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StudiesViewer Class Methods


For a list of all members of this type, see StudiesViewer members

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method AddNewMedicalViewer Creates and add a new MedicalViewer control to the Viewers property. (Inherited from MedicalViewerHost)
Public Method CreateStudy Creates a new MedicalViewer control for displaying a study.
Public Method DeleteActiveViewerSelectedCells Deletes the selected cells in the ActiveViewer (Inherited from MedicalViewerHost)
Public Method DeleteAllViewers Removes all the MedicalViewer controls from the Viewers property.
Public Method DeleteMedicalViewer Remove a MedicalViewer control from the Viewers property. (Inherited from MedicalViewerHost)
Public Method DeleteStudy Deletes the MedicalViewer control used to display a study.
Public Method EnsureLastCellVisible Ensures that the ActiveViewer displays the last cell.
Public Method EnsureSelectedCellVisible Scrolls the ActiveViewer into the selected cell.
Public Method GetCreatedStudies Get all the Study Instance UID values for the created studies.
Public Method GetStudyViewer Returns a MedicalViewer for a study.
Public Method SelectActiveViewerCells Change the selection of the cells in the ActiveViewer (Inherited from MedicalViewerHost)
Public Method SelectStudy Selects the MedicalViewer which displays the provided study.
Public Method SetCellsLayout Set the selected cells layout for all selected MedicalViewer controls. (Inherited from MedicalViewerHost)
Public Method SetViewersLayout Set the selected MedicalViewer controls layout within this control. (Inherited from MedicalViewerHost)
Public Method StudyExists Check if a study has already been created.

Protected Methods

Name Description
Protected Method Dispose(Boolean) Clean up any resources being used.
Protected Method EnsureSelect Make sure that the provided MedicalViewer control is added to or removed from the SelectedViewers (Inherited from MedicalViewerHost)
Protected Method OnActiveViewerChanged Raises the ActiveViewerChanged event. (Inherited from MedicalViewerHost)
Protected Method OnMedicalViewerAdded Raises the MedicalViewerAdded event. (Inherited from MedicalViewerHost)
Protected Method OnMedicalViewerRemoved Raises the MedicalViewerRemoved event. (Inherited from MedicalViewerHost)
Protected Method OnSelectedViewersChanged Raises the SelectedViewersChanged event. (Inherited from MedicalViewerHost)

See Also

StudiesViewer Class

Leadtools.Medical.Workstation Namespace

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