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StudiesViewer Class Properties


For a list of all members of this type, see StudiesViewer members

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property ActiveViewer Gets or sets the MedicalViewer that will be active and selected. (Inherited from MedicalViewerHost)
Public Property AutoDeleteOnEmpty Gets or sets whether the MedicalViewerHost should be removed and disposed from the WorkstationViewer when all MedicalViewer controls are removed. (Inherited from MedicalViewerHost)
Public Property PatientID Gets or sets the Patient ID for this viewer.
Public Property SelectedViewers Gets all the selected MedicalViewer controls. (Inherited from MedicalViewerHost)
Public Property SudyLayout Gets or sets the rows and columns layout for the studies.
Public Property Viewers Gets all the viewers hosted by this control. (Inherited from MedicalViewerHost)

See Also

StudiesViewer Class

Leadtools.Medical.Workstation Namespace

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