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WorkstationViewer Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by WorkstationViewer.

Public Constructors

Name Description
Public Constructor WorkstationViewer Initializes a new instance of the WorkstationViewer class.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method ActivateView Requests the view to be loaded and displayed to the user.
Public Method Add3DControl Adds a Leadtools.Medical3D.Medical3DControl into a new MedicalViewerHost control.
Public Method AddStudyViewer Adds the provided StudiesViewer into the WorkstationViewer
Public Method AddToolbarActivatedButtonLeftAction Registers a System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem in the toolbar that gets an activated item effect when a Leadtools.MedicalViewer.MedicalViewerActionType is the current action.
Public Method AddToolbarSplitButtonChildItemLeftAction Registers a parent CustomToolStripSplitButton to receive the activation effect when a child CustomToolStripMenuItem assigned to a Leadtools.MedicalViewer.MedicalViewerActionType is the current action.
Public Method CalculateCurrentCellStatisticalInformation Returns a Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Effects.StatisticsInformationCommand object that contains the statistical information for the given cell.
Public Method EnsureViewerVisible Ensures that the provided MedicalViewerHost is the active viewer.
Public Method EnsureVisible Ensures that the view is visible and has focus.
Public Method FindCellSeriesLoader Returns the Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.Loader.MedicalViewerLoaderBase object that originally loaded the series into the given cell.
Public Method FindStudyViewer Returns the StudiesViewer with the provided Patient ID.
Public Method GetActiveHostViewer Returns the currently displayed MedicalViewerHost
Public Method GetActiveMedicalViewer Returns the active MedicalViewer control which accepts the mouse actions.
Public Method GetActiveMedicalViewers Returns all MedicalViewer controls in the active view.
Public Method GetAllHostViewers Returns all available MedicalViewerHost controls.
Public Method GetAllMedicalViewers Returns all MedicalViewer controls loaded in the WorkstationViewer.
Public Method GetAllViewers<T> Returns all the MedicalViewer objects from the specified MedicalViewerHost type.
Public Method GetSelectedMedicalViewers Returns all selected MedicalViewer controls from the active view.
Public Method GetStudyViewer Creates a new or returns an existent StudiesViewer.
Public Method IsToolbarActivatedButtonLeftAction Determines whether a System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem is registered with the AddToolbarActivatedButtonLeftAction or AddToolbarSplitButtonChildItemLeftAction methods.
Public Method LoadSeries Loads DICOM Series images into the viewer for viewing.
Public Method RefreshMouseActionsStatusLabels Updates the status strip mouse button labels from the Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.WorkstationMessages class.
Public Method RemoveHostViewer Removes the provided MedicalViewerHost from the WorkstationViewer and deletes all the cells.
Public Method RemoveToolbarActivatedButtonLeftAction Un-registers a System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem that has been previously registered with AddToolbarActivatedButtonLeftAction or AddToolbarSplitButtonChildItemLeftAction from getting the activation effect when a Leadtools.MedicalViewer.MedicalViewerActionType is the current action.
Public Method RequestSeriesLoader Fires the SeriesDropLoaderRequested event and returns the provided Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.Loader.MedicalViewerLoaderBase
Public Method UpdateActiveToolbarButton Updates all System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem that are registered with the AddToolbarActivatedButtonLeftAction or AddToolbarSplitButtonChildItemLeftAction methods and assigned the given Leadtools.MedicalViewer.MedicalViewerActionType to be activated.
Public Method UpdateStatisticalInformation Updates the status strip with the given statistical information in the given Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Effects.StatisticsInformationCommand.
Public Method UpdateStatus Updates the message text displayed on the WorkstationViewer status.
Public Method UpdateStatusStripActions Updates the Leadtools.MedicalViewer.MedicalViewerActionType assigned to the given Leadtools.MedicalViewer.MedicalViewerMouseButtons on the status strip.
Public Method UpdateToolbarState Updates the items state in the ViewerToolbar

