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AAMVAID Class Methods


For a list of all members of this type, see AAMVAID members

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method
GetBytes Generates and returns formatted AAMVA barcode data for this AAMVAID.
Public Method
static  | Shared in VB</div>
LookupIssuerIdentificationNumber Looks up an IIN for a given jurisdiction.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB LookupJurisdiction Looks up an AAMVA Jurisdiction given an Issuer Identification Number.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB LookupNameSuffix Looks up an AAMVANameSuffix with a given suffix code.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB LookupNameSuffixCodeArabic Looks up a name suffix code (Arabic numeral style) given an AAMVANameSuffix.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB LookupNameSuffixCodeRoman Looks up a name suffix code (Roman numeral style) given an AAMVANameSuffix.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB LookupRaceEthnicity Looks up an AAMVARaceEthnicity given a race/ethnicity code.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB LookupRaceEthnicityCode Looks up a race/ethnicity code given an AAMVARaceEthnicity.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB LookupRegion Looks up an AAMVARegion (country) given an AAMVAJurisdiction (state/territory).
Public Method static  | Shared in VB LookupStateAbbreviation Looks up a state/territory abbreviation given an AAMVAJurisdiction.
Public Method ToString Formatted AAMVA barcode data that can be written to a PDF417 barcode, encoded as a UTF-8 string.

Protected Methods

Name Description
Protected Method
Dispose Releases all resources used by this AAMVAID.
Protected Method Finalize This method overrides System.Object.Finalize.

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