The LEADTOOLS Image Processing app can apply effects to images loaded from your media library or captured using your camera and save the processed images to your camera roll.

This application can do the following:

  • Color: Adaptive Contrast, Adjust Tint, Auto Binary, Auto Color Level, Blur Detection, Change Hue, Change Saturation, Color Resolution, Contrast Brightness Intensity, Dynamic Binary, Fill, Gamma Correct, Grayscale, Intensity Detect, Invert Colors, Posterize, Solarize, Stretch Intensity
  • Transform: Flip, Flip-Reverse, Rotate, Rotate 90 degrees, Shear
  • Document: Anti-Aliasing, Auto Crop, Blank Page Detector, Clear, Crop, Deskew, Despeckle, Dot Remove, Line Remove, Maximum, Median, Minimum, Resize, Subtract Background
  • Effects: Add Noise, Average, Binary Filter, CLAHE, Color Halftone, Desaturate, Edge Detect Effect, Edge Detector, Emboss, Gaussian, High Pass, Offset, Sharpen, Smooth Edges, Spatial Filter
  • Segmentation: K-Means, Lambda Connectedness, Otsu, Perspective Deskew, SRAD Filter, TAD Filter

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App Store Demo Applications

LEAD has published several free applications to the App Store and Google Play. They not only serve as useful tools for your device, but also demonstrate that using LEADTOOLS in your app can pass the stringent approval processes required by mobile device app stores. The LEADTOOLS Evaluation Download helps developers add advanced technology to their mobile app projects.

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