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CinePlayer Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by CinePlayer.

Public Constructors

Name Description
Public Constructor CinePlayer Initializes a new instance of the CinePlayer class.
Public Constructor WorkstationModelessViewBase Initializes a new instance of the WorkstationModelessViewBase class. (Inherited from WorkstationModelessViewBase)

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method ActivateView Request the view to be loaded and displayed to the user. (Inherited from WorkstationModelessViewBase)
Public Method EnsureVisible Request the view to be ensure that it is visible and have focus.. (Inherited from WorkstationModelessViewBase)
Public Method FireCurrentStateEvents Fires the PlayStateChanged, PlayModeChanged, PlayOptionsChanged and FramesOrderChanged events.

Protected Methods

Name Description
Protected Method Dispose(Boolean) Releases all resources used by the CinePlayer object.
Protected Method OnDeactivated Raises the DeActivated event. (Inherited from WorkstationModelessViewBase)
Protected Method OnFormClosed Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Form.FormClosed event. (Inherited from WorkstationModelessViewBase)
Protected Method OnFrameRateChanged Raises the FrameRateChanged event.
Protected Method OnFramesOrderChanged Raises the FramesOrderChanged event.
Protected Method OnInterploationChanged Raises the InterploationChanged event.
Protected Method OnPlayModeChanged Raises the PlayModeChanged event.
Protected Method OnPlayOptionsChanged Raises the ICinePlayer.PlayOptionsChanged event.
Protected Method OnPlayStateChanged Raises the PlayStateChanged event.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property DeactivateOnClose Gets or sets whether the form should be disposed when it is closed. (Inherited from WorkstationModelessViewBase)

Public Events

Name Description
Public Event DeActivated Occurs when the view is destroyed. (Inherited from WorkstationModelessViewBase)
Public Event FrameRateChanged Occurs when the frame rate is changed.
Public Event FramesOrderChanged Occurs when the frame order is changed.
Public Event InterploationChanged Occurs when the interpolation type is changed.
Public Event PlayModeChanged Occurs when the play mode is changed.
Public Event PlayOptionsChanged Occurs when the play options are changed.
Public Event PlayStateChanged Occurs when the play state is changed.

Protected Fields

Name Description
Protected Field AdvancedChcekBox Represents a System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox that enables or disables advanced options controls for the CinePlayer.
Protected Field AnimateAllSubCellsCheckBox Represents a System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox that allows the user to choose whether to animate all of the sub-cells in the MedicalViewer.
Protected Field BackwardCheckBox Represents a System.Windows.Forms.Button control that plays the animation backwards.
Protected Field CinePlayerGroupBox Represents a System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox that contains the CinePlayer.
Protected Field CloseDlgButton Represents a System.Windows.Forms.Button that closes the dialog.
Protected Field ExtendedParametersGroupBox Represents a System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox that contains the extended parameters.
Protected Field FastSpeedLabel Represents a System.Windows.Forms.Label on the dialog.
Protected Field ForwardCheckBox Represents a System.Windows.Forms.Button control that plays the animation forwards.
Protected Field FramePerSecondLabel Represents a System.Windows.Forms.Label on the dialog.
Protected Field FramePerSecondNumericUpDown Represents a System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown that controls the frames per second.
Protected Field FramesComboBox Represents a System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox that sets the number of frames.
Protected Field FramesFromLabel Represents a System.Windows.Forms.Label on the dialog.
Protected Field FramesGroupBox Represents a System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox on the dialog.
Protected Field FramesLabel Represents a System.Windows.Forms.Label on the dialog.
Protected Field FramesToLabel Represents a System.Windows.Forms.Label on the dialog.
Protected Field FromTextBox Represents a NumericTextBox that sets the starting frame.
Protected Field InterpolationComboBox Represents a System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox that allows the user to select the Interpolation type.
Protected Field InterpolationLabel Represents a System.Windows.Forms.Label control that displays the Interploation.
Protected Field JumpFramesLabel Represents a System.Windows.Forms.Label on the dialog.
Protected Field JumpFramesNumericUpDown Represents a System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown that sets the number of frames to jump.

See Also

CinePlayer Class

Leadtools.Medical.Workstation Namespace

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