Overview and description of Leadtools Controls classes, delegates, enumerations, and structures.
Class | Description | |
ControlRegionRenderer | Used by the controls to render the regions outlines. | |
ImageViewer | Represents a scrollable control that displays one or more raster or SVG images with optional interactive UI operations. | |
ImageViewerActiveItemInteractiveMode | Allows you to change the current active item in the viewer using the keyboard or mouse/touch. | |
ImageViewerAddRegionInteractiveMode | Adds a region to the image using rubber-banding, and optionally converts it to a floater. | |
ImageViewerAutoPanInteractiveMode | Automatically pans the view when the mouse or touch is next to the edge. | |
ImageViewerCenterAtInteractiveMode | Centers (and optionally zooms) the image inside the viewer based on user mouse click or touch tap. | |
ImageViewerDragInteractiveMode | Drags images and floaters from an image viewer using mouse or touch, often to achieve Drag and Drop effects. | |
ImageViewerFloaterInteractiveMode | Allows the user to drag and scale the floater image using mouse or touch. | |
ImageViewerHorizontalViewLayout | Defines the horizontal view layout. | |
ImageViewerInteractiveMode | Base class for the rich user experience features of the ImageViewer. | |
ImageViewerInteractiveModes | Defines a collection of ImageViewerInteractiveMode. | |
ImageViewerItem | Represents an ImageViewer item containing its own image data, size and optional additional transformation. | |
ImageViewerItemActivateEventArgs | Data for the ImageViewerSelectItemsInteractiveMode.ItemActivate event. | |
ImageViewerItemChangedEventArgs | Data for the ItemChanged event. | |
ImageViewerItemDragDropEventArgs | Data for the ItemDragDrop event. | |
ImageViewerItemErrorEventArgs | Data for the ItemError event. | |
ImageViewerItems | Collection of ImageViewer items. | |
ImageViewerMagnifyGlassInteractiveMode | Shows a magnified version of the image on top of the viewer. | |
ImageViewerNoneInteractiveMode | Implementation of ImageViewerInteractiveMode that does not have an action. | |
ImageViewerPagerInteractiveMode | Changes the active item or current page using the mouse or touch. | |
ImageViewerPanControl | Supports displaying a scaled view of an ImageViewer into an external control with panning support. | |
ImageViewerPanZoomInteractiveMode | Provides interactive pan and zoom user interface functionality to an ImageViewer. | |
ImageViewerRenderEventArgs | Contains data used for rendering the image viewer. | |
ImageViewerRenderRedirectOptions | Options to use with RenderRedirect to re-direct the rendering of the content of the viewer to an external context. | |
ImageViewerRubberBandEventArgs | Contains data for the RubberBandStarted, RubberBandDelta and RubberBandCompleted events. | |
ImageViewerRubberBandInteractiveMode | Draws a shape on the viewer. | |
ImageViewerSelectItemsInteractiveMode | Allows selection of items using the mouse, touch or keyboard. | |
ImageViewerSingleViewLayout | Defines the single view layout. | |
ImageViewerSpyGlassDrawImageEventArgs | Contains the event data for the ImageViewerSpyGlassInteractiveMode.DrawImage event. | |
ImageViewerSpyGlassInteractiveMode | Draws and pans a spy glass on the viewer. | |
ImageViewerVerticalViewLayout | Defines the vertical view layout. | |
ImageViewerViewLayout | Defines an ImageViewer layout controller. | |
ImageViewerViewLayoutVector | Holds the first and last item index of the perpendicular vector of the view layout. | |
ImageViewerVirtualizer | Support for loading large amount of items in an ImageViewer. | |
ImageViewerVirtualizerEventArgs | Data for the VirtualizeItemReady event. | |
ImageViewerZoomAtInteractiveMode | Zooms the image inside the viewer around the user mouse click or touch tap. | |
ImageViewerZoomToInteractiveMode | Zooms to a rectangle on the image. | |
InertiaParams | Defines the properties available on each call to the custom inertia scroll function. | |
