Linux : DICOM Basic

The LEADTOOLS Linux toolkit provides DICOM, DICOM directory, file format, and communication support. DICOM file format support includes support for compressed images in the JPEG, LEAD CMP, JPEG-LS, and JPEG 2000 file formats.

SO Header File \Examples\Linux Comments
LIBLTFIL.SO LTFIL.H \CDLL\FC Provides low level support for loading/saving/converting images from/to DICOM files. Requires Ltdicu.dll (Win32), Ltdicx.dll (x64) Provides JPEG compression support. Provides JPEG 2000 support.
LIBLTDIC.SO LTDIC.H \CDLL\DicomDir The LEADTOOLS DICOM DLL provides functions for complete support of the DICOM 3.0 specification, including DICOM Basic Directory (DICOMDIR) and DICOM Waveforms.

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