Protected Methods

Name Description
Protected Method CreateStudyViewer Returns a new StudiesViewer
Protected Method Dispose(Boolean) Clean up any resources being used.
Protected Method Get3DViewerTitle Returns the caption text that is displayed for a new VolumeViewer.
Protected Method GetStudyViewerCaption Returns the caption text that is displayed for a new StudiesViewer.
Protected Method OnDeActivated Raises the DeActivated event.
Protected Method OnSeriesDropLoaderRequested Raises the SeriesDropLoaderRequested event.
Protected Method OnViewChanged Raises the ViewChanged event.
Protected Method ProcessKeyPreview Previews a keyboard message.
Protected Method ToolBarStateUpdated Called when the ViewerToolbar state is updated.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property AnnotationContextMenu Gets or sets the System.Windows.Forms.ContextMenuStrip that is displayed when an annotation is right clicked.
Public Property AutoApplyRendererToAllUIElements Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the ToolBarRenderer should be applied to all the System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip controls that are registered with the viewer.
Public Property AutoDeleteRemovedCells Gets or sets a value to enable or disable the automatic deletion of cells that are removed from the viewer.
Public Property AutoHandleCellDelete Gets or sets a value to enable or disable the display of a deletion confirmation message when deleting cells.
Public Property CanModifyWindowLevelPreset Determines whether the PresetToolStripMenuItem will be displayed
Public Property EnableStatusStripUpdate Gets or sets a value to enable or disable the automatic updates to the viewer Status Strip (statistical information, messages, mouse actions...)
Public Property ModalityManager Gets the Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.ModalityOptionsManager which contains the modality options.
Public Property Options3D Gets the 3D support options for the WorkstationViewer
Public Property OverlayTextSize Gets or sets the size of the overlay tag displayed on the MedicalViewer cells controls, 0 means that the tag will be resized based on the cell size
Public Property ShowChronologicalTimelineOnLoad Gets or sets a value that determines the behavior of the timeline on load.
Public Property StorageDataAccess Gets or sets the data access object used when storing a 3D volume.
Public Property StudiesContextMenu Gets the context menu displayed on the StudiesViewer control
Public Property TimelineManager Gets the Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.StudiesChronologicalTimelineManager that is used by this WorkstationViewer.
Public Property ToolBarPanel Gets or sets the control used to host the Leadtools.Medical.Workstation toolbar.
Public Property ToolBarRenderer Gets or sets the styles renderer for the WorkstationViewer toolbar and tab control.
Public Property ViewerContainer Gets the Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.WorkstationContainer that this WorkstationViewer is registered with.
Public Property ViewerToolbar Gets the System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip control displayed on the WorkstationViewer.
Public Property VolumeContextMenu Gets the context menu displayed on the VolumeViewer control.
Public Property WorkstationDataAccess Gets or sets the data access object used to load and store 3D volumes.

Public Events

Name Description
Public Event DeActivated Occurs when the view is destroyed.
Public Event MedicalViewerCellDeleted Occurs when a Leadtools.MedicalViewer.MedicalViewerCell is removed from the WorkstationViewer
Public Event SeriesDropLoaderRequested Occurs when a series information need to be loaded because of a drag/drop action.
Public Event SeriesLoadingCanceled Occurs when loading a series is canceled.
Public Event SeriesLoadingCompleted Occurs when loading a series is completed.
Public Event SeriesLoadingError Occurs when an error occurs when loading a series.
Public Event StudiesViewerRemoved Occurs when a StudiesViewer is removed from the WorkstationViewer
Public Event ViewChanged Occurs when the selected MedicalViewer control or Leadtools.MedicalViewer.MedicalViewerBaseCell control change.
Public Event VolumeLoaded Occurs when a 3D volume is loaded or created.
Public Event VolumeLoadError Occurs when an error occur while loading or creating a 3D volume.

