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MaximumItems Property


Maximum number of items to keep in the cache.

public int MaximumItems {get; set;} 
   property Int32 MaximumItems 
      Int32 get() 
      void set(Int32 value) 
MaximumItems # get and set (DocumentMemoryCacheStartOptions) 

Property Value

The maximum number of items to keep in the cache. The default value is 0.


A value of 0 (the default) means that there is no limit on the number of items to keep in the cache. If a value is set and the limit is reached, then the least recently used item is removed to make room for the new one.

Refer to DocumentMemoryCache for more information.

using Leadtools; 
using Leadtools.Codecs; 
using Leadtools.Document.Writer; 
using Leadtools.Document; 
using Leadtools.Caching; 
using Leadtools.Annotations.Engine; 
using Leadtools.Ocr; 
using Leadtools.Barcode; 
using Leadtools.Document.Converter; 
public void DocumentMemoryCacheExample() 
   // The cache we are using 
   FileCache cache = new FileCache(); 
   cache.PolicySerializationMode = CacheSerializationMode.Json; 
   cache.DataSerializationMode = CacheSerializationMode.Json; 
   cache.CacheDirectory = @"c:\cache-dir"; 
   // The document files we are using 
   string[] documentFiles = 
      // PDF files are very fast to load and will not use memory cache 
      // Large Excel files are complex and loading may take some time, they could use memory cache 
   // First process without memory cache and obtain some times 
   LoadAndProcessDocument(documentFiles, cache); 
   // Then process with memory cache 
   // Document memory cache options to use 
   var documentMemoryCacheStartOptions = new DocumentMemoryCacheStartOptions 
      // Use for documents that take more than 2 seconds to load initially 
      MinimumLoadDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2), 
      // No maximum limit on the number of cache items to keep in memory 
      MaximumItems = 0, 
      // Purse items from the cache if not touched for 60 seconds 
      SlidingExpiration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60), 
      // Check for expired items every 60 seconds 
      TimerInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60) 
   // Use it 
   // Run again 
   // For the first document, times should be very close to the since this is a PDF document and is very fast (less than MinimumLoadDuration) 
   // For the second document, initial times should be the same, but loading all pages should be much faster 
   LoadAndProcessDocument(documentFiles, cache); 
   // Clean up 
private static void LoadAndProcessDocument(string[] documentFiles, ObjectCache cache) 
   Console.WriteLine($"Using memory cache is {DocumentFactory.DocumentMemoryCache.IsStarted}"); 
   string[] documentIds = new string[documentFiles.Length]; 
   var stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); 
   TimeSpan elapsed; 
   for (var i = 0; i < documentFiles.Length; i++) 
      string documentFile = documentFiles[i]; 
      int pageCount; 
      // First try without memory cache and obtain some times 
      using (LEADDocument document = DocumentFactory.LoadFromFile( 
         new LoadDocumentOptions 
            Cache = cache 
         document.Images.MaximumImagePixelSize = 2048; 
         document.AutoSaveToCache = false; 
         document.AutoDeleteFromCache = false; 
         documentIds[i] = document.DocumentId; 
         pageCount = document.Pages.Count; 
      elapsed = stopwatch.Elapsed; 
      Console.WriteLine($"Initial load from {Path.GetFileName(documentFile)} took ~{(int)elapsed.TotalSeconds} seconds"); 
      // Check if it's in the cache 
      Console.WriteLine($"Is using memory cache is {DocumentFactory.DocumentMemoryCache.HasDocument(documentIds[i], false)}"); 
      // Next call LoadFromCache and process a page in multiple threads 
      LoadAllPagesInThreads(documentIds[i], pageCount, cache); 
      elapsed = stopwatch.Elapsed; 
      Console.WriteLine($"Multi-threaded load of all pages took ~{(int)elapsed.TotalSeconds} seconds"); 
   // Clean up 
   DeleteDocumentsFromCache(documentIds, cache); 
private static void LoadAllPagesInThreads(string documentId, int pageCount, ObjectCache cache) 
      pageCount + 1, 
      new System.Threading.Tasks.ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 4 }, 
      (int pageNumber) => 
         // Load the document from the cache 
         using (LEADDocument document = DocumentFactory.LoadFromCache( 
            new LoadFromCacheOptions 
               Cache = cache, 
               DocumentId = documentId 
            // Simulates processing of the page 
            DocumentPage documentPage = document.Pages[pageNumber - 1]; 
            using (RasterImage image = documentPage.GetImage()) 
private static void DeleteDocumentsFromCache(string[] documentIds, ObjectCache cache) 
   foreach (string documentId in documentIds) 
      DocumentFactory.DeleteFromCache(new LoadFromCacheOptions 
         Cache = cache, 
         DocumentId = documentId, 

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