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OneDBarcodeWriteOptions Class Properties


For a list of all members of this type, see OneDBarcodeWriteOptions members

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property
Code11CheckDigitType Gets or sets a value that indicates the check digit type to use when reading writing 11 (USD-8) barcodes.
Public Property Code128TableEncoding Gets or sets a value that specifies the encoding table to use when writing Code 128 barcodes.
Public Property EnableErrorCheck Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to output the optional check word for validity check when writing a barcode (if supported).
Public Property FriendlyName Gets the friendly name of this class.
Public Property MSIModuloType Gets or sets a value that indicates the check digit type to use when writing MSI (Pulse Width Modulated) barcodes.
Public Property SetGS1DatabarLinkageBit Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to set the linkage bit when writing GS1 Databar barcodes.
Public Property TextPosition Gets or sets a value that specifies the text position to use when the data string is written along with the barcode.
Public Property UseXModule Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to use the XModule when writing barcodes of this type.
Public Property WriteTruncatedGS1Databar Gets or sets a value indicating whether to write truncated GS1 Databar symbols.
Public Property XModule Gets or sets a value that indicates the size of the smallest module when writing a standard 1D (linear) barcode.

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Leadtools.Barcode Assembly