InteractiveDragCompletedEventArgs | Contains data for the InteractiveService.DragCompleted event. | |
InteractiveDragDeltaEventArgs | Contains data for the InteractiveService.DragDelta event. | |
InteractiveDragEventArgs | A base class for all the interactive drag events. | |
InteractiveDragStartedEventArgs | Contains data for the InteractiveService.DragStarted event. | |
InteractiveEventArgs | Defines the base class for all the interactive events. | |
InteractiveKeyEventArgs | Contains data for the InteractiveService.KeyDown and InteractiveService.KeyUp events. | |
InteractiveMultiTouchEventArgs | Defines the base class for all the multi-touch interactive events. | |
InteractivePinchCompletedEventArgs | Contains data for the InteractiveService.PinchCompleted event. | |
InteractivePinchDeltaEventArgs | Contains data for the InteractiveService.PinchDelta event. | |
InteractivePinchStartedEventArgs | Contains data for the InteractiveService.PinchStarted event. | |
InteractiveService | Defines the service to translate mouse and touch events to common user interface interactions. | |
RasterClipboard | The RasterClipboard class provides methods for working with image data and the Windows clipboard. | |
RasterImagePrinter | Supports printing of a RasterImage. | |
RasterPictureBox | Represents a LEADTOOLS PictureBox control for displaying an image. | |
RasterPictureBoxFrameChangedEventArgs | The RasterPictureBoxFrameChangedEventArgs class provides information about the FrameChanged event. |
Structure | Description | |
ControlDropShadowOptions | Options for rendering a drop shadow. | |
ControlInertiaScrollOptions | Options to use with inertia scroll support. |
Delegate | Description | |
CalculateInertiaCallback | A callback type used in custom and default inertia function implementations. | |
ControlRegionRenderCallback | Callback used to customize rendering the outline of regions. |
Enumeration | Description | |
ControlAlignment | Indicates where an element should be displayed on the horizontal axis relative to the allocated layout slot of the parent element. | |
ControlRegionRenderMode | Determines how to render the outline of a region area. | |
ControlScrollMode | Determines how the control displays and uses scrollbars. | |
ControlSizeMode | Determines how the control displays the image and the automatic adjustments of the display rectangles. | |
ControlTextTrimming | Specifies how to trim characters from a string that does not completely fit into a layout shape. | |
ImageViewerAutoItemMode | Specifies how to use the item in the interactive mode. | |
ImageViewerAutoResetOptions | Specifies options to control which display properties get reset when an image is set into the control. | |
ImageViewerCoordinateType | Defines the coordinate system of a point. | |
ImageViewerDragTargetMode | Specifies the drag target allowed by ImageViewerDragInteractiveMode. | |
ImageViewerInteractiveModeTransformTarget | An enumeration used for indicating where an ImageViewerInteractiveMode transformation should be applied. | |
ImageViewerItemChangedReason | Describes the reason why an item has been changed in the ImageViewer. | |
ImageViewerItemDragDropOperation | Current drag/drop operation. | |
ImageViewerItemPart | Defines a part of an item in ImageViewer. | |
ImageViewerRubberBandShape | Shapes used by the rubberband interactive mode. | |
ImageViewerSelectionMode | Defines the selection mode. | |
ImageViewerSpyGlassCrosshair | Specifies the crosshair type of the spy glass. | |
ImageViewerSpyGlassShape | Specifies the shape of the ImageViewerSpyGlassInteractiveMode spy glass. | |
InteractiveDirection | Indicates drag direction. | |
RasterClipboardCopyFlags | Flags for Copy. | |
RasterPictureBoxAnimationMode | Values for the AnimationMode property. | |
RasterPictureBoxSizeMode | Values which determine how the control displays the image and whether it automatically adjusts the display rectangles. |