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StudiesChronologicalSequenceBuilder Class Properties


For a list of all members of this type, see StudiesChronologicalSequenceBuilder members

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property AutoHidePanelDockedLength Gets or sets the length (Widht/Height) of the ContainerControl in the docked state.
Public Property AutoHidePanelUndockSize Gets the System.Drawing.Size for the ContainerControl in the undocked state.
Public Property CaptionControl Gets the System.Windows.Forms.Control that is used as a caption.
Public Property CaptionText Gets or sets the text that will be displayed on the timeline view.
Public Property ContainerControl Gets the Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.UI.AutoHidePanel which is used to host the timeline information.
Public Property HostControl Gets the System.Windows.Forms.Control which contains the created timeline view.
Public Property StudiesTimelineView Gets or sets the Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.UI.ImageListView which is used to load the timeline information and images into.

See Also

StudiesChronologicalSequenceBuilder Class

Leadtools.Medical.Workstation Namespace

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