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The REMAPHUEDLGPARAMS structure provides information used to initialize the dialog box created by the LDialogColor::DoModalRemapHue function. After the user closes the dialog box, this structure is updated with information about the user's selections.
L_UINT uStructSize;
L_BOOL bZoomToFit;
L_UINT *puMaskLookup;
L_UINT *puHueLookup;
L_UINT *puSaturationLookup;
L_UINT *puValueLookup;
L_UINT uLookupLen;
L_UINT32 uDlgFlags;
L_VOID *pHelpCallBackUserData;
Size of this structure, in bytes. Use the sizeof operator to calculate this value.
Pointer to the bitmap handle that references the bitmap used for preview or processing.
Flag that indicates the initial zoom level for previewing the image. Possible values are:
Value | Meaning |
TRUE | Set the initial zoom level to "Zoom to fit". |
FALSE | Set the initial zoom level to "Normal (1:1)". |
Lookup table that identifies which values in the Hue, Saturation, and Value Lookup tables are valid. For example, if puMaskLookup[i] is non-zero, then puHueLookup[i], puSaturationLookup[i], and puValueLookup[i] are valid for i pixel remapping. LEADTOOLS will allocate this during the call to LDialogColor::DoModalRemapHue unless you include the DLG_REMAPHUE_AUTOPROCESS flag in the uDlgFlags field of this structure. You should free this pointer using the Windows C API GlobalFree when it is no longer needed. The length of the table is in uLookupLen.
Hue lookup table. If the puMaskLookup table value for a particular pixel hue is non-zero, then the hue is changed to the corresponding entry in puHueLookup. LEADTOOLS will allocate this during the call to LDialogColor::DoModalRemapHue unless you include the DLG_REMAPHUE_AUTOPROCESS flag in the uDlgFlags field of this structure. You should free this pointer using the Windows C API GlobalFree when it is no longer needed. The length of the table is in uLookupLen.
Saturation lookup table. If the puMaskLookup table value for a particular pixel saturation is non-zero, then the saturation is changed to the corresponding entry in puSaturationLookup. LEADTOOLS will allocate this during the call to LDialogColor::DoModalRemapHue unless you include the DLG_REMAPHUE_AUTOPROCESS flag in the uDlgFlags field of this structure. You should free this pointer using the Windows C API GlobalFree when it is no longer needed. The length of the table is in uLookupLen.
Value lookup table. If the puMaskLookup table value for a particular pixel value is non-zero, then the value is changed to the corresponding entry in puValueLookup. LEADTOOLS will allocate this during the call to LDialogColor::DoModalRemapHue unless you include the DLG_REMAPHUE_AUTOPROCESS flag in the uDlgFlags field of this structure. You should free this pointer using the Windows C API GlobalFree when it is no longer needed. The length of the table is in uLookupLen.
Length of the lookup table. Possible values are:
Value | Meaning |
65536 | For 16-bit gray or 48-bit images. |
4096 | For 12-bit images. |
256 | For other-bits images. |
User interface flags for this dialog which determines the layout and action of the dialog. Possible values are:
Value | Meaning |
DLG_REMAPHUE_AUTOPROCESS | [0x00000001] process the image on OK. The pBitmap member of this structure should contain a valid bitmap. |
DLG_REMAPHUE_SHOW_CONTEXTHELP | [0x00000002] dialog should contain a context sensitive help icon. |
DLG_REMAPHUE_SHOW_PREVIEW | [0x00000004] show a preview of the image in the dialog. The pBitmap member of this structure should contain a valid bitmap. |
DLG_REMAPHUE_SHOW_TOOL_ZOOMLEVEL | [0x00000008] show the "Zoom to fit" and "Zoom Normal" toolbar buttons. The DLG_REMAPHUE_SHOW_PREVIEW flag must be set in order to show these buttons. |