typedef struct _COLORRESDLGPARAMS 
   L_UINT uStructSize; 
   pBITMAPHANDLE pBitmap; 
   L_BOOL bZoomToFit; 
   L_INT nBitsPerPixel; 
   L_UINT32 uColorResFlags; 
   HPALETTE hpalCustom; 
   L_UINT32 uDlgFlags; 
   L_UINT32 uDlgFlagsEx; 
   LTCOMMDLGHELPCB pfnHelpCallback; 
   L_VOID  *pHelpCallBackUserData; 

The COLORRESDLGPARAMS structure provides information used to initialize the dialog box created by the LDialogColor::DoModalColorRes function. After the user closes the dialog box, this structure is updated with information about the user's selections.



Size of this structure, in bytes. Use the sizeof operator to calculate this value.




Flag that indicates the initial zoom level for previewing the image. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
TRUE Set the initial zoom level to "Zoom to fit".
FALSE Set the initial zoom level to "Normal (1:1)".


A variable to be updated with the bits per pixel value entered in the dialog. Set this to indicate the initial value for the dialog.


A variable to be updated with the color resolution flags entered through the dialog. Setting this before calling the function has no effect. This will be one of the following:

Value Meaning
CRF_FIXEDPALETTE [0x01] Use the fixed palette.
CRF_OPTIMIZEDPALETTE [0x02] Create an optimized palette. Or, if you supply a palette in the pPalette or hPalette parameter, but not both, supply optimized colors for specified entries in the palette.
CRF_NETSCAPEPALETTE [0x40] Use the fixed palette that is employed by Netscape Navigator and by Microsoft Internet Explorer.
CRF_USERHPALETTE [0x0100] Use the palette specified in the hPalette parameter.
CRF_IDENTITYPALETTE [0x08] Insert the Windows system palette.
CRF_BYTEORDERBGR [0x04] Use BGR color order. This flag only has meaning when going to 16 bits per pixel or higher.
CRF_BYTEORDERRGB [0x00] Use RGB color. This flag only has meaning when going to 16 bits per pixel or higher.
CRF_NODITHERING [0x00000000] Use nearest color matching.
CRF_FLOYDSTEINDITHERING [0x00010000] Use Floyd-Steinberg dithering.
CRF_STUCKIDITHERING [0x00020000] Use Stucki dithering.
CRF_BURKESDITHERING [0x00030000] Use Burkes dithering.
CRF_SIERRADITHERING [0x00040000] Use Sierra dithering.
CRF_STEVENSONARCEDITHERING [0x00050000] Use Stevenson Arce dithering.
CRF_JARVISDITHERING [0x00060000] Use Jarvis dithering.
CRF_ORDEREDDITHERING [0x00070000] Use ordered dithering, which is faster but less accurate than other dithering methods.
CRF_CLUSTEREDDITHERING [0x00080000] Use clustered dithering.


A handle to a palette to be updated with a custom palette entered through the dialog. This member is valid only when CRF_USERHPALETTE is set in uColorResFlags.


User interface flags for this dialog, which determine the layout and action of the dialog. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_CONTEXTHELP [0x00000002] dialog should contain a context sensitive help icon.
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_ORDER [0x00000010] show the color order in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_OPENPALFILE [0x00000020] show the open palette button used to load LEAD palette files. LEAD palette files are created using the LDialogColor::DoModalCustomizePalette function.


User interface flags for this dialog, which determine the options available in the dialog. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_1BIT [0x00000001] 1-bit is an option in the dialog.
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_2BIT [0x00000002] 2-bit is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_3BIT [0x00000004] 3-bit is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_4BIT [0x00000008] 4-bit is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_5BIT [0x00000010] 5-bit is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_6BIT [0x00000020] 6-bit is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_7BIT [0x00000040] 7-bit is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_8BIT [0x00000080] 8-bit is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_12BIT [0x00000100] 12-bit is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_16BIT [0x00000200] 16-bit is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_24BIT [0x00000400] 24-bit is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_32BIT [0x00000800] 32-bit is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_48BIT [0x00001000] 48-bit is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_64BIT [0x00002000] 64-bit is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_BITALL [0x00003FFF] 1-bit to 64-bit are all options in the dialog.
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_DITHER_NONE [0x00004000] no dithering is an option in the dialog.
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_DITHER_FLOYD [0x00008000] Floyd dithering is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_DITHER_STUCKI [0x00010000] stucki dithering is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_DITHER_BURKES [0x00020000] burkes dithering is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_DITHER_SIERRA [0x00040000] sierra dithering is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_DITHER_STEVENSON [0x00080000] stevenson dithering is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_DITHER_JARVIS [0x00100000] jarvis dithering is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_DITHER_CLUSTER [0x00200000] clustered dithering is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_DITHER_ORDERED [0x00400000] ordered dithering is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_DITHER_ALL [0x007FC000] all dithering methods are options in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_PAL_FIXED [0x00800000] fixed palette is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_PAL_OPTIMIZED [0x01000000] optimized palette is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_PAL_IDENTITY [0x02000000] identity palette is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_PAL_NETSCAPE [0x04000000] netscape palette is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_PAL_SVGA [0x08000000] SVGA palette is an option
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_PAL_UNIFORM [0x10000000] Uniform palette is an option
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_PAL_MSIE [0x20000000] MSIE palette is an option
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_PAL_ALL [0x3F800000] all palette options are included in the dialog





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