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IAnnAutomationControl Interface Events


For a list of all members of this type, see IAnnAutomationControl members

Public Events

Name Description
Public Event
static  | Shared in VB</div>
automationDoubleClick Represents an event of that triggers when the pointer (mouse or touch) is double-clicked on the surface of the control.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB automationEnabledChanged Represents an event that triggers whenever the value of AutomationEnabled is changed.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB automationGotFocus Represents an event that triggers when the control receives the focus.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB automationLostFocus Represents an event that triggers when the control loses the focus.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB automationPointerDown Represents an event of that triggers when the pointer (mouse or touch) is down (clicked) on the surface of the control.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB automationPointerMove Represents an event of that triggers when the pointer (mouse or touch) is moved on the surface of the control.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB automationPointerUp Represents an event of that triggers when the pointer (mouse or touch) is up (released) from the surface of the control.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB automationSizeChanged Represents an event that triggers when the size of this control changes.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB automationTransformChanged Represents an event that must triggers whenever the value of AutomationTransform is changed.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB automationUseDpiChanged Represents an event that triggers whenever the value of AutomationUseDpi is changed.

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