Xamarin Camera Control

The LEADTOOLS Xamarin Camera Control is a powerful component that provides a common camera API with full control over Android and iOS camera functions. With the LEADTOOLS Xamarin Camera Control, there is no need to write native code for each device platform. One line of XAML markup opens the door to capture images, record video, control the flash/torch, and focus the camera. Additionally, developers can tap the live camera feed to process frames in real-time and add barcode recognition, OCR, image processing filters, and much more.

As of LEADTOOLS V23, the cross-platform Xamarin framework has been deprecated and replaced with LEADTOOLS .NET MAUI Framework.

Feature-rich Xamarin Camera Control SDK

Time Saving Xamarin Camera Control

  • One programmer-friendly interface for all Xamarin mobile platforms that eliminates the need to write native camera code
  • Control auto-focus and touch-to-focus features
  • Flash and Torch controls
  • Record video and snapshots up to the camera's maximum resolution
  • Use the live camera feed to implement custom processing and advanced LEADTOOLS features, including Barcode, OCR, and much more.
Xamarin Camera Control Development Made Easy

Easy to Integrate

LEADTOOLS handles the heavy lifting, eliminating months of R&D, while giving you the best quality and performance available. You'll be free to focus on other components of your application. Download the LEADTOOLS evaluation to streamline your development.

Cross platform libraries

Xamarin Camera Control SDK Platforms and Programming Interfaces

Operating Systems

Projects that use LEADTOOLS Xamarin Camera Control libraries can be deployed to Windows, Android, and iOS devices.


Developers that are leveraging these frameworks can utilize the Xamarin Camera Control SDK: .NET 6+ and Xamarin

Programming, Scripting, Markup

Xamarin Camera Control code snippets and demo applications are provided for the following: C# and VB

Start Coding with LEADTOOLS Xamarin Camera Control

Xamarin Camera Control libraries as well as all LEADTOOLS Recognition, Document, Medical, Vector, and Imaging technologies for all development and target platforms, including Windows, Linux, and macOS.

Download LEADTOOLS Libraries