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AnnCrossProductObject Class


For a list of all members of this type, see AnnCrossProductObject members

Public Methods

Name Description
Clone Creates an exact copy of this AnnCrossProductObject object.
ResetRotatePoints The AnnCrossProductObject implementation of AnnObject.ResetRotatePoints.
RestoreOriginalLocation The AnnCrossProductObject implementation of AnnObject.RestoreOriginalLocation.
SaveOriginalLocation The AnnCrossProductObject implementation of AnnObject.SaveOriginalLocation.
UpdateIntersectionPoint Updates the IntersectionPoint value of this AnnCrossProductObject
UpdateSecondPoints Updates the SecondStartPoint and SecondEndPointvalues of this AnnCrossProductObject

Protected Methods

Name Description
Create Creates a new instance of this AnnCrossProductObject object.
GetTransformPoints Gets the array of points to be transformed.
OnDpiXChanged Occurs when the value DpiX property changes.
OnDpiYChanged Occurs when the value DpiY property changes.
OnFirstEndPointChanged Occurs when the value FirstEndPoint property changes.
OnFirstStartPointChanged Occurs when the value FirstStartPoint property changes.
OnFontDecorationChanged Occurs when the value FontDecoration property changes.
OnFontFamilyNameChanged Occurs when the value FontFamilyName property changes.
OnFontSizeChanged Occurs when the value FontSize property changes.
OnFontStretchChanged Occurs when the value FontStretch property changes.
OnFontStyleChanged Occurs when the value FontStyle property changes.
OnFontWeightChanged Occurs when the value FontWeight property changes.
OnGaugeLengthChanged Occurs when the value GaugeLength property changes.
OnIntersectionPointChanged Occurs when the value IntersectionPoint property changes.
OnMeasurementUnitChanged Occurs when the value MeasurementUnit property changes.
OnPrecisionChanged Occurs when the value Precision property changes.
OnRestrictLengthChanged Occurs when the value RestrictLength property changes.
OnSecondEndPointChanged Occurs when the value SecondEndPoint property changes.
OnSecondStartPointChanged Occurs when the value SecondStartPoint property changes.
OnShowGaugeChanged Occurs when the value ShowGauge property changes.
OnShowLengthChanged Occurs when the value ShowLength property changes.
OnShowTickMarksChanged Occurs when the value ShowTickMarks property changes.
OnStrokeChanged Overrides AnnObject.OnStrokeChanged.
OnTickMarksLengthChanged Occurs when the value TickMarksLength property changes.
OnUnitAbbreviationChanged Occurs when the value UnitAbbreviation property changes.
SetTransformPoints Sets the array of transformed points.
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