 
using Leadtools.ImageProcessing; 
using Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Color; 
public ImageViewerForm _form = new ImageViewerForm(); 
public ImageViewer _imageViewer; 
public void ImageViewerSpyGlassInteractiveModeExample() 
   // Get the ImageViewer control from the form 
   _imageViewer = _form.ImageViewer; 
   // Load an image 
   using (var codecs = new RasterCodecs()) 
      _imageViewer.Image = codecs.Load(Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "image1.cmp")); 
   // Create the spyglass interactive mode 
   ImageViewerSpyGlassInteractiveMode spyGlass = new ImageViewerSpyGlassInteractiveMode(); 
   spyGlass.AutoItemMode = ImageViewerAutoItemMode.AutoSet; 
   spyGlass.BackgroundBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(128, Color.Yellow)); 
   spyGlass.BorderBackPen = new Pen(Color.Red); 
   spyGlass.BorderPen = new Pen(Color.Blue) { DashPattern = new float[] { 4.0F, 2.0F, 1.0F, 3.0F }}; 
   spyGlass.Crosshair = ImageViewerSpyGlassCrosshair.Fine; 
   spyGlass.CrosshairPen = new Pen(Color.Green); 
   spyGlass.EnsureVisible = false; 
   spyGlass.Offset = new LeadPoint(0, 0); 
   spyGlass.HideCursorWhileWorking = true; 
   spyGlass.IdleCursor = Cursors.Cross; 
   spyGlass.RoundRectangleRadius = new LeadSize(25, 25); 
   spyGlass.Shape = ImageViewerSpyGlassShape.RoundRectangle; 
   spyGlass.Size = new LeadSize(200, 200); 
   // Get inverted copy of the RasterImage in the Viewer control 
   RasterImage invertedRasterImage = _imageViewer.Image.Clone(); 
   InvertCommand invertCommand = new InvertCommand(); 
   // Overlay the inverted image on the spy glass 
   spyGlass.DrawImage += (object sender, ImageViewerSpyGlassDrawImageEventArgs e) => 
      Image img = RasterImageConverter.ChangeToImage(invertedRasterImage, new ChangeToImageOptions()); 
      e.Context.DrawImage(img, Point.Empty); 
      _form.Text = 
      $"Destination Rectangle: (" + 
      $"{e.DestinationRectangle.X}, {e.DestinationRectangle.Y}, {e.DestinationRectangle.Width}, {e.DestinationRectangle.Height}), " + 
      $"Offset: {e.Offset.X}, {e.Offset.Y}"; 
   // Add spyglass interactive mode 
static class LEAD_VARS 
   public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\LEADTOOLS23\Resources\Images"; 

Target Platforms

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