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AnnAutomationManager Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by AnnAutomationManager.

Public Constructors

Name Description
AnnAutomationManager Initializes a new instance of the AnnAutomationManager class.

Public Methods

Name Description
CreateDefaultObjectContextMenu Creates the context menu associated with a certain ID.
CreateDefaultObjects Creates the default automation annotation objects.
CreateToolBar Creates the automation toolbar.
FindObject Finds the AnnAutomationObject associated with a certain ID.

Public Properties

Name Description
Automations Gets the collection of AnnAutomation objects in this AnnAutomationManager.
ContextMenu Gets or sets the main automation context menu.
ControlPoint Gets or sets the System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.Thumb object for all AnnEditDesigner derived classes.
ControlPointNESWCursor Gets or sets the System.Windows.Input.Cursor mouse pointer image used when the cursor is over the upper right or lower left control point of a rectangular selection.
ControlPointNSCursor Gets or sets the System.Windows.Input.Cursor mouse pointer image used when the cursor is over the upper middle or lower middle control point of a rectangular selection.
ControlPointNWSECursor Gets or sets the System.Windows.Input.Cursor mouse pointer image used when the cursor is over the upper left or lower right control point of a rectangular selection.
ControlPointsGap Gets or sets a value that indicates which control points to display.
ControlPointWECursor Gets or sets the System.Windows.Input.Cursor mouse pointer image used when the cursor is over a side middle control point of a rectangular selection.
CurrentObjectId Gets or sets the current automation object ID.
CurrentRubberStampType Gets or sets the current automation rubber stamp object type.
EditObjectAfterDraw Gets or sets a value that indicates whether new drawn objects are selected (edited).
GroupEditFrameBackPen Gets or sets the background System.Windows.Media.Color used when drawing the group outline for all AnnEditDesigner derived classes.
GroupEditFrameForePen Gets or sets the foreground System.Windows.Media.Color used when drawing the group outline for all AnnEditDesigner derived classes.
GroupEditObjectPen Gets or sets the object outline System.Windows.Media.Color used when drawing selected objects in a group for all AnnEditDesigner derived classes.
MaintainAspectRatio Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to preserve the aspect ratio when moving a corner control point for all AnnEditDesigner derived classes.
MultiSelectModifierKey Gets or sets the multi-select modifier key.
ObjectPropertiesDialogType Gets or sets the object's properties dialog.
Objects Gets the collection of AnnAutomationObject objects in this AnnAutomationManager
PasswordDialogType Gets or sets the password dialog.
RedactionRealizePassword Gets or sets the password used for realization of AnnRedactionObject objects.
RotateCenterControlPoint Gets or sets the System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.Thumb object used for the rotate center control point for all AnnEditDesigner derived classes.
RotateGripperControlPoint Gets or sets the System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.Thumb object used for the rotate gripper control point for all AnnEditDesigner derived classes.
RotateLinePen Gets or sets the System.Windows.Media.Color used to draw a line between the rotate control points for all AnnEditDesigner derived objects.
RotateModifierKey Gets or sets the rotate modifier key.
RubberStampButtonDropDownContextMenu Gets or sets the context menu for the rubber stamp toolbar button of this AnnAutomationManager.
RunCursor Gets or sets the cursor used in run mode when hovering over an object.
SelectedObjectCursor Gets or sets the System.Windows.Input.Cursor mouse pointer image used when the cursor is over a selected object.
SelectObjectCursor Gets or sets the System.Windows.Input.Cursor mouse pointer image used when hovering over an unselected annotation object.
SelectRectangleCursor Gets or sets the System.Windows.Input.Cursor mouse pointer image used when dragging and selecting a group of objects.
ShowControlPoints Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to show the control points.
ShowTextObjectEditWindowAfterDraw Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to show a text edit window after a text object is drawn.
ShowTextObjectsPropertiesDialogAfterDraw Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to show the object properties dialog after a text object is drawn.
ToolBar Gets the automation toolbar.
UseNewMultilineBehavior Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to cancel the drawing of a multi-point object, if the mouse cursor was clicked and released in the same position.
UserMode Gets or sets the current user mode.

Public Events

Name Description
CurrentObjectIdChanged Occurs when the value of the CurrentObjectId property changes.
CurrentRubberStampTypeChanged Occurs when the value of the CurrentRubberStampType property changes.
UserModeChanged Occurs when the value of the UserMode property changes.

Public Fields

Name Description
AudioObjectId The automation id for AnnAudioObject.
ButtonObjectId The automation ID for AnnButtonObject.
ClosedCurveObjectId The automation ID for AnnClosedCurveObject.
CrossProductObjectId The automation id for AnnCrossProductObject.
CurveObjectId The automation ID for AnnCurveObject.
EllipseObjectId The automation ID for AnnEllipseObject.
EncryptObjectId The automation id for AnnEncryptObject.
FreehandHotspotObjectId The automation ID for AnnFreehandHotspotObject.
FreehandObjectId The automation ID for a freehand AnnPolylineObject.
GroupObjectId The automation ID for AnnGroupObject.
HiliteObjectId The automation ID for AnnHiliteObject.
HotspotObjectId The automation ID for AnnHotspotObject.
LineObjectId The automation ID for AnnLineObject.
NoteObjectId The automation ID for AnnNoteObject.
PointerObjectId The automation ID for AnnPointerObject.
PointObjectId The automation ID for AnnPointObject.
PolygonObjectId The automation ID for AnnPolygonObject.
PolylineObjectId The automation ID for AnnPolylineObject.
PolyRulerObjectId The automation id for AnnPolyRulerObject.
ProtractorObjectId The automation id for AnnProtractorObject.
RectangleObjectId The automation ID for AnnRectangleObject.
RedactionObjectId The automation ID for AnnRedactionObject.
RichTextObjectId The automation id for AnnRichTextObject.
RubberStampObjectId The automation ID for AnnRubberStampObject.
RulerObjectId The automation id for AnnRulerObject.
SelectObjectId The automation ID for the selected object.
StampObjectId The automation ID for AnnStampObject.
TextObjectId The automation ID for AnnTextObject.
TextPointerObjectId The automation ID for AnnTextPointerObject.
TextRollupObjectId The automation ID for AnnTextRollupObject.
UserObjectId The automation ID for user-defined AnnObject derived classes.
VideoObjectId The automation id for AnnVideoObject.
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