ActiveCell |
Gets or sets the selected Leadtools.MedicalViewer.MedicalViewerBaseCell. |
ActiveCellSelectedAnnotation |
Gets or sets the selected Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.DataAccessLayer.AnnotationIdentifier for the ActiveCell. |
ActiveHostViewer |
Gets or sets the active Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.UI.MedicalViewerHost. |
ActiveWorkstation |
Gets or sets the Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.UI.WorkstationViewer control which is currently active. |
ApplyActionOnAllSubCells |
Gets or sets a value whether the actions applied on the cell should be applied to all sub-cells of the Leadtools.MedicalViewer.MedicalViewerMultiCell |
CurvedMPRState |
Gets the class that contains the current state of the panoramic polygon. |
DataServices |
Gets an object that can be used to store user defined state objects to be shared between the user own components. |
ImagesLayout |
Gets or sets the grid layout for the images displayed on the Leadtools.MedicalViewer.MedicalViewerCell. |
Medical3DControlDataId |
Gets a dictionary which contains the Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.DataAccessLayer.VolumeIdentifier objects for 3D volumes loaded into a Leadtools.Medical3D.Medical3DControl. |
Medical3DControlInstances |
Gets a dictionary which contains the Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.Loader.DicomInstanceInformation for the series used to create a Leadtools.Medical3D.Medical3DControl. |
MedicalViewer3DCellActions |
Gets a collection of Leadtools.MedicalViewer.MedicalViewerActionType to be used to initialize new Leadtools.Medical3D.Medical3DControl. |
MedicalViewer3DCellMouseButtonActions |
Gets a dictionary that contains the Leadtools.MedicalViewer.MedicalViewerActionType associated with each Leadtools.MedicalViewer.MedicalViewerMouseButtons to be set for Leadtools.Medical3D.Medical3DControl controls. |
MedicalViewerCellActionKeys |
Gets a dictionary that contains the Leadtools.MedicalViewer.MedicalViewerKeys associated with each Leadtools.MedicalViewer.MedicalViewerActionType to be set for Leadtools.MedicalViewer.MedicalViewerCell controls. |
MedicalViewerCellActions |
Gets a collection of Leadtools.MedicalViewer.MedicalViewerActionType to be used to initialize new Leadtools.MedicalViewer.MedicalViewerCell. |
MedicalViewerCellAnnotations |
Gets a dictionary which contains a list of Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.DataAccessLayer.AnnotationIdentifier objects associated with Leadtools.MedicalViewer.MedicalViewerCell. |
MedicalViewerCellInstances |
Gets a dictionary which contains the Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.Loader.DicomInstanceInformation for the series loaded into the associated Leadtools.MedicalViewer.MedicalViewerCell. |
MedicalViewerCellMouseButtonActions |
Gets a dictionary that contains the Leadtools.MedicalViewer.MedicalViewerActionType associated with each Leadtools.MedicalViewer.MedicalViewerMouseButtons to be set for Leadtools.MedicalViewer.MedicalViewerCell controls. |
ModalityManager |
Gets the ModalityOptionsManager used by the Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.UI.WorkstationViewer. |
SelectedVolumeType |
Gets or sets the current selected Leadtools.Medical3D.Medical3DVolumeType |
SeriesLayout |
Gets or sets the grid layout for the series display. |
StudiesLayout |
Gets or sets the grid layout for the studies display. |
TimelineManager |
Gets the StudiesChronologicalTimelineManager used by the Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.UI.WorkstationViewer. |
WorkstationActionDisplayName |
Gets a dictionary which contains the display name for Leadtools.MedicalViewer.MedicalViewerActionType. |
WorkstationHostViewers |
Gets a collection that contains the Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.UI.MedicalViewerHost which are currently loaded in the Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.UI.WorkstationViewer |
WorkstationKeysFeatures |
Gets a dictionary which associates a feature ID with a specific System.Windows.Forms.Keys. |
WorkstationLoadedSeries |
Gets a collection of Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.UI.WorkstationViewer.LoadSeriesInformation that represents the current information for all loaded series. |
Workstations |
Gets a collection of Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.UI.WorkstationViewer controls that uses this state object. |
WorkstationSelectedCells |
Gets a collection that contains the current selected Leadtools.MedicalViewer.MedicalViewerBaseCell controls. |