Introduction to LEADTOOLS ActiveX
    Installation and System Files
    Redistributables/Files to Be Included With Your Application
    LEADTOOLS ActiveX Features
    File Formats
    Quick Reference
    Examples and Tutorials
    Properties, Methods, and Events
       Main Control
             AnimationBackColor property (Main Control)
             AnimationBitsPerPixel property (Main Control)
             AnimationEnable property (Main Control)
             AnimationFrameIndex property (Main Control)
             AnimationHeight property (Main Control)
             AnimationLoop property (Main Control)
             AnimationPalette property (Main Control)
             AnimationPause property (Main Control)
             AnimationWidth property (Main Control)
             AnnAutoDialogFontSize property (Main Control)
             AnnAutoDrawEnable property (Main Control)
             AnnAutomation property (Main Control)
             AnnAutoMenuEnable property (Main Control)
             AnnAutoResize property (Main Control)
             AnnAutoRotate property (Main Control)
             AnnBoundingRectHeight property (Main Control)
             AnnBoundingRectLeftproperty (Main Control)
             AnnBoundingRectTop property (Main Control)
             AnnBoundingRectWidth property (Main Control)
             AnnContainer property (Main Control)
             AnnDataPath property (Main Control)
             AnnHyperlinkMenuEnable property (Main Control)
             AnnInfoFormat property (Main Control)
             AnnInfoTotalPages property (Main Control)
             AnnInfoVersion property (Main Control)
             AnnNameBoundingRectHeight property (Main Control)
             AnnNameBoundingRectLeft property (Main Control)
             AnnNameBoundingRectTop property (Main Control)
             AnnNameBoundingRectWidth property (Main Control)
             AnnNameRectHeight property (Main Control)
             AnnNameRectLeft property (Main Control)
             AnnNameRectTop property (Main Control)
             AnnNameRectWidth property (Main Control)
             AnnPasteReady property (Main Control)
             AnnRectHeight property (Main Control)
             AnnRectLeft property (Main Control)
             AnnRectTop property (Main Control)
             AnnRectWidth property (Main Control)
             AnnSelectRectHeight property (Main Control)
             AnnSelectRectLeft property (Main Control)
             AnnSelectRectTop property (Main Control)
             AnnSelectRectWidth property (Main Control)
             AnnShowLockedIcon property (Main Control)
             AnnTool property (Main Control)
             AnnToolbar property (Main Control)
             AnnUndoDepth property (Main Control)
             AnnUndoEnable property (Main Control)
             AnnUserMode property (Main Control)
             Appearance property (Main Control)
             AutoAnimate property (Main Control)
             AutoAnimationLoop property (Main Control)
             AutoPan property (Main Control)
             AutoRepaint property (Main Control)
             AutoRubberBand property (Main Control)
             AutoSetRects property (Main Control)
             AutoSetTool property (Main Control)
             AutoSize property (Main Control)
             BackColor property (Main Control)
             BackErase property (Main Control)
             BackgroundImageHeight property (Main Control)
             BackgroundImageLeft property (Main Control)
             BackgroundImageTop property (Main Control)
             BackgroundImageWidth property (Main Control)
             BezierSize property (Main Control)
             BezierX property (Main Control)
             BezierY property (Main Control)
             Bitmap property (Main Control)
             BitmapAlpha property (Main Control)
             BitmapBits property (Main Control)
             BitmapCompression property (Main Control)
             BitmapDataPath property (Main Control)
             BitmapDelay property (Main Control)
             BitmapDisposalMethod property (Main Control)
             BitmapEnableTransparency property (Main Control)
             BitmapHeight property (Main Control)
             BitmapLeft property (Main Control)
             BitmapList property (Main Control)
             BitmapListCount property (Main Control)
             BitmapListIndex property (Main Control)
             BitmapPalette property (Main Control)
             BitmapSize property (Main Control)
             BitmapTop property (Main Control)
             BitmapWidth property (Main Control)
             BitmapXRes property (Main Control)
             BitmapYRes property (Main Control)
             BitonalScaling property (Main Control)
