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The ltmfPlay object implements the GetSubObject function so you can access Media Foundation specific objects directly.
Suppose for example, you wanted to access to the ltmfPlay object's video processor in order to get its attribute store.
In C++, you would do the following:
IltmfPlay *pPlay; // initialized elsewhere
IUnknown *pUnk;
IMFTransform *pTransform;
// call the play object to retrieve the FilterGraph
hr = m_player->GetSubObject(ltmfPlay_Object_SelVideoProcessor, &pUnk);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// retrieve the IMFTransform interface
hr = pUnk->QueryInterface(IID_IMFTransform, (void**)&pTransform);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// get the attribute store
IMFAttributes *pAttributes = NULL;
// do what you want with the attribute store
Help Collections
Raster .NET | C API | C++ Class Library | HTML5 JavaScript
Document .NET | C API | C++ Class Library | HTML5 JavaScript
Medical .NET | C API | C++ Class Library | HTML5 JavaScript
Medical Web Viewer .NET
Direct Show .NET | C API | Filters
Media Foundation .NET | C API | Transforms
Supported Platforms
.NET, Java, Android, and iOS/macOS Assemblies
Imaging, Medical, and Document
C API/C++ Class Libraries
Imaging, Medical, and Document
HTML5 JavaScript Libraries
Imaging, Medical, and Document