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CinePlayer Class Fields


For a list of all members of this type, see CinePlayer members

Protected Fields

Name Description
Protected Field AdvancedChcekBox Represents a System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox that enables or disables advanced options controls for the CinePlayer.
Protected Field AnimateAllSubCellsCheckBox Represents a System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox that allows the user to choose whether to animate all of the sub-cells in the MedicalViewer.
Protected Field BackwardCheckBox Represents a System.Windows.Forms.Button control that plays the animation backwards.
Protected Field CinePlayerGroupBox Represents a System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox that contains the CinePlayer.
Protected Field CloseDlgButton Represents a System.Windows.Forms.Button that closes the dialog.
Protected Field ExtendedParametersGroupBox Represents a System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox that contains the extended parameters.
Protected Field FastSpeedLabel Represents a System.Windows.Forms.Label on the dialog.
Protected Field ForwardCheckBox Represents a System.Windows.Forms.Button control that plays the animation forwards.
Protected Field FramePerSecondLabel Represents a System.Windows.Forms.Label on the dialog.
Protected Field FramePerSecondNumericUpDown Represents a System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown that controls the frames per second.
Protected Field FramesComboBox Represents a System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox that sets the number of frames.
Protected Field FramesFromLabel Represents a System.Windows.Forms.Label on the dialog.
Protected Field FramesGroupBox Represents a System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox on the dialog.
Protected Field FramesLabel Represents a System.Windows.Forms.Label on the dialog.
Protected Field FramesToLabel Represents a System.Windows.Forms.Label on the dialog.
Protected Field FromTextBox Represents a NumericTextBox that sets the starting frame.
Protected Field InterpolationComboBox Represents a System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox that allows the user to select the Interpolation type.
Protected Field InterpolationLabel Represents a System.Windows.Forms.Label control that displays the Interploation.
Protected Field JumpFramesLabel Represents a System.Windows.Forms.Label on the dialog.
Protected Field JumpFramesNumericUpDown Represents a System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown that sets the number of frames to jump.

See Also

CinePlayer Class

Leadtools.Medical.Workstation Namespace

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