             BorderStyle property (Main Control)
             ButtonBitmapDown property (Main Control)
             ButtonBitmapUp property (Main Control)
             ButtonColumns property (Main Control)
             ButtonCount property (Main Control)
             ButtonMenuText property (Main Control)
             ButtonMenuTextID property (Main Control)
             ButtonMenuTool property (Main Control)
             ButtonRows property (Main Control)
             ButtonTool property (Main Control)
             ButtonToolCount property (Main Control)
             ButtonToolTipText property (Main Control)
             ButtonToolTipTextID property (Main Control)
             ButtonVisible property (Main Control)
             CenterImage property (Main Control)
             ColorPlanes property (Main Control)
             Comment property (Main Control)
             ConvertX property (Main Control)
             ConvertY property (Main Control)
             Count property (Main Control)
             CurveClose property (Main Control)
             CurveSize property (Main Control)
             CurveTension property (Main Control)
             CurveType property (Main Control)
             CurveX property (Main Control)
             CurveY property (Main Control)
             DataField property (Main Control)
             DataChanged property (Main Control)
             DataLoadBits property (Main Control)
             DataSaveBits property (Main Control)
             DataSaveFormat property (Main Control)
             DataSaveQuality property (Main Control)
             DataSource property (Main Control)
             dbCanAppend property (Main Control)
             dbCanRestart property (Main Control)
             dbCanScroll property (Main Control)
             dbCanUpdate property (Main Control)
             dbCurrentRecord property (Main Control)
             dbEditMode property (Main Control)
             dbIsBOF property (Main Control)
             dbIsDeleted property (Main Control)
             dbIsEOF property (Main Control)
             dbIsOpen property (Main Control)
             dbLoadBits property (Main Control)
             dbLockingMode property (Main Control)
             dbRecordCount property (Main Control)
             DocCleanBitmap property (Main Control)
             DocCleanSuccess property (Main Control)
             DoubleBuffer property (Main Control)
             DrawFillColor property (Main Control)
             DrawFillStyle property (Main Control)
             DrawFontColor property (Main Control)
             DrawMode property (Main Control)
             DrawPenColor property (Main Control)
             DrawPenStyle property (Main Control)
             DrawPenWidth property (Main Control)
             DrawPersistence property (Main Control)
             DstClipHeight property (Main Control)
             DstClipLeft property (Main Control)
             DstClipTop property (Main Control)
             DstClipWidth property (Main Control)
             DstHeight property (Main Control)
             DstLeft property (Main Control)
             DstTop property (Main Control)
             DstWidth property (Main Control)
             EffectDelay property (Main Control)
             EffectGrain property (Main Control)
             Enabled property (Main Control)
             EnableFastRender property (Main Control)
             EnableFilePageLoadedEvent property (Main Control)
             EnableKeyboard property (Main Control)
             EnableMethodErrors property (Main Control)
             EnableMouseWheel property (Main Control)
             EnableOLEDragMethod property (Main Control)
             EnablePaint property (Main Control)
             EnableProgressEvent property (Main Control)
             EnableSaveBufferEvent property (Main Control)
             EnableScroll property (Main Control)
             EnableZoomInRect property (Main Control)
             FileSizeWritten property (Main Control)
             Floater property (Main Control)
             FloaterDstClipHeight property (Main Control)
             FloaterDstClipLeft property (Main Control)
             FloaterDstClipTop property (Main Control)
             FloaterDstClipWidth property (Main Control)
             FloaterDstHeight property (Main Control)
             FloaterDstLeft property (Main Control)
             FloaterDstTop property (Main Control)
             FloaterDstWidth property (Main Control)
             FloaterHeight property (Main Control)
             FloaterVisible property (Main Control)
             FloaterWidth property (Main Control)
             Font property (Main Control)
             ForePalette property (Main Control)
             FrameColor property (Main Control)
