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Load3DVolumeCommand Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by Load3DVolumeCommand.

Public Constructors

Name Description
Public Constructor Load3DVolumeAsyncCommandBase Initializes a new instance of this class. (Inherited from Load3DVolumeAsyncCommandBase)
Public Constructor Load3DVolumeCommand Initializes a new instance of the Load3DVolumeCommand class.

Protected Methods

Name Description
Protected Method ConvertTo3D Loads a 3D volume from a Leadtools.MedicalViewer.MedicalViewerMultiCell.
Protected Method Create3DControl Creates and initializes a Leadtools.Medical3D.Medical3DControl that is ready to be used for generating the volume. (Inherited from Load3DVolumeAsyncCommandBase)
Protected Method DoCanExecute Determines whether the command can execute.
Protected Method DoExecute Represents a base method for creating 3D volumes asynchronously. (Inherited from Load3DVolumeAsyncCommandBase)
Protected Method OnAddingControl3DError Publishes the Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.Interfaces.IWorkstationEventBroker.PublishVolumeLoadingError.
Protected Method OnControl3DAdded Publishes the Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.Interfaces.IWorkstationEventBroker.PublishVolumeLoadingCompleted.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property static  | Shared in VB IdentifyingVolumes Gets or sets the status message that is used when locating the volumes for the selected cell.
Public Property static  | Shared in VB LoadingVolume Gets or sets the status message that is used when loading the volume for the selected cell.
Public Property static  | Shared in VB LoadingVolumeCompleted Gets or sets the status message that is used when loading the volume for the selected cell is completed.
Public Property static  | Shared in VB RetreiveVolumeInformation Gets or sets the status message that is used when retrieving the volumes for the selected cell.
Public Property SyncContext Gets the System.Threading.SynchronizationContext that allows the command to interact with the UI thread. (Inherited from Load3DVolumeAsyncCommandBase)

Public Events

Name Description
Public Event LoadVolumes Occurs when a volume needs to be selected from multiple volumes.

See Also

Load3DVolumeCommand Class

Leadtools.Medical.Workstation Namespace

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