LEAD Technologies takes great pride in our customers, especially their stories of success. Here, we have compiled some of the stories that have been shared with us. If you have a product that has been developed using LEADTOOLS, let us know, and we'll share your story as well.
Quote Software created a "better way to bid" on construction projects in the HVAC, Sheet Metal, Plumbing, Refrigeration, Waste Water, High Purity, and other mechanical trades. See how LEADTOOLS Document Imaging SDKs helped them load, save, view, and annotate blueprints stored within large PDF and TIFF files.
Power Class 360
'Power Class 360' is bringing The 21st Century Classroom™ to small to medium school districts. With LEADTOOLS Document Imaging Toolkits, Power Class 360 developed an electronic content management and overhead projector replacement system.
IsoSoft Solutions, LLC
Cargo Inspection System
X-Ray Gauge Parts Inspection
With IsoSoft Solutions' Cargo Inspection System, operators can quickly view multiple angles of incoming cargo containers. Additionally, they implemented an X-Ray Gauge Parts Inspection system to automatically inspect manufactured parts for conformance to dimensional tolerances and standards. Both products were developed using LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging toolkits.
Integra Business Systems, Inc.
'iDentifi.Web' is a web-based repository and document management system. 'iDentifi.averscan' is used to scan and OCR high volumes of paper documents into a digital format. Both products were developed using LEADTOOLS Document Imaging toolkits.
Fog Creek Software
'CityDesk' is a desktop web content management system that runs on Windows desktops, using any web server.
Desktop publishing and graphics software—image perfection for print, multimedia, or the web.
Aray Limited
Software for microbiology laboratories
ARAY Limited used LEADTOOLS to develop software for a system used in microbiology laboratories. The implementation required the capture and analysis of petri dish images.
Samsung Research Center
'SmarThru' is the accompanying software for Samsung multifunction printers (MFP). With SmarThru, you can enjoy all MFP capabilities such as printing, multipage scanning, copying, and fax sending and receiving.
Pixid, Inc.
Whiteboard Photo
'Whiteboard Photo' lets users take snapshots of whiteboards, flipcharts, chalkboards, and overhead projections with a digital camera and convert them into crisp, perfect images in seconds.
Accessory Software
Picture Viewer Max
'Picture Viewer Max' is an image and multimedia viewer for Windows that helps users quickly locate, view, edit, print, and send image files over the Internet.
'IntelliVIEW' can view, navigate, and tag large volumes of TIFF and IPRO Tech image formats. 'IntelliSCAN' scans documents to optical laser disks such as CD-ROM for compact storage and easy retrieval.
Mithril Software
'IceView' is a versatile graphics tool that can read and write animated GIFs and more than 40 other image file formats.
Ed Marcus Labs
Automatic Digital Video Motion Analyzer
'Automatic Digital Video Motion Analyzer' incorporates imaging technologies to automatically track white blood cell motions with a computer.
Data Boundary Informática
DBI Traffic Violation Control
'DBI Traffic Violation Control' provides pictures and information on the speeding and red light violations in Rio de Janeiro.