             FrameInnerHiliteColor property (Main Control)
             FrameInnerShadowColor property (Main Control)
             FrameInnerStyle property (Main Control)
             FrameInnerThickness property (Main Control)
             FrameOuterHiliteColor property (Main Control)
             FrameOuterShadowColor property (Main Control)
             FrameOuterStyle property (Main Control)
             FrameOuterThickness property (Main Control)
             FrameThickness property (Main Control)
             GradientEndColor property (Main Control)
             GradientStartColor property (Main Control)
             GradientSteps property (Main Control)
             GradientStyle property (Main Control)
             HasMagGlass property (Main Control)
             HasRgn property (Main Control)
             HistogramGrayTable property (Main Control)
             HistogramGrayTableSize property (Main Control)
             HistogramTable property (Main Control)
             HistogramTableSize property (Main Control)
             HScrollInfo property (Main Control)
             HTable property (Main Control)
             HTableL property (Main Control)
             hDocCleanRgn property property (Main Control)
             hWnd property (Main Control)
             hWnd property (Main Control)
             InfoAnimation property (Main Control)
             InfoAnimationHeight property (Main Control)
             InfoAnimationWidth property (Main Control)
             InfoBits property (Main Control)
             InfoCompress property (Main Control)
             InfoFormat property (Main Control)
             InfoHasAlpha property (Main Control)
             InfoHeight property (Main Control)
             InfoIFD property (Main Control)
             InfoLayers property (Main Control)
             InfoPage property (Main Control)
             InfoPCDRes property (Main Control)
             InfoSizeDisk property (Main Control)
             InfoSizeMem property (Main Control)
             InfoTotalPages property (Main Control)
             InfoViewPerspective property (Main Control)
             InfoWidth property (Main Control)
             InfoXRes property (Main Control)
             InfoYRes property (Main Control)
             IsGrayscale property (Main Control)
             IsSigned property (Main Control)
             ItemChecked property (Main Control)
             ItemEnabled property (Main Control)
             ItemID property (Main Control)
             ItemString property (Main Control)
             ItemType property (Main Control)
             J2KCBS_ErrorResilienceSymbol property (Main Control)
             J2KCBS_PredictableTermination property (Main Control)
             J2KCBS_ResetContextOnBoundaries property (Main Control)
             J2KCBS_SelectiveACBypass property (Main Control)
             J2KCBS_TerminationOnEachPass property (Main Control)
             J2KCBS_VerticallyCausalContext property (Main Control)
             J2KCodBlockHeight property (Main Control)
             J2KCodBlockWidth property (Main Control)
             J2KCompressionControl property (Main Control)
             J2KCompressionRatio property (Main Control)
             J2KDecompLevel property (Main Control)
             J2KDerivedBaseExponent property (Main Control)
             J2KDerivedBaseMantissa property (Main Control)
             J2KDerivedQuantization property (Main Control)
             J2KGuardBits property (Main Control)
             J2KProgressOrder property (Main Control)
             J2KROIControl property (Main Control)
             J2KROIHeight property (Main Control)
             J2KROILeft property (Main Control)
             J2KROITop property (Main Control)
             J2KROIWidth property (Main Control)
             J2KTargetFileSize property (Main Control)
             J2KUseColorTransform property (Main Control)
             J2KUseEPHMarker property (Main Control)
             J2KUseROI property (Main Control)
             J2KUseSOPMarker property (Main Control)
             J2KXOsiz property (Main Control)
             J2KXTOsiz property (Main Control)
             J2KXTsiz property (Main Control)
             J2KYOsiz property (Main Control)
             J2KYTOsiz property (Main Control)
             J2KYTsiz property (Main Control)
             LayerBlendModeKey property (Main Control)
             LayerClipping property (Main Control)
             LayerLeft property (Main Control)
             LayerMaskBitmap property (Main Control)
             LayerOpacity property (Main Control)
             LayerTop property (Main Control)
             LevelHighBit property (Main Control)
             LevelLowBit property (Main Control)
             LevelLUT property (Main Control)
