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CacheStatus Property


The cache status of this document.

public DocumentCacheStatus CacheStatus { get; set; } 
   property DocumentCacheStatus^ CacheStatus 
      DocumentCacheStatus^ get() 
      void set(DocumentCacheStatus^ value) 
public DocumentCacheStatus getCacheStatus() 
public void setCacheStatus(DocumentCacheStatus value) 
CacheStatus # get and set (LEADDocument) 

Property Value

The cache status of this document. Default value is DocumentCacheStatus.NotSynced.


The value of CacheStatus will be DocumentCacheStatus.NotSynced when any part of the document has not been updated into the cache. This is the default value when a document is first loaded from a URL / disk file / stream or, when uploaded or when created through the factory. When the document is saved into the cache using SaveToCache, the value of CacheStatus will be set to DocumentCacheStatus.Synced and the timestamp of the operation is stored in LastCacheSyncTime.

If the document is modified by adding / removing pages or when when the content of any page is changed, then the value of CacheStatus will be to DocumentCacheStatus.NotSynced automatically.


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