Protected Fields

Name Description
Protected Field AngleToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field AnimationtoolStripButton
Protected Field AnnotationsSaveLoadDropDownButton
Protected Field AnnotationstoolStripSplitButton
Protected Field ArrowToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field AutoToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field BrowseModeToolStripDropDownButton
Protected Field CalibrateRulerToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field ChangeReferenceLineColorToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field ClearAllRegionsToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field ClearRegionToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field CopyToolStripButton
Protected Field Create3DVolumeToolStripButton
Protected Field CreateCutPlaneToolStripDropDownButton
Protected Field CustomizeWindowLevelToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field DeleteAllPresentationStateToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field DeletePresentationStateToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field DisplayWithOverviewModeToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field DoubleCutPlaneToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field EffectsToolStripSplitButton
Protected Field EllipseRegionToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field EllipseToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field EnableReferenceLineToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field FitToCellToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field FlipToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field FreeHandToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field groupBox1
Protected Field groupBox2
Protected Field HilightToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field ImagesLayoutSelectorToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field ImagesLayoutToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field InverttoolStripButton
Protected Field ItemsToolTip
Protected Field LeftAction
Protected Field LeftButtonText
Protected Field LinkImagesToolsStripButton
Protected Field LoadAnnMeasureToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field LoadingStatusToolStripStatusLabel
Protected Field LoadVolumeToolStripButton
Protected Field MagicWandToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field MagnifyGlasstoolStripButton
Protected Field MaximumPixelstoolStripStatusLabel
Protected Field MeantoolStripStatusLabel
Protected Field MeasurmentsToolStripSplitButton
Protected Field MediantoolStripStatusLabel
Protected Field MedicalViewerStatusStrip
Protected Field MedicalViewerToolStrip
Protected Field MiddleAction
Protected Field MiddleButtontoolStripStatusLabel
Protected Field MinimumPixeltoolStripStatusLabel
Protected Field MinMIPToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field MIPToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field MPRToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field NumberofPixelstoolStripStatusLabel
Protected Field Object3DTypeToolStripSplitButton
Protected Field OneToOnetoolStripMenuItem
Protected Field PanoramicStripToolStripButton Represents the panoramic toolbar button.
Protected Field PanToolStripButton
Protected Field PanWindowToolStripButton
Protected Field PolyRulerToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field PresetToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field PrintToolStripButton
Protected Field ProgressToolStripStatusLabel
Protected Field RectangleRegionToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field RectangletoolStripMenuItem
Protected Field RegionstoolStripSplitButton
Protected Field ResetOrientationToolStripMenuItem1
Protected Field ResetVolumeToolStripButton
Protected Field ReverseToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field RightAction
Protected Field RightButtontoolStripStatusLabel
Protected Field Rotate3DToolStripButton
Protected Field RotateCounterclockwise90ToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field RotateToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field RulerToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field SaveAnnMeasureToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field SaveToolStripButton
Protected Field SeparatorToolStripStatusLabel
Protected Field SeriesLayoutSelectorToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field SeriesLayoutToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field SeriesModeToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field SingleCutPlaneToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field SSDToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field StackModeToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field StandardDeviationtoolStripStatusLabel
Protected Field StoreVolumeStateToolStripButton
Protected Field StoreVolumeToolStripButton
Protected Field StudiesLayoutToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field StudiesTimelineToolStripButton
Protected Field StudyLayoutSelectorToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field TextToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field ThumbnailsToolStripButton
Protected Field ToggleTagstoolstripbutton
Protected Field ToolBarAutoHidePanel
Protected Field ToolBarPanelCollapsedGroupBox
Protected Field toolStripButtonIsoThreshold
Protected Field ToolStripSeparator1
Protected Field ToolStripSeparator10
Protected Field ToolStripSeparator11
Protected Field ToolStripSeparator12
Protected Field ToolStripSeparator13
Protected Field ToolStripSeparator14
Protected Field ToolStripSeparator15
Protected Field ToolStripSeparator16
Protected Field ToolStripSeparator17
Protected Field toolStripSeparator18
Protected Field ToolStripSeparator19
Protected Field ToolStripSeparator2
Protected Field toolStripSeparator20
Protected Field toolStripSeparator21
Protected Field toolStripSeparator22
Protected Field ToolStripSeparator3
Protected Field ToolStripSeparator4
Protected Field ToolStripSeparator5
Protected Field ToolStripSeparator6
Protected Field ToolStripSeparator7
Protected Field ToolStripSeparator8
Protected Field ToolStripSeparator9
Protected Field ToolStripStatusLabel1
Protected Field ToolStripStatusLabel3
Protected Field ViewDicomTagsToolStripButton
Protected Field ViewerContainerPanel
Protected Field ViewModetoolStripSplitButton
Protected Field VRTToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field WheelAction
Protected Field WheelButtontoolStripStatusLabel
Protected Field WindowLeveltoolStripButton
Protected Field ZoomIn2xToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field ZoomIn3xToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field ZoomIn4xToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field ZoomIn5xToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field ZoomInToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field ZoomOut2xToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field ZoomOut3xToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field ZoomOut4xToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field ZoomOut5xToolStripMenuItem
Protected Field ZoomOutToolStripMenuItem

Nested Classes

Name Description
Nested Class LoadSeriesInformation Contains information about a series for loading.

See Also

WorkstationViewer Class

Leadtools.Medical.Workstation Namespace

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Leadtools.Medical.Workstation Assembly
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