             LevelLUTLength property (Main Control)
             LineProfileBlue property (Main Control)
             LineProfileGreen property (Main Control)
             LineProfileRed property (Main Control)
             LineProfileSize property (Main Control)
             LoadCompressed property (Main Control)
             LoadIFD property (Main Control)
             LoadInfoBits property (Main Control)
             LoadInfoFlags property (Main Control)
             LoadInfoFormat property (Main Control)
             LoadInfoHeight property (Main Control)
             LoadInfoOffset property (Main Control)
             LoadInfoWidth property (Main Control)
             LoadInfoXRes property (Main Control)
             LoadInfoYRes property (Main Control)
             LoadResolutionCount property (Main Control)
             LoadResolutionHeight property (Main Control)
             LoadResolutionWidth property (Main Control)
             LoadSigned property (Main Control)
             LoadUseViewPerspective property (Main Control)
             MagGlassFlags property (Main Control)
             MagGlassMask property (Main Control)
             MagGlassMaskCount property (Main Control)
             MagGlassPaintContrast property (Main Control)
             MagGlassPaintGamma property (Main Control)
             MagGlassPaintIntensity property (Main Control)
             MaskTable property (Main Control)
             MaskTableL property (Main Control)
             MaxBit property (Main Control)
             MaxVal property (Main Control)
             MinBit property (Main Control)
             MinVal property (Main Control)
             MouseIcon property (Main Control)
             MousePointer property (Main Control)
             OLEDragCursor property (Main Control)
             OLEDropAllowed property (Main Control)
             OLEDropAutoLoad property (Main Control)
             PaintContrast property (Main Control)
             PaintDither property (Main Control)
             PaintEffect property (Main Control)
             PaintGamma property (Main Control)
             PaintIntensity property (Main Control)
             PaintMaxPasses property (Main Control)
             PaintNotificationDelay property (Main Control)
             PaintPalette property (Main Control)
             PaintPass property (Main Control)
             PaintRgnOnly property (Main Control)
             PaintROP3 property (Main Control)
             PaintScaling property (Main Control)
             PaintSizeMode property (Main Control)
             PaintSizeUseDPI property (Main Control)
             PaintWhileLoad property (Main Control)
             PaintZoomFactor property (Main Control)
             PanWinBitonalScaling property (Main Control)
             PanWinCursor property (Main Control)
             PanWinHeight property (Main Control)
             PanWinIcon property (Main Control)
             PanWinPaintDither property (Main Control)
             PanWinPaintPalette property (Main Control)
             PanWinPaintScaling property (Main Control)
             PanWinPointer property (Main Control)
             PanWinRectColor property (Main Control)
             PanWinSysMenu property (Main Control)
             PanWinTitle property (Main Control)
             PanWinWidth property (Main Control)
             PanWinX property (Main Control)
             PanWinY property (Main Control)
             PatternBackColor property (Main Control)
             PatternForeColor property (Main Control)
             PatternStyle property (Main Control)
             PCDRes property (Main Control)
             PDFDisplayDepth property (Main Control)
             PDFGraphicsAlpha property (Main Control)
             PDFSaveLowMemory property (Main Control)
             PDFSaveUseDPI property (Main Control)
             PDFTextAlpha property (Main Control)
             PDFXResolution property (Main Control)
             PDFUseLibFonts property (Main Control)
             PDFYResolution property (Main Control)
             Pixel property (Main Control)
             PixelData property (Main Control)
             PolygonSize property (Main Control)
             PolygonX property (Main Control)
             PolygonY property (Main Control)
             PreferredLoadFormat property (Main Control)
             PrinterScaleHeight property (Main Control)
             PrinterScaleWidth property (Main Control)
             ProgressivePasses property (Main Control)
             ReadyState property (Main Control)
             RefBitmap property (Main Control)
             RefBitmapList property (Main Control)
             RemapHueTablesSize property (Main Control)
             RemapTable property (Main Control)
             RemapTableSize property (Main Control)
             RenderCenter property (Main Control)
             RgnFrameColor property (Main Control)
             RgnFrameType property (Main Control)
             RgnHeight property (Main Control)
             RgnLeft property (Main Control)
             RgnMarkingMode property (Main Control)
             RgnTop property (Main Control)
             RgnWidth property (Main Control)
             RubberBandHeight property (Main Control)
             RubberBandLeft property (Main Control)
             RubberBandTop property (Main Control)
             RubberBandVisible property (Main Control)
             RubberBandWidth property (Main Control)
             SaveBufferAddress property (Main Control)
             SaveBufferSize property (Main Control)
             SaveIFD property (Main Control)
             SaveInterlaced property (Main Control)
             SaveLayers property (Main Control)
             SaveLSB property (Main Control)
             SavePad4 property (Main Control)
             SavePage property (Main Control)
             SavePageNumberTag property (Main Control)
             SaveResolutionCount property (Main Control)
             SaveResolutionHeight property (Main Control)
             SaveResolutionWidth property (Main Control)
             SaveTileHeight property (Main Control)
             SaveTileWidth property (Main Control)
             ScaleHeight property (Main Control)
             ScaleLeft property (Main Control)
             ScaleMode property (Main Control)
             ScaleTop property (Main Control)
             ScaleWidth property (Main Control)
             ShadowColor property (Main Control)
             ShadowXDepth property (Main Control)
             ShadowYDepth property (Main Control)
             ShapeBackgroundStyle property (Main Control)
             ShapeBorderColor property (Main Control)
             ShapeBorderStyle property (Main Control)
             ShapeBorderThickness property (Main Control)
             ShapeHeight property (Main Control)
             ShapeInnerBandHiliteColor property (Main Control)
             ShapeInnerBandShadowColor property (Main Control)
             ShapeInnerBandStyle property (Main Control)
             ShapeInnerBandThickness property (Main Control)
             ShapeLeft property (Main Control)
             ShapeOuterBandHiliteColor property (Main Control)
             ShapeOuterBandShadowColor property (Main Control)
             ShapeOuterBandStyle property (Main Control)
             ShapeOuterBandThickness property (Main Control)
             ShapeTop property (Main Control)
             ShapeWidth property (Main Control)
             SrcClipHeight property (Main Control)
             SrcClipLeft property (Main Control)
             SrcClipTop property (Main Control)
             SrcClipWidth property (Main Control)
             SrcHeight property (Main Control)
             SrcLeft property (Main Control)
             SrcTop property (Main Control)
             SrcWidth property (Main Control)
             STable property (Main Control)
             STableL property (Main Control)
             TextAlign property (Main Control)
             TextAngle property (Main Control)
             TextHeight property (Main Control)
             TextHiliteColor property (Main Control)
             TextLeft property (Main Control)
             TextStyle property (Main Control)
             TextTop property (Main Control)
             TextWidth property (Main Control)
             TextWordWrap property (Main Control)
             Tool property (Main Control)
             TransitionEffect property (Main Control)
             TransitionStyle property (Main Control)
             Transparent property (Main Control)
             TransparentColor property (Main Control)
             UserLUTCurveSize property (Main Control)
             UserLUTCurveX property (Main Control)
             UserLUTCurveY property (Main Control)
             UserPalette property (Main Control)
             UseTransparentColor property (Main Control)
             VersionDate property (Main Control)
             VersionLevel property (Main Control)
             VersionMajor property (Main Control)
             VersionMinor property (Main Control)
             VersionProduct property (Main Control)
             VersionTime property (Main Control)
             Visible property (Main Control)
             VScrollInfo property (Main Control)
             VTable property (Main Control)
             VTableL property (Main Control)
             WandColor property (Main Control)
             WandSize property (Main Control)
             WindowLevelBitmap property (Main Control)
             WriteMarkerAction property (Main Control)
    Syntax and Key Codes