Imaging Common Dialog C API

DLL LIB Header Examples Comments
LTDLG.H \Examples\Main\CDLL\MainDemo Provides both low and high-level functions that can be used to display Imaging Common Dialogs.
Ltdlgkrnu.dll (Win32), Ltdlgkrnx.dll (x64) Ltdlgkrn_u.lib (Win32), Ltdlgkrn_x.lib (x64) \Examples\Main\CDLL\MainDemo The Common Dialog Kernel
Ltdlgclru.dll (Win32), Ltdlgclrx.dll (x64) Ltdlgclr_u.lib (Win32), Ltdlgclr_x.lib (x64) \Examples\Main\CDLL\MainDemo Color Image Processing Dialog
Ltdlgefxu.dll (Win32), Ltdlgefxx.dll (x64) Ltdlgefx_u.lib (Win32), Ltdlgefx_x.lib (x64) \Examples\Main\CDLL\MainDemo Display Effects Dialog
Ltdlgfileu.dll (Win32), Ltdlgfilex.dll (x64) Ltdlgfile_u.lib (Win32), Ltdlgfile_x.lib (x64) \Examples\Main\CDLL\MainDemo File Open/Save Dialog
Ltdlgimgu.dll (Win32), Ltdlgimgx.dll (x64) Ltdlgimg_u.lib (Win32), Ltdlgimg_x.lib (x64) \Examples\Main\CDLL\MainDemo Image Processing Dialog
Ltdlgimgdocu.dll (Win32), Ltdlgimgdocx.dll (x64) Ltdlgimgdoc_u.lib (Win32), Ltdlgimgdoc_x.lib (x64) \Examples\Main\CDLL\MainDemo Document Image Processing Dialog
Ltdlgimgefxu.dll (Win32), Ltdlgimgefxx.dll (x64) Ltdlgimgefx_u.lib (Win32), Ltdlgimgefx_x.lib (x64) \Examples\Main\CDLL\MainDemo Image Effects Dialog
Ltdlgwebu.dll (Win32), Ltdlgwebx.dll (x64) Ltdlgweb_u.lib (Win32), Ltdlgweb_x.lib (x64) \Examples\Main\CDLL\MainDemo Web Tuner Dialog

The LEADTOOLS C API provides the lowest level of Imaging Common Dialog support.

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