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ReadOnly Property


Indicates whether the form field value is read-only.

public bool ReadOnly { get; } 
   property bool ReadOnly 
      bool get() 
ReadOnly # get  (DocumentFormField) 

Property Value

true if the form field value is read-only; otherwise, false. The default value is false.


When this property is set to true, the contents of the form field value in the viewer cannot be changed by the user at runtime. With this property set to true, you can still set the value of the form field in code.

using Leadtools; 
using Leadtools.Codecs; 
using Leadtools.Document.Writer; 
using Leadtools.Document; 
using Leadtools.Caching; 
using Leadtools.Annotations.Engine; 
using Leadtools.Ocr; 
using Leadtools.Barcode; 
using Leadtools.Document.Converter; 
public void DocumentFormFieldsExample(string pdfFile) 
   // The value of LoadDocumentOptions.LoadFormFieldsMode affects loading the documents as follows: 
   // 1. Normal PDF without form fields: Will not be affected. 
   // 2. Normal PDF with fields:  
   //       LoadFormFieldsMode = View, then the form fields will be rendered as part of the view without the ability to retrieve or update the value 
   //       LoadFormFieldsMode = Interactive, then the form fields will be parsed to LEADDocument.FormFields 
   // Load the document with interactive form fields mode 
   Console.WriteLine($"Loading with DocumentLoadFormFieldsMode.Interactive"); 
   var loadDocumentOptions = new LoadDocumentOptions(); 
   loadDocumentOptions.LoadFormFieldsMode = DocumentLoadFormFieldsMode.Interactive; 
   using (LEADDocument document = DocumentFactory.LoadFromFile(pdfFile, loadDocumentOptions)) 
      Console.WriteLine($"Document has {document.Pages.Count} pages"); 
      // Find out if the document has parsed form fields 
      bool hasFormFields = document.FormFields.HasFormFields; 
      // Extract all the form fields 
      DocumentFormFieldsContainer[] containers = document.FormFields.GetFormFields(); 
      if (containers == null || containers.Length == 0) 
         Console.WriteLine($"Empty Containers"); 
      foreach (DocumentFormFieldsContainer container in containers) 
         // Show info on this container 
         Console.WriteLine($"Page Number {container.PageNumber}, Form fields count {container.Children?.Count}"); 
         foreach (DocumentFormField formField in container.Children) 
            StringBuilder formFieldInfo = new StringBuilder(); 
            formFieldInfo.Append($"ID                       : {(string.IsNullOrEmpty(formField.ID) ? string.Empty : formField.ID)}"); 
            formFieldInfo.Append($"Name                     : {(string.IsNullOrEmpty(formField.Name) ? string.Empty : formField.Name)}"); 
            formFieldInfo.Append($"Bounds                   : {formField.Bounds}"); 
            formFieldInfo.Append($"BackgroundColor          : {formField.BackgroundColor}"); 
            formFieldInfo.Append($"Is Printable             : {formField.Printable}"); 
            formFieldInfo.Append($"Is Viewable              : {formField.Viewable}"); 
            formFieldInfo.Append($"Is Locked                : {formField.Locked}"); 
            formFieldInfo.Append($"Is Required              : {formField.Required}"); 
            formFieldInfo.Append($"Is ReadOnly              : {formField.ReadOnly}"); 
            formFieldInfo.Append($"                                               "); 
            // DocumentFormFieldBorderStyle reference 
            formFieldInfo.Append($"Border Style             : {formField.BorderStyle.Style}"); 
            formFieldInfo.Append($"Border Color             : {formField.BorderStyle.Color}"); 
            formFieldInfo.Append($"Border Width             : {formField.BorderStyle.Width}"); 
            formFieldInfo.Append($"                                               "); 
            // DocumentFormFieldTextStyle reference 
            formFieldInfo.Append($"Font Name                : {formField.TextStyle.FontName}"); 
            formFieldInfo.Append($"Font Size                : {formField.TextStyle.FontSize}"); 
            formFieldInfo.Append($"Text Color               : {formField.TextStyle.Color}"); 
            formFieldInfo.Append($"Text Alignment           : {formField.TextStyle.TextAlignment}"); 
            formFieldInfo.Append($"                                               "); 
            formFieldInfo.Append($"Type                     : {formField.Type}"); 
            if (formField is DocumentTextFormField) 
               DocumentTextFormField textFormField = formField as DocumentTextFormField; 
               formFieldInfo.Append($"Text Value               : {(string.IsNullOrEmpty(textFormField.Value) ? string.Empty : textFormField.Value)}"); 
               formFieldInfo.Append($"Content Type             : {textFormField.ContentType}"); 
               formFieldInfo.Append($"Max Length               : {textFormField.MaxLength}"); 
               formFieldInfo.Append($"Multiline                : {textFormField.Multiline}"); 
               formFieldInfo.Append($"Is Password              : {textFormField.IsPassword}"); 
               formFieldInfo.Append($"Is Comb                  : {textFormField.IsComb}"); 
            else if (formField is DocumentChoiceFormField) 
               DocumentChoiceFormField choiceFormField = formField as DocumentChoiceFormField; 
               formFieldInfo.Append($"Options Display Value    : {(choiceFormField.OptionsDisplayValue == null ? string.Empty : string.Join(",", choiceFormField.OptionsDisplayValue))}"); 
               formFieldInfo.Append($"Options Exported Value   : {(choiceFormField.OptionsExportedValue == null ? string.Empty : string.Join(",", choiceFormField.OptionsExportedValue))}"); 
               formFieldInfo.Append($"Selected Indices         : {(choiceFormField.SelectedIndices == null ? string.Empty : string.Join(",", choiceFormField.SelectedIndices))}"); 
               formFieldInfo.Append($"MultiSelect              : {choiceFormField.MultiSelect}"); 
               formFieldInfo.Append($"Choice Type              : {(choiceFormField.ChoiceType == DocumentChoiceFormField.ChoiceType_List ? "List" : "ComboBox")}"); 
            else if (formField is DocumentButtonFormField) 
               DocumentButtonFormField buttonFormField = formField as DocumentButtonFormField; 
               formFieldInfo.Append($"Is Checked               : {buttonFormField.IsChecked}"); 
               formFieldInfo.Append($"Button Type              : {(buttonFormField.ButtonType == DocumentButtonFormField.ButtonType_CheckBox ? "CheckBox" : "RadioButton")}"); 
      // The following sample shows how to update a Document Text Form Field Value in the first document page 
      // Use DocumentButtonFormField.IsChecked to update DocumentButtonFormField values 
      // Use DocumentChoiceFormField.SelectedIndices to update DocumentChoiceFormField selected items 
      const int pageNumber = 1; 
      foreach (var formField in containers[pageNumber].Children) 
         DocumentTextFormField textFormField = formField as DocumentTextFormField; 
         if (textFormField != null) 
            textFormField.Value = "PDF Forms"; 
      // Update the form fields containers 
      // DocumentFormFields reference 

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