AnnAfterObjectChangedEventArgs |
Provides data for the AnnAutomation.AfterObjectChanged event. |
AnnAudioObject |
Defines an audio annotation object. |
AnnAudioRunDesigner |
This class extends AnnRunDesigner to provide functionality for running an AnnAudioObject on an annotation container. |
AnnAutomation |
Manages the automation for an annotation container and a viewer. |
AnnAutomationManager |
Manages the automation mode for an annotation application. |
AnnAutomationObject |
Defines all the properties needed to automate an annotation object. |
AnnBeforeObjectChangedEventArgs |
Provides data for the BeforeObjectChanged event. |
AnnBrush |
Defines objects used to fill an annotation object. Classes that derive from AnnBrush describe how the area is filled. |
AnnButtonObject |
Defines an annotation push button object. |
AnnButtonRunDesigner |
This class extends AnnRunDesigner to provide functionality for running an AnnButtonObject on an annotation container. |
AnnClosedCurveObject |
Defines a closed annotation curve object. |
AnnCodecs |
Provides support for loading and saving objects to annotation files. |
AnnCodecsInformation |
Provides information on an annotation file or stream. |
AnnCodecsInvalidFormatException |
The exception that is thrown for an invalid Annotation file format. |
AnnContainer |
Represents an Annotation container. |
AnnControlDrawDesigner |
This class extends the AnnRectangleDrawDesigner class to provide functionality for drawing an AnnNoteObject on an annotation container. |
AnnCrossProductDrawDesigner |
This class extends the AnnDrawDesigner class to provide functionality for drawing an AnnCrossProductObject on an annotation container. |
AnnCrossProductEditDesigner |
This class extends AnnEditDesigner to provide functionality for editing an AnnCrossProductObject on an annotation container. |
AnnCrossProductObject |
Defines an annotation cross product object. |
AnnCurveObject |
Defines an annotation curve object. |
AnnDesigner |
The base class for all the designers in the annotation toolkit. |
AnnDrawDesigner |
This class extends the AnnDesigner class to provide standard functionality for drawing Annotation objects on an annotation container. |
AnnDrawDesignerEventArgs |
Provides data for the Draw event. |
AnnDrawingBrush |
Provides options for how to paint a region using a System.Windows.Media.Drawing, which can include shapes, text, video, images, or other drawings. |
AnnEditDesigner |
This class extends AnnDesigner to provide standard functionality for editing Annotation objects on an annotation container. |
AnnEditDesignerEventArgs |
Provides data for the Edit event. |
AnnEllipseObject |
Defines an annotation ellipse object. |
AnnEncryptObject |
Defines an annotation encrypt object. |
AnnFreehandDrawDesigner |
This class extends the AnnDrawDesigner class to provide functionality for drawing a freehand AnnPolylineObject on an annotation container. |
AnnFreehandHotspotObject |
Defines an annotation freehand hot spot object. |
AnnGradientBrush |
An abstract class that describes a gradient, composed of gradient stops. Classes that inherit from AnnGradientBrush describe different ways of interpreting gradient stops. |
AnnGradientStop |
Describes the location and color of a transition point in a gradient. |
AnnGradientStopCollection |
Defines a collection of AnnGradientStop objects. |
AnnGroupEditDesigner |
This class extends AnnEditDesigner to provide functionality for editing an AnnGroupObject on an annotation container. |
AnnGroupObject |
This class provides support for creating and managing annotation group objects. |
AnnHiliteObject |
Defines an annotation hilite object. |
AnnHotspotObject |
Defines an annotation hot spot object. |
AnnImageObject |
Defines an annotation image object. |
AnnLinearGradientBrush |
Fills an annotation object with a linear gradient. |
AnnLineDrawDesigner |
This class extends the AnnDrawDesigner class to provide functionality for drawing an AnnLineObject on an annotation container. |
AnnLineEditDesigner |
This class extends AnnEditDesigner to provide functionality for editing an AnnLineObject on an annotation container. |
AnnLineObject |
Defines an annotation line object. |
AnnNoteObject |
The note annotation object. |
AnnObject |
This is the base class for all annotation objects. |
AnnObjectCollection |
Represents an ordered collection of AnnObject. |
AnnObjectCollectionEventArgs |
Provides information for AnnObjectCollection.ObjectAdded and AnnObjectCollection.ObjectRemoved methods. |
AnnPicture |
Defines an annotation picture along with its transparency information. |
AnnPointDrawDesigner |
This class extends the AnnDrawDesigner class to provide functionality for drawing an AnnPointObject on an annotation container. |
AnnPointEditDesigner |
This class extends AnnEditDesigner to provide functionality for editing an AnnPointObject on an annotation container. |
AnnPointerObject |
Defines an annotation pointer object. |
AnnPointObject |
Defines an annotation point object. |
AnnPolygonObject |
Defines an annotation polygon object. |
AnnPolylineDrawDesigner |
This class extends the AnnDrawDesigner class to provide functionality for drawing an AnnPolylineObject on an annotation container. |
AnnPolylineEditDesigner |
This class extends AnnEditDesigner to provide functionality for editing an AnnPolylineObject on an annotation container. |
AnnPolylineObject |
Defines an annotation polyline object. |
AnnPolyRulerObject |
Defines an annotation polyruler object. |
AnnProtractorDrawDesigner |
This class extends the AnnDrawDesigner class to provide functionality for drawing an AnnProtractorObject on an annotation container. |
AnnProtractorEditDesigner |
This class extends AnnEditDesigner to provide functionality for editing an AnnProtractorObject on an annotation container. |
AnnProtractorObject |
Defines an annotation protractor object. |
AnnRectangleDrawDesigner |
This class extends the AnnDrawDesigner class to provide functionality for drawing an AnnRectangleObject on an annotation container. |
AnnRectangleEditDesigner |
This class extends AnnEditDesigner to provide functionality for editing an AnnRectangleObject on an annotation container. |
AnnRectangleObject |
Defines an annotation rectangle object. |
AnnRedactionObject |
Defines an annotation redaction object. |
AnnRichTextDrawDesigner |
This class extends the AnnRectangleDrawDesigner class to provide functionality for drawing an AnnRichTextObject on an annotation container. |
AnnRichTextEditDesigner |
This class extends AnnRectangleEditDesigner to provide functionality for editing an AnnRichTextObject on an annotation container. |
AnnRichTextObject |
This class provides support for creating and managing Rich Text annotation objects |
AnnRubberStampObject |
Defines an annotation stamp object. |
AnnRulerObject |
This class provides support for creating and managing Ruler annotation objects. |
AnnRunDesigner |
This class extends AnnDesigner to provide standard functionality for running Annotation objects on an annotation container. |
AnnRunDesignerEventArgs |
Provides data for the Run event. |
AnnSelectObject |
Defines an annotation select object. |
AnnSnapToGridOptions |
Options for annotation snap to grid behavior in annotation automation design mode. |
AnnSolidColorBrush |
Fills an annotation object with a solid color. |
AnnStampObject |
Defines an annotation stamp object. |
AnnTextDrawDesigner |
This class extends the AnnRectangleDrawDesigner class to provide functionality for drawing an AnnTextObject on an annotation container. |
AnnTextEditDesigner |
This class extends AnnRectangleEditDesigner to provide functionality for editing an AnnTextObject on an annotation container. |
AnnTextObject |
This class provides support for creating and managing Text annotation objects |
AnnTextPointerDrawDesigner |
This class extends the AnnRectangleDrawDesigner class to provide functionality for drawing an AnnTextPointerObject on an annotation container. |
AnnTextPointerEditDesigner |
This class extends AnnTextEditDesigner to provide functionality for editing an AnnTextPointerObject on an annotation container. |
AnnTextPointerObject |
This class provides support for creating and managing text pointer objects. |
AnnTextRollupObject |
This class provides support for creating and managing text rollup annotation objects. |
AnnTextRollupRunDesigner |
This class extends AnnRunDesigner to provide functionality for running an AnnTextRollupObject on an annotation container. |
AnnTileBrush |
Provides options for how to paint a region using tiles. |
AnnToolBar |
The toolbar class used with the automation mode in the LEADTOOLS Annotations class library. |
AnnVideoObject |
Defines a video annotation object. |
AnnVideoRunDesigner |
This class extends AnnRunDesigner to provide functionality for running an AnnVideoObject on an annotation container. |
AnnVisualBrush |
Provides options for how to paint a region using a System.Windows.Media